Brain health, brain power, brain usage…

For to the ones who use it, more will be given, and they will have an abundance, but from the ones who use it not, even what they have will be taken away

for those who use it well, much more will be givenBrain health, brain power, brain usage… how does it relate to your mood about your life? to the size of your life, to your happiness and fulfillment?

I am on the mend. It feels weird…

All my life I wanted to get sympathy for poor me… because I didn’t think I deserved anything more.

And I am noticing that I want to complain, that I am afraid that if I tell you I am getting well, you won’t want to give me anything… not business, not love, not anything. Weird. A strong pull. Continue reading “Brain health, brain power, brain usage…”

Change is the end result of all true learning ~ Leo Buscaglia

change is the result of true learningChange is the end result of all true learning ~ Leo Buscaglia

I found this site, Quotation Celebration, by accident.

And, unusual for me, I signed up to the notification list.

This quote came in today’s email.

It is the perfect quote for where my students are at: unless there is a change, nothing has happened. You got some mind candy, some insights, maybe some new rules to resist, but it is all useless. Continue reading “Change is the end result of all true learning ~ Leo Buscaglia”

Continuous effort — not strength or intelligence

Continuous effort — not strength or intelligence
Continuous effort — not strength or intelligence — is the key to unlocking YOUR potential.

How much potential you have? Except for one person, Elon Musk, the Tesla guy, everyone is only using less than 10% of their potential. He stands out with a whopping 11%.

How much potential remains dormant in you? If my example is any indication, about 93% of your potential is never breached…

Why? Because you feel, you act, you consider yourself fixed. Continue reading “Continuous effort — not strength or intelligence”

You never stop needing to heal. The cause is still there

You never stop needing to heal. The cause is still there

is healing for real? can you heal yourself?What does it mean “Healing”?

It is transcending suffering, physical, emotional, intellectual… any suffering.

Why do you need healing? you ask. If you don’t… then you are lucky. Most people do. In fact I don’t know a single person who doesn’t… but, of course, you may be the exception.

No matter how you grew up, how good people your parents were, or other people, or your peers, you got banged up. Hurt.

Being hurt is an experience.

Did you get hurt in reality? Not necessarily. But as long as you live in an unreality where your emotions tell you what is happening, you will remain miserable… and hurt… and suffering. Continue reading “You never stop needing to heal. The cause is still there”

How you could you get more intelligent with my methods?

How you could you get more intelligent with my methods?

welcome to lake wobegon… as it turns out, I can answer this question… at least whether your hardware, your brain is capable to run better and faster…

And the answer: you have barely used your brain for intelligence and thinking… so yes… to all of you.

But intelligence also depends on your knowledge, real knowledge of yourself, the human condition, and reality. And whether you can increase that, become more intelligent that will depend on the level you can master your machine… Continue reading “How you could you get more intelligent with my methods?”

I hate making mistakes! I hate what it says about me

I hate making mistakes! I hate what it says about me

what's the truth about you? why are you making mistakes?Correct Diagnosis is 50% of the Cure in any area of your life

In this article I am going to show an area of my life where diagnostic skills and tools have saved the day, and in fact proved to be 90% of the cure.

The process of growth is not linear. It is more like layer by layer. No matter where you are now, in order to get to the next level, you need to completely explore the level or layer where you are at.

I have been relative successful for a while now, and like any other “normal” human being, I had the illusion that I have arrived to the place where it is smooth sailing from hereon. Continue reading “I hate making mistakes! I hate what it says about me”

Are you stingy with yourself? Skimping?

Are you stingy with yourself? Skimping?

I am watching you… lol. Not like Big Brother, more like I learn from you what you need. Where you are defeating your best intentions, where you leak energy, where you get it wrong.

Some articles don’t make any noise: there is no one to hear them. My last article was like that. A tree that falls in a forest… doesn’t make any noise, even though it fell… Why? Because no one heard it.

Because you are here (I hope at least some of you) to get help in attaining to the good life, You want me to watch you… it is for your benefit.

I was just telling one of my students the biggest missing he has: The principle that

everything you ever wanted comes to you through other people

or as Wallace D. Wattles says in The Science of Getting Rich: the gold coins won’t roll out and to you, they will be in the hands of others.
Continue reading “Are you stingy with yourself? Skimping?”

What makes you a slacker? or a never do well?

What makes you a slacker?
The smarter you fancy yourself, the stupider your behavior. The big picture of your life…

This article is slightly philosophical, I cycle through many ideas to get to a conclusion that makes a difference. You can jump to the end, to the conclusion, and we’ll know what you are… This article is about you.

Life’s way is to handle one thing at a time… make it work and keep it working. Then, when it’s working reliably, Life will start on the next thing.

Most of Life is continuing… not starting. Or modifying and continuing. Or adding and removing. But continuing… Getting better and better. Growing. Continue reading “What makes you a slacker? or a never do well?”

The Hiding Hand Principle: see enough reason to change?

The Hiding Hand Principle: see enough reason to change?

which is the right path?I just read a book review by Malcolm Gladwell. I like to read his prose… He is easy to read, his writing has an easy flair, and his topics are interesting.

He writes about a man I have never heard about, Albert O. Hirschman, an economist, who I recognize myself in.

He is everything most people aren’t.

He said that you don’t need creativity unless something gets screwed up, and things don’t go as planned.

That when the going is smooth, no growth, no invention, no evolution happens. Neither personal, nor species evolution. Continue reading “The Hiding Hand Principle: see enough reason to change?”

Astute, accurate diagnosis is 90% of success in any area of life

bach flower remedy bottlesI am working on the overwhelmingly too many foodlist orders I received in the last two days of June.

This triggered a feeling I don’t often feel any more: feeling imposed upon.

Doing things I don’t want to do. It is the energy of the Elm… a Bach energy®. “Don’t tell me what to do” reluctance, maybe even belligerence. A very forceful, suffocating, brittle energy. In fact, it’s worse than actually doing the darn thing…

What is underneath is a desire to win every time. Damn the torpedoes… lol.

Not very good for business. And no matter how hard on my hands to do so many food lists… More than a thousand muscletest each… I said I would do it… so now go do it, dammit. lol.

I didn’t know that about me. I don’t like the energy when I feel it from others, it is very selfish: desire to receive for the self alone. Suffocates me. Continue reading “Astute, accurate diagnosis is 90% of success in any area of life”