How to Get Guidance from the Beyond… examples

Originally posted 2009-01-13 11:30:07.

How to Get Guidance from the Beyond… examples

Dream 1: I am playing with and fascinated by some colored dots that make a pattern, though moving, still a pattern, building something.

At some point the dots suddenly lose color and die, and the fascinating pattern deteriorates to a one color dying, diminishing mess. I wake up.

I know it is the message I asked for. My interpretation: don’t be fascinated with the ever changing outside world… turn your attention inward where you call all the shots.

Dream 2: I am invited to a conference in France. I haven’t been there for over 30 years. I want to go. I go. I just throw some clothes in an overnight bag and go. I am there, and I am having fun. I am ready to come back…

I can’t. The doors of the US are closed. I am not having fun any more. I have no money, no place to stay. None of my things, including my business, are with me, it was all left in the US. I panic. I wake up. I sob. “I left without as much as a blanket and a pillow…” I cry.

I know it is a message. I don’t think I have asked for this. But it came, so it is relevant. My interpretation: 1. think before you leap and don’t do something if it risks too much. 2. Leap. Build from nothing. that is where the blessing is. How can you do those two things at the same time?
Continue reading “How to Get Guidance from the Beyond… examples”

My life in Film Noir, Fritz Lang’s M, Tongue in The Shoes

Originally posted 2009-01-09 11:30:07.

My life in Film Noir, Fritz Lang’s M, Tongue in The Shoes

I had a conversation with Zsuzsa, a friend of mine from architecture school.

I normally hide from her, because she is traditionally areal downer. But last instant messaging we had she sounded upbeat, so I thought, I’d give it a try. I know how to break off a conversation when it goes south.

As fate has it, she broke her hand a few months ago, it didn’t heal well, and she has had a lot of pain. Interestingly it has changed her. Permanently or temporarily, I don’t know. My hunch is that it is temporary…

Anyway, I shared with her my experience with the nose bleed. She didn’t quite grasp it at first. She has had nose bleeds but her first thought wasn’t: this is the beginning of the end, so for her the chance of a breakthrough with that would have been small.

On the other hand, given that she is an architect, her right hand is her bread and butter, so creating a new way to look at it was a definite breakthrough for her.

I was mulling over this today as I was washing my hands in the bathroom.

“You need to trust the whisper inside your head that says that what’s happening is a good thing.” I thought, but then I cringed. Some 58 years ago I thought just that and where did it lead me?!
Continue reading “My life in Film Noir, Fritz Lang’s M, Tongue in The Shoes”

On Tithing and The Law of Attraction… does it make you rich?

Originally posted 2008-12-30 11:30:07.

On Tithing and The Law of Attraction… does it make you rich?

Tithing is a voluntary contribution. It is a giving back where you got your spiritual nourishment, your inspiration.

  • It is keeping the blessing in movement.
  • It is an expression of your abundance regardless of the circumstance, so it is also a state of mind creator.
  • It has its roots in the Jewish mitzva (commandment) of leaving the edges of a cultivated land unharvested so the poor can come and collect the food. The Jewish long sideburn is a reminder of the mitzva, and tithing has some relationship to it with the Christian twist of where to give back.

I have found that tithing is a great activator of the Law of Attraction. Especially if you give often, and with the right mindset. According to Kabbalah the right mindset is a kind of spiritual or enlightened greed, give hungry for your own growth and your own enlightenment, and not from do-gooding. do-gooding is from ego (Satan)

My specialty is the mindset (or the seed level) of spiritual growth.

Read more about tithing here

Remembering Yourself… Staying Awake… The color exercise

Originally posted 2008-12-29 11:30:07.

Remembering Yourself… Staying Awake… The color exercise

I have been reading Colin Wilson: The Outsider.

Colin Wilson is one of my favorite writers. I started my course of study with him with The Mind Parasites, a science fiction novel, back in 1987.

In the books I have read, Colin Wilson is only interested (really) in a few questions: What does it mean to be a Human Being, and how to accomplish that? What is the purpose of life, and how to fulfill on that purpose?

These are exactly the questions I have been pondering for about 23 years.

If we consider the question a jigsaw puzzle, he provides the final picture, and some methodology, I provide mostly methodology.

I need Colin Wilson. My faculties to think “What is the purpose of life” are somewhat impaired. It is not my strength. My strength is to provide Kaizen type (transformative) exercises to

  1. prepare yourself
  2. accomplish the task.

Like any worthy goal, the preparation, the becoming the kind of person who can reach the goal, is 99% of the job. 1% is crossing the finish line.

Continue reading “Remembering Yourself… Staying Awake… The color exercise”

What do THEY mean when they ask you to share??

Originally posted 2008-12-17 11:30:07.

What do THEY mean when they ask you to share??

I know the word sharing gets thrown around in these emails quite a bit. Sometimes we become numb to the word. To get back to basics,

sharing means giving something of ourselves.

It can be sharing with someone we’re not used to sharing with. It can be opening up with someone we’re not used to opening up to. Or it can be calling someone with whom we’re holding a grudge and wishing them well and saying something nice, some words of wisdom. It can be anything. It just has to be an unconditional stretch.

As a Landmark Education junkie, I have heard the urging ‘Share, share share.’

In Landmark Education they mean ‘Bring more chumps like you so that Landmark Education can become a World Class Organization, here to stay.‘ They mean: do our selling for us. No please, no anything… Maybe they don’t, but that is how it lands for people. It didn’t land that way for me…

In multilevel marketing companies (network marketing, MLM) they say the same thing, but mean, definitely, selling. Continue reading “What do THEY mean when they ask you to share??”

Recovering Victim! Get the f… out of my way!

Originally posted 2008-12-17 11:30:07.

Recovering Victim! Get the f… out of my way!

Recovering Victim, get the f… out of my way.

That was printed on the front of my T-shirt in 1991 at the Communication Commando Course… a week long Landmark Education program.

What was that about?

Here is the story.

In the course, on the 2nd day, if I remember correctly, we were talking about your ‘default’ albeit hidden way of communicating. What you say before you say ‘hello’.

We formed small groups of five, and we looked at each other and made up a little statement of what we thought the person was communicating without saying anything. Continue reading “Recovering Victim! Get the f… out of my way!”

What, when, why, and how of what happened

What, when, why, and how of what happened

In this short article I’ll regale what has really happened to me and my body, that I have been struggling to stay alive for so long.

I have had an infected water connection… don’t know more than that… I assume I have had it for years… maybe more than a decade.

The organism creates neurotoxins and thus I have been taking that for years. Continue reading “What, when, why, and how of what happened”

The feedback that made me look again at myself

The feedback that made me look again at myself

Hi Sophie,

Thank you for writing this (yesterday’s) article. I too have wanted a magic and quick way to get to the conclusion or result of something. But with using the sight capacity and also looking at my past projects or successes, the quick “shortcut” way almost never works, or doesn’t lead to a sustained result.

Lately I also had a bit of time to reflect when I wasn’t feeling well on a couple of days. I had been reviewing some of the past communications that we had before, such as the guidance that you provided in the food lists, since 2017. I realized that several times where I did not follow the guidance, I thought I knew better or took what you said personally, or thought it meant I was “wrong” (though I can tell now that you were just saying ‘A is A’). For example, when you said I had inflammation, I automatically went to “inflammation is bad” and “it is wrong for me to have inflammation”. While I didn’t doubt that what you said was correct, I struggled to accept it, as it didn’t match what I wanted to believe, or my view of reality.

Anyway this ties into your latest article where you talked about people doing what they say they will do, and quickly. Getting well for me has been a process too. It’s the small actions that I take every day that over time lead to progress. This includes eating only foods on my food list, noticing my attitudes, slowing down instead of rushing, listening to the big bundle during the night, and using the energy healing audio. There have been some periods recently where I made a kind of experiment to (temporarily) do the opposite of what would improve my health, and not surprisingly, I did not feel happy and energetic. I felt worse and I couldn’t maintain focus and be productive. So I have made a commitment to myself to go back to the strait and narrow, to go back to what was working, as my purpose is to achieve and sustain health, even if there are parts to it that I don’t understand. I get reminders of the debilitating back pain and stiffness if I accidentally eat something with leaves, and from that I get sufficient motivation to stay on track. I definitely don’t want to live a life where I feel that pain nearly every day as I did in early 2022. The vast majority (if not all!) of the actions that I can take to move me in the right direction with regards to my health are within my control, and I am very grateful for that.

I hope that you can make it through this difficult time Sophie. I get that every day is a challenge for you, and it’s very difficult and painful and there is a lot of uncertainty. Thank you for continuing to look for the pieces of the invisible through all of this and I wish the very best for you.