Republished: and Updated: How do I go about deciding if a guru is speaking the truth or not

two-faced guruI am quite known for my “guru” reviews. I use my two unique faculties to do these reviews. I connect to Source. Then I connect to them, I feel their feelings, guilt, shame, anger, greed, breathing, etc. and then I muscletest their vibrations, the truth value of their teachings. It takes me 3-10 minutes on average.

The measurements I produce with this method are reliable and consistent.

Although it sounds simple, I haven’t met anyone who could duplicate it. Connecting to Source and not your mind is not easy. Connecting to another person is not easy. Feeling their feelings is not easy. Muscletesting without any involvement from the mind is not easy.

Oftentimes, simple muscletesting doesn’t give me the why and the how. Then I go deep into the material, and I use a different faculty: seeing with my awareness to decide if they are any good, and if they aren’t, what’s the issue with them.

I buy their material, I use it, I listen to their audios, watch their videos, do the exercises, and at some point I get clear, the waters part (lol) and I can see the errors of their ways. Or the errors in their ways… depending if they are innocently wrong, or are intending to mislead you.
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I offered to muscletest your favorite teachers and gurus

I offered to muscletest your favorite teachers and gurus
spiritual gurusWhere is the world of famous teachers and gurus with regards to causing spirituality in the world?

I sent out an email to my subscribers yesterday, offering them a rare opportunity to have their favorite teachers’ vibrations measured.

Judging from the number of requests where the requester could have found my reading on my site, I got, that doing work, any work, is not what people do, they want something to get… without work.

I suspected that was the case, but now I am sure.

Why does this matter? Because to raise your consciousness, to raise your vibration, to live a life without the misery you now experience, you need to do work, and a lot of work at that…
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Lower self to higher self, crawling to soaring

Lower self to higher self, crawling to soaring
Knowing, being, causing, or being the victim of things.

In the Bible the verb “know” meant: knowing intimately. In bed, as a matter of fact. Or in hay… lol.

Today knowing means, for most people, is that their mind has heard about it. We are growing backwards.

Knowledge is power, information is poison. Why it’s poison? Because it fills you up, and you are never hungry for real anything… the poison, the make believe, the fake fills you up.

What the heck am I talking about?
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Happiness is simple, attainable, but not easy

happiness is simpleI first experienced this when I was an architect in Israel.

I had a commission to design a two-family home. The relationship between the clients and myself became strained as soon as I was ready with the design: immediately they showed me who is the boss… they knew everything about designing, and building, and everything, without ever having to go to school for it.

Eventually I left architecture, because I thought that it was the only area where people considered themselves an expert regardless of their knowledge, experience, or licensing.

Turns out that this is the direction the world is going: fancying oneself expert without work

When, occasionally, I visit a website where people talk about their dreams and aspirations, like Mary Morrissey’s dream launch page, I see that every Mary, Tom and Harry wants to be a healer, a nutritional counselor, a coach.
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If it is to be, it is up to me… but is it really?

If it is to be, it is up to me… but is it really?

‘If it is to be, it is up to me’ The horizontal and vertical dimensions of life

Most people interpret that statement, that declaration, in a rah-rah, motivational slogan way.

But even when they use that narrow interpretation, they don’t commit to it, they don’t lock themselves in, they don’t burn the ships, they leave a back-door open, although they never tell the truth about it.

They have a secret addendum: if I feel like it, if my mind agrees, when I’ll feel confident enough, if the weather is nice, if it’s easy, if it doesn’t take too much of my time.
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Slow down! It’s counter cultural and it works

Slow down! It’s counter cultural and it works
Want to get more? Grab less… The counter intuitive way to “do” life that works.

I once had a very good friend. We met in Landmark Education, and all we talked about is Landmark Education stuff… Landmark Education works through distinctions… and it is hard to explain what a distinction is, but I will give you examples, hopefully you can get it.

One distinction this friend of mine was in love with is “slow down.” Continue reading “Slow down! It’s counter cultural and it works”

Emotional turmoils, emotional upheavals are even more

it comes back to haunt you until you are don with itIt is the natural state of an Expanding Human Being to experience no emotions for hours, maybe even days at a time.

Emotions are a response to life, to danger, and should be momentary and responded to. Not the continuous torturous emotional states you are experiencing.

When something evokes a strong emotional response, fear, disgust, there is something you need to deal with. Something that is out of whack, something that is unfinished business, suppressed, swept under the rug, and threatens to throw you out of you equilibrium, your peace of mind.

Of course, for most people life is going from emotional turmoil to emotional turmoil, but it doesn’t change what I said: emotional turmoil is an indication that there is something unfinished, and it needs to be finished.
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Strategy to avoid transformation and to stay miserable?

Strategy to avoid transformation and to stay miserable?

What is your strategy to avoid your own transformation and stay miserable? Here are a few strategies: Which ones do you use?

Let’s first look what is transformation to understand why anyone would want to avoid it. After all transformation sounds all good, doesn’t it?

Transformation is very simple, but it is not that simple and it is not that easy to cause it, whether for yourself or not.
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You send for a vibrational reading. Your upsights…

You send for a vibrational reading. Your upsights…

You send for a vibrational reading. I send it to you.

Your vibration is 130, your wife’s is 200

You email back: “That’s very strange and looks wrong. Coz we are very wealthy healthy and happy.”

You think that your physical well being, even your so called happiness is any indicator of your spiritual vibration, the level of your consciousness…

No, it’s as if you were looking at the person who looks healthy but has maybe cancer ravage their bodies, or a heart attack waiting to happen.

Consciousness is not skin deep. You are…
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Hope, Lemuria, Channeling… or how to be joyous, content, and have peace of mind

ring-tailed-lemursHope is eternal, and so is stupidity.

Hope means: I don’t want the truth. Hope means: I prefer to dream. Hope means: It will be given to me. Hope means: If it is to be it must come from some place other than here, because I sure won’t move a finger to make it happen.

Do I sound angry? Bitter? Yeah… I am having a bout of bitterness here… lol. It comes, predictably, every 2-3 weeks, I know some sense into myself, and then I am good for 2-3 weeks.

I am talking about having your well-being, your happiness, your peace of mind depend on other people’s behavior.
Continue reading “Hope, Lemuria, Channeling… or how to be joyous, content, and have peace of mind”