I had been miserable for a few days till…

I had been miserable for a few days now…So when this happens I pay attention.Of course my attention is splintered: some of it goes into feeling sorry for myself, some of it to ‘fix’ the misery… or its seeming cause. and some of it to see what is REALLY going on.I always say that if … Continue reading “I had been miserable for a few days till…”

Can you complete your soul correction in a lifetime?

How do you do your soul correction aka soul’s purpose? How Do YOU earn the light, given what you came in with to this lifetime?There are several ways to develop a body of knowledge, I think. The one that is a Tree of Life method  is how Dr. Edward Bach developed his Bach Flower Remedies, … Continue reading “Can you complete your soul correction in a lifetime?”

What is your numbnut/moron score? How would you know?

I am sure you think you are clear. The stuff you say, the number of words you use accurately in a language gives away your level of clarity… And it’s low. I measure it as the 10th measurement in the Starting Point Measurements.When I say clarity, I mean every area of life… including health as … Continue reading “What is your numbnut/moron score? How would you know?”

Want to change your future? You’ll need to change your past

Want to change your future? You’ll need to change your past… Your future will automatically change with itThe full title of the Playground course is: Playground: it’s never too late to have a happy childhood.

Finding out you live in the Valley of The Shadow of Death

I had a brainstorm the other day.For a while I have been having an identity crisis: what is that I am really doing… who am I?So the other day, way before the sun came up, I was looking at files on my hard drive from long time ago. By what I found I could see … Continue reading “Finding out you live in the Valley of The Shadow of Death”

The results of coaching depend on the client

No matter how skillful the guidance, the teaching, the coaching, the results will depend on the guided… On their skill and diligence.And willingness.Any guidance, any teaching, any coaching is choosing. And when you choose, unless you unchoose something you’ll stop and flail and stop moving.

What is wrong with the human race? How come it is…

Part of my job as a ‘evolver’ (evolver as in causing the evolution) of the human race is to see what is the wrong.To see what is unsustainable, untenable about human attitude and behavior. Why is it that humanity, time and time again destroys itself starting over from nothing.I am starting to see that it … Continue reading “What is wrong with the human race? How come it is…”

Will the DNA adjustment take you to expanding human being?

What is it like to be a DNA adjusted human?It’s happening, albeit slowly.It is clear that the child genes are what keep one in the Matrix. And as long as they are on, even just one of the two, a person cannot even THINK being cause.Causing anything, themselves, their actions, their lives.As long as they … Continue reading “Will the DNA adjustment take you to expanding human being?”

More on what would be emotional intelligence

The first thing we need to tell apart, distinguish, is the difference between a feeling and an emotion.Nothing in reality creates an emotion. Emotions are not in reality…They show up in your personal reality only. Something happens, real or unreal, and you say something about it, consciously or unconsciously. Mostly what you say: good/bad, right/wrong. … Continue reading “More on what would be emotional intelligence”