How true is your truth? Have theory induced blindness?

How true is your truth? Have theory induced blindness?

How true is your truth? Do you or your teachers have theory induced blindness? the world is still flat as far as human behavior is concerned…

This article is about the inner workings of a human… that if you get it wrong, the price you pay for the error is your life.

Is a human like a faucet assembly? When it drips you have to replace the whole thing?

Continue reading “How true is your truth? Have theory induced blindness?”

When human arrogance puts its feet in the door truth escapes

When human arrogance puts its feet in the door truth escapes

When human arrogance sticks its feet in the door truth escapes

The average truth value of medical and body science is 3%. The 97% combines what we don’t know, and what arrogance says… and is not true.

Today I had luck on my side, and I was taken to a site and to a ‘technology’ that has a higher truth value. It is a whopping 10%. Which means 90% is b.s. Continue reading “When human arrogance puts its feet in the door truth escapes”

Everyone thinks they are smarter than you… but why?

Everyone thinks they are smarter than you… but why?

Everyone thinks they are smarter than you… but why? And how can you avoid that trap so you can start having some results in your life?

I came to my computer this morning not having an idea what article to write.

So I started to watch a few videos on youtube I lined up, after I saw that one of my students learned ‘precession‘ from one of the videos I published, while it went way over my head.

Time to recap…

So I watched the video, and muscletested. It tested ‘not true’ for me. One of my favorite people, (an evolutionary event in humanity’s history, according to Buckminster Fuller…) Marshall Thurber. Zero truth value. Wow… let me watch a few more Marshall Thurber videos…

So I did. It’s about 8 am now, and I have been at it for almost three hours.

I learned a lot.

Here are some of the things I learned: Continue reading “Everyone thinks they are smarter than you… but why?”

Why is medicine’s truth value so low? 7% overall…

Why is medicine’s truth value so low? 7% overall…

The answer is actually quite simple. Medicine works with definitions and not with distinctions.

So similar things seen as same… And some similar things seen as different.

Example: Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, Epstein Barr syndrome. Continue reading “Why is medicine’s truth value so low? 7% overall…”

Distinctions: your access to the mysteries of the universe

Distinctions: your access to the mysteries of the universe

rabbit_hole_webDistinctions could be your access to the mysteries of the universe. If you were curious. But most aren’t.

Distinctions are like a hole YOU punch into a yet solid wall.

When you look through the hole, you see stuff that you could not see before. You may have seen it from the side. You may have seen it from above. From below, but that certain angle looking through that hole gives you a view that goes deep into the mysteries of the Universe. Continue reading “Distinctions: your access to the mysteries of the universe”

What do popular coaches, courses, programs have in common?

What do popular coaches, courses, programs have in common?

What does your success prove, if you have many many many clients?

The question is triggered by a comment on my vibrational review about Caroline Cory on my site

Here is the comment. I don’t put it here because it makes me look good… I put it here because it doesn’t. The commenter used a fake name and a fake email address… but what she says is worth looking at. Continue reading “What do popular coaches, courses, programs have in common?”

Teaching is, essentially, making someone SEE something.

Teaching is, essentially, making someone SEE something.

Teaching is, essentially, making someone SEE something. Not imagine, mind you, but actually SEE. With their eyes.

The hardest thing to do in a world where people spend all their times in their heads.

Nothing to see there!

I had this flash of insight this morning.

What T Harv Eker says is true, and yet not useful.

He says: When something is not working, there is something you don’t see…

And people don’t know where to look, how to look to actually see what they don’t see. Continue reading “Teaching is, essentially, making someone SEE something.”

Better late than never… my newest battle cry

Better late than never… my newest battle cry

One of the annoying secrets of communicating with Source through muscletesting is that the questions need to be precise and specific.

I can touch a food and ask if it is good for me. And the answer is as imprecise as the question.

If I ask: is this food generally good for me? that’s a whole lot better.

As a rule of thumb Source considers every question as ‘right now’… and if you want to know if it will be good for you tomorrow, then ask that.

Often because of what else you have eaten on a given day, a perfectly good food will test as ‘no’.

Observing people, and myself as well, our tendency is to assume that the person or Source knows what we mean. This is the source of a lot of mischief… Continue reading “Better late than never… my newest battle cry”

What is the Ego’s role in getting you to the Promised Land?

What is the Ego’s role in getting you to the Promised Land?

What is the Ego’s reward for getting you to the Promised Land?

So, I have been observing that many people who seemingly were interested in what I have to say now aren’t.

So what are they suddenly interested in? And I am especially interested in where they go where they actually spend their attention and their money.

I am turning on my X-ray eyes, so to say, and look. Continue reading “What is the Ego’s role in getting you to the Promised Land?”

Why I was interrogated by Israeli Intelligence

Why I was interrogated by Israeli Intelligence

Sometimes it takes reading a book to understand what happened 40 years prior.

Back in 1982 I was interrogated for eight hours by the Israeli whatever… intelligence? It was dinner time. I was freshly off El Al the Israeli airline asking to enter Israel. I kissed the ground and had tears in my eyes… for reasons I don’t know. And then… They ushered me into a small room where I was questioned… no water, no bathroom, no food… for eight hours by several different men. Continue reading “Why I was interrogated by Israeli Intelligence”