Worlds Apart: worldviews… Part 2: Comparing the two

Worlds Apart: the two basic worldviews every worldview belongs to… Part 2: Comparing the two worldviewsIf you haven’t read part 1, it’s here…Like you, I want certainty. Like you, I want to be sure. And like you, I want to understand how the world works.Why? Because we are coming from a personal worldview that Life … Continue reading “Worlds Apart: worldviews… Part 2: Comparing the two”

Case Study: Abraham Channeled by Esther Hicks

Some people, some modalities sound true-ish, make you feel better, and yet when I look at the vibration of the followers, the vibration isn’t raised. Something about the foundation of the program is off… it just dupes you.

A life worth living or peak experiences: choose!

Turning Point: Create a life worth livingPeople are looking for higher consciousness, they are looking for the peak experience.No one, it seems, in the area of spirituality, is looking for a great life.People that are looking for a great life are busy creating a great life.People who are looking for higher consciousness are people who … Continue reading “A life worth living or peak experiences: choose!”

What makes Keanu Reeves someone you’d want to learn from?

One of the biggest difficulties in raising your vibration, raising your consciousness, is your vocabulary. Connecting it to your life.Unless you know what being, how, who words really really really mean, your vibration cannot rise. Your vocabulary makes you not just live in the world, but be OF THE WORLD… i.e. have the consciousness, awareness, … Continue reading “What makes Keanu Reeves someone you’d want to learn from?”

How to insult a whole subcontinent? Say you don’t like…

How to insult a whole subcontinent? Say you don’t like their food…Back in 1970, my mother hosted a symposium on some urban planning issue… and a few American professors attended. At a dinner my mother asked me to attend, I spoke to those professors, and they liked me… This was a year before I graduated … Continue reading “How to insult a whole subcontinent? Say you don’t like…”

Want compassion? You need to raise your vibration

If you are like me: you want compassion. Especially for your mistakes, your failings. You want understanding. And guess what: it is not easy to come by.People judge you, like you judge them. People ignore you like you ignore them.Compassion: you can’t ask for it, you can’t teach it. You can’t mandate it. You’ll find … Continue reading “Want compassion? You need to raise your vibration”

Reading, learning, consolidating, developing your brain

The Complete Guide to Effective Readingrepublished from  ResearchgateLearning is a heavily misunderstood concept.As a paradigm example of deep work, we understand that, when reading, directing your full attention to the material at hand is essential. Grasping complex information is hard.But this is only half the battle.After some string of words hits your retina and has made its way to your brain, … Continue reading “Reading, learning, consolidating, developing your brain”

A full 93% of humanity and 97% of my readers live as an object in a world of objects

I looked at yesterday’s top picture on the article quoting Socrates. He is quoted saying: Be kind for everyone is fighting a hard battle… That saying can only be said by someone who lives as a person and considers others as a person as well… The minute minority of humanity.In Socrates age more people would … Continue reading “A full 93% of humanity and 97% of my readers live as an object in a world of objects”

Authenticity: Beware the barrenness of a busy life… ~Socrates

Beware the barrenness of a busy life. ~ SocratesThere is never a time when new distraction will not show up; we sow them, so several will grow from the same seed. ~ Seneca the elderYou better train yourself to manage your attention. Focus determines the quality of your lifeThese above are all quotes… We read … Continue reading “Authenticity: Beware the barrenness of a busy life… ~Socrates”