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Category: Transformation
a sudden shift of your worldview
What is high vibration, really? Is everyone wrong about it?

All you do to raise your vibration is plain wrong and actually lowers your vibration.
I got this email this morning:
Hello Sophie,
I have read some of Your reviews. I thought raising vibrations meant inner transformation, less ego and more kindness. Sorry, but to me Your Message does not seem truthful. I do not think it is Your intention, but I have to quit.
Regards from K
A lot of visitors have the same opinion: higher vibration means more kindness… Continue reading “What is high vibration, really? Is everyone wrong about it?”
Energies Part 2: The water energizer. What, when, how, why

Water… OK… first my story.
In 1993 a physician declared me incurable. I was weak, I was malnourished, and my blood work did not respond to anything, and was completely messed up. I didn’t seemingly have any known disease: had I died they would have put in cause of death: old age. I was 46 years old.
I hired a nutritionist, who out of desperation, put me on a complete elimination diet: I was living on protein shakes for a little while. and then slowly moved on to the complete elimination diet: you try to find out what doesn’t agree with your body.
In spite of all that effort, dietary changes, etc., two years later, a naturopathic physician still declared me incurable. Continue reading “Energies Part 2: The water energizer. What, when, how, why”
Transformation: Making the impossible possible

We all live in a paradigm. It is our model of reality.
Our paradigm is bordered and separated from higher paradigms by all the things that we know. Not what we believe, but what we know.
Beliefs are content in a paradigm, but don’t define it. The paradigm defines the content, the paradigm defines the beliefs. Continue reading “Transformation: Making the impossible possible”
Do your biological age and behavior match?

I found this chart on the net. Let’s do an experiment today, OK?
Find your age and give me feedback. It will be interesting to see if any of this is just mumbo jumbo or actually approximating the truth. Continue reading “Do your biological age and behavior match?”
What is the capacity that is like a linchpin… if you have it you can enter the kingdom
I am a lot like you, except not always. I am forceful with the best of them, except I am not always forceful. I can be limp and resigned, like you, except that I am not always limp and resigned.
I have mastered to a large degree the capacity “allowing.”
One of the readers says in a comment: I have been practicing dropping the pen, and yet I find no change in my attitude towards anger that I don’t want.
Dropping is forceful. Surrendering is forceful. Changing is forceful.
Continue reading “What is the capacity that is like a linchpin… if you have it you can enter the kingdom”
The ‘you can do anything’ myth is a source of your anxiety

The anxiety attacks you experience
There are two types of anxiety attacks, as far as I can see:
- Dark Side attack. It is an energy that is broadcasted from up North. It is “in the air” and it only waits for you to notice.Then your reaction to it makes it more real, and also last longer than the energy duration would make it justifiable.I have written about this a lot.
- Your unrealistic expectations of yourself
If I wanted to design a system for unhappiness
Continue reading “The ‘you can do anything’ myth is a source of your anxiety”
Customer Favorite #2: Heaven on Earth
The Heaven on Earth remedy is based on the Bach Flower remedies.
It’s 40 distinct energies that remedy 40 human weaknesses and follies. How? I don’t know.
There was a time when I was making custom Bach remedies for each customer and client. It took a long time, because I needed to connect to the person, and muscletest them for 40 different remedies.
The time I spent, in today’s rate, would have cost a buyer about 70 dollars. They paid nothing. I didn’t value my own time… that was before I created the Unconditional Love Activators. Before that there was no love lost between me and myself.
But as soon as I found the Unconditional Love Activator, my relationship to myself changed… Continue reading “Customer Favorite #2: Heaven on Earth”
Customer Favorite #1: Energized Water, Water Energizer

I have been drinking energized water for 20 years. What hooked me was the person who recommended said that his pimples disappeared.
Now, when you look at my skin today, you would not think that I used to have pimples. But in 1995 my skin regularly broke out. I carried in my purse an ointment… so I am not left with no help.
The product I bought was very expensive. But my skin did clear up,
Now, it begs the question, why a cup of energized water or two a day would clear up my skin?
Continue reading “Customer Favorite #1: Energized Water, Water Energizer”
How far from your island are you willing to swim?
I had a conversation about 30 years ago with a fellow Hungarian. We were both Landmark Education “graduates” and assisted our asses off.
“Assisting” is a cheap way to feel superior without having to earn your stripes.
He was an artist, a painter, who was in the US because his wife fell ill with cancer, and needed special treatment. In spite of all, she died, and he was stuck here. Didn’t want to return to Venezuela, didn’t want to go back to Hungary, but his existence in the US was touch and go.
He didn’t feel like producing the “art” that had been earning him a living: kitch sold in furniture stores, mass produced by an artist. Slave labor, mind numbing, and killing the artist within.
It was late in the evening, and we chatted, intimately, like friends that we weren’t.
The simile, or analogy, or metaphor, whatever you want to call it, came up:
If you were stranded on an island, how far would you swim to see if there are any ways to escape and return to civilization?
Continue reading “How far from your island are you willing to swim?”