When you argue for your limitations and ‘win’ the argument

When you blame other people… When bad things always happen to you… When you won’t be happy unless… When winning is the goal…Why is it that some people consistently choose being right… when the question is being right or being happy?The underlying dynamic is invisible to the naked eye. It is like an iceberg: only … Continue reading “When you argue for your limitations and ‘win’ the argument”

I woke up today feeling good about myself… so? what is the big deal?! Right?

I woke up today feeling good about myself.Why mention it? Because feeling good about myself is not as frequent as one would think… I could say: I felt better about myself than normal.Feeling good about yourself is the basis of self-love… that being at home feeling we all crave, but most of us have no … Continue reading “I woke up today feeling good about myself… so? what is the big deal?! Right?”

Will measuring your vibration prove you are a butterfly?

First let me clarify the terminology: vibration is an invented logarithmic number… It indicates the level you are on the level of evolutionary scale in every area of life, including intellectually, spiritually, emotionally.Butterfly life:you can live life on the horizontal plane (caterpillar life) where everything feels personal, attacking, dangerous, offending, painful, dramatic, or the vertical … Continue reading “Will measuring your vibration prove you are a butterfly?”

Competence, People who get things done well, on time

Competence is rare.You know the people you deal with: they are just like of you… 99% of them 99% of the time are incompetent, late, shoddy work, nonexistent knowledge, sloppy delivery, tunnel vision, no distinctions.You don’t have to be competent in everything: be competent in what you do for a living, and in your relationships.But, … Continue reading “Competence, People who get things done well, on time”

Emotional Maturation vs Cluelessness… Can you see?

This article took me a long time to write, and it is so-so… It’s a difficult topic… It’s about being Clueless. The why and the how and the ‘now what?’ And the WTF?!Once a coach of mine said: “you don’t have to be more than 5% better than others to stand out… and become a … Continue reading “Emotional Maturation vs Cluelessness… Can you see?”

Simplicity, Elegance, Coherence, Ask a different question

We tend to look at the world in black and white terms. This or the opposite…You and me… But often what you think is the opposite is not…My current favorite book, 46 rules of Genius, says:“Rule 24 (of Genius)“SIMPLIFY“People tend to view simplicity and complexity as opposites. But this isn’t strictly true. The enemy of … Continue reading “Simplicity, Elegance, Coherence, Ask a different question”

Learning to Learn on Coursera.org… can you? Will you?

Learning to Learn on Coursera.org, the missing piece of the puzzle, especially if you combine it with the Playground: the partner calls, and the skill learning challenge.I’ve completed the first two weeks of study on coursera, with 99% effectiveness measured by the tests: only two mistakes total.. But did I learn the material?I am finding … Continue reading “Learning to Learn on Coursera.org… can you? Will you?”

What does it mean “create a life you love”?

This attitude, or worldview that you can create a life you love, is the same exact worldview that prevents you from being happy.33 trillion webpages talk about that.But the truth is that you have no authority to change anything in life outside of yourself… but even if you could, even if you do, unless YOU … Continue reading “What does it mean “create a life you love”?”

The tyranny of the pursuit of happiness. What you pursue…

More books are sold on happiness than maybe even on dieting… especially because 98% diet books’ hidden attraction is happiness.Weird, eh?

Therefore: the invisible thread in the invisible dynamics

Therefore: the invisible thread in all the invisible dynamics that decide your happiness or wretchednessI have been talking about these invisible dynamics forever… hundreds of articles about them.There is no mystery about them, yet you need to actually be willing to look until you see them.There is a common element in all the invisible dynamics … Continue reading “Therefore: the invisible thread in the invisible dynamics”