Ugly is rising. Retain your good in this new environment?

If you give it enough time, the ugly, the ugly in people will feel safe and it will come out to show itself.I spent some time this morning looking at the British royals and their soul correction.Why them? They are highly visible. And as such, I can check some of the earlier analyses of dominant … Continue reading “Ugly is rising. Retain your good in this new environment?”

How wanting is the root of misery, not hate, money, or wars

An interesting result from the ‘one emotion to rule them all‘ article is this:when you use your energy, when you downgrade your drive to be satisfied with instant gratification, what is easy, it is like you feed it junk food.An aside: Most of what you eat is junk food, by the way. Unless the food … Continue reading “How wanting is the root of misery, not hate, money, or wars”

One emotion to rule them all… What is it?

I got an email yesterday with the subject line: One Emotion to Rule them AllI had to know what it is. But the dude who sent that email buried the answer into a long interactive video I wasn’t willing to go through.So I went to Mr. Google, and put that whole sentence into the search … Continue reading “One emotion to rule them all… What is it?”

Still having troubles even after I pulled your attachments?

This article closely relates to the soul correction articles AND the attachments, cords articles.Oftentimes it is a difficult case is what leads researchers to new insights. This is exactly what happened today. I had a client who, periodically, has serious heart symptoms, even though physically there is nothing wrong with his heart.For a while, whenever … Continue reading “Still having troubles even after I pulled your attachments?”

If you start in the middle, you’ll lose…

The most important thing that happened to you happened when you were around three years old. It was a decision that happened to you. Even though you made that decision, you are now a slave to it.Until that first incident you were innocent. Unless you make that decision malleable, that decision you made about how … Continue reading “If you start in the middle, you’ll lose…”

What does it take to change your limiting core belief?

How the famous ‘probable future exercise’ can correct missteps, acting blindly without ever looking where the path leads?In my experience, if you can allow your eyes to look into the future, you can see that unless you change something, you’ll get to a point where there is no more road… no more future for you… … Continue reading “What does it take to change your limiting core belief?”

The atypical brain, being on the spectrum. Genius? Moron?

I first heard about ‘the spectrum‘ from a classmate of mine, in 1997. She is, was an advocate for his brother with Asperger’s… which is a certain level of atypical brain syndrome. The mildest is dyslexia, and the spectrum goes all the way to full blown autism.We have lost touch since, but she has helped … Continue reading “The atypical brain, being on the spectrum. Genius? Moron?”

The entitlement anchor: what being ‘entitled’ really means

The entitlement is anchored deep, and unless it’s pulled, it will keep jerking you back and forth, like a puppet.Because I never felt that I was entitled to anything. My entitlement genes turned off when they were supposed to. It was around age 2. That was actually a little early, but that’s when it happened … Continue reading “The entitlement anchor: what being ‘entitled’ really means”

Compassion… why a coach needs to have it or else…

I cry a lot. Most of the time not about myself. I cry with people.When I pull an anchor, decades of misery and sadness spill out. And I feel it. I feel your sadness. I feel your longing to belong, to be appreciated. And I feel that you feel that you have been mistreated. And … Continue reading “Compassion… why a coach needs to have it or else…”