What should you expect when you stop eating grains?

The truth value of this article is 20%… Higher than most articles…

I Stopped Eating Grains for a Month—Here’s What Happened

Obviously 20% truth value is high, but it also means that it is 80% not true. I muscletest, and it is partially exaggeration, partially using untrue justification for what happened… But it’s worth reading. It is a good partial truth…

So long, oatmeal; hello, clear skin

– by Allison Young

Here’s how the whole grain-free thing came about: A year or so ago I got sick, pukey sick, and couldn’t eat anything for 24 hours without retching. I felt terrible…but my complexion was the picture of heath. Even the dry, irritated patch on my chin that had become somewhat of a persistent problem, gone! Obviously something in my diet was irritating my skin, but what? I tried passing on coffee, processed foods, alcohol, refined sugar, but nada. Continue reading “What should you expect when you stop eating grains?”

What is your biggest barrier to raising your vibration?

What is your biggest barrier to raising your vibration?
The foundation of your being needs to change to raise your vibration.

We could say that raising your vibration is raising the foundation of your being, the foundation of your existence, the height from where you observe life.

Your foundation is set by your culture. Your culture also sets what you can hear and what you cannot.

What you cannot hear is what is higher than the level of your foundation.

You hear something… but by the time it becomes conscious, it is translated to the level of your culture. How? By hearing it in the mind, Plato’s Cave.

To the naked eye, you sound kind of stupid. A is said, and you hear B. Your actions will be based on B. And your results will also be based on B. Continue reading “What is your biggest barrier to raising your vibration?”

Superpowers: the magic of synergy. Synergy?

Superpowers: the magic of synergy. Synergy?

Sometimes you need to see a bad attitude, a bad behavior. And suspect that what you are looking at is a mirror. Ugh.

I saw ingratitude with one of my clients and it was killing me.

It took me some time, but I started to see my own attitude in the client.

Whenever I see something ugly about myself I swing into action…

Continue reading “Superpowers: the magic of synergy. Synergy?”

What gives you juice in life? what could give you juice?

What gives you juice in life? what could give you juice?
What gives you juice in life? what could give you juice in life? What is your unique way you can enter the flow, the zone at a moment’s notice?
Juiced vs. Driven (Juiced here means: turned on, excited, alive)

The most difficult attitude to take on or even comprehend is “desire to receive for the sake of sharing”. The opposite of that is “desire to receive for the self alone”.

Why is it so hard? Because… I actually don’t know…

I’ll kick it around in this article, and let’s say if I can say anything that resonates. With you.

Why wouldn’t? Well, it hasn’t. Not with you, and not with others.

If you are new to my articles: my self-assigned job is to ferret out, test out, experiment out what would take humans back to the evolutionary path they abandoned about 30 thousand years ago. They went deep into the current level of “homo sapiens” you could also call: the man who lives in the cave of their mind.

The alternative was to become human being, but that hasn’t happened, and cannot happen through the mind.

Continue reading “What gives you juice in life? what could give you juice?”

How to get out of your mind into reality where life happens?

How to get out of your mind into reality where life happens?
Or how to unite your two selves so you can stop hating yourself, punishing yourself, and be happy inside and out

the-clothes-have-no-emporor.pngI had an insight this morning. I saw that every health issue I have ever had came from some idea, some thought, some teaching, not from my body.

Until age nine I was skinny. Then at that age I heard that whole grain is better for you… and I got promptly fat.

I have been hovering around 122 pounds when I heard from a student of mine about intermittent fasting. So I decided to do that. I promptly packed on three pounds. Nothing else changed…

All good ideas come from some mind, not your self. Your self is a lot smarter than you allow it to be. There is a separation between your mind and your real self. This article is to remove that separation, so you can be happy in all areas of life, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Continue reading “How to get out of your mind into reality where life happens?”

What I learned in the Money Attitude Workshop

What I learned in the Money Attitude Workshop
beware! he will make you a suckerIt’s time for a change… for me… and for you… All the pictures show the suckers’ game… not what I teach. What I teach doesn’t have pictures on the web… because it is new, and because it’s not a suckers’ game.

It’s time to become the master, not the slave, it is time to stop being the sucker in the room… 1

In yesterday’s money attitude workshop I worked with nine people on finding out what is their attitude, and looking what new attitude they can create, grow, and make natural would make their money issues disappear.

In this post I am going to publicly examine my own attitude that leads to a whole less money than one would think the amount work I invest should make.

Continue reading “What I learned in the Money Attitude Workshop”

Caterpillars don’t become butterflies? What?

Caterpillars don’t become butterflies? What?

This is going to be very disappointing for many… because this article and what it says is 60% truth value… and applies directly to humans, not only to butterflies and caterpillars.

It, in essence, says that in order to go on a higher plane of existence (butterfly) you need to die your current one first.

And this is what it’s all about… How to die your current existence, and take NOTHING from it to the higher plane. Continue reading “Caterpillars don’t become butterflies? What?”

Are you a money magnet? If not, read this article

What would put you into the vibration of money? Or why are you repelling money?

Summary: 90% of what keeps you in money, or what repels money from you are you attitudes towards people, including yourself.

It is not vibration, per se… but people feel it. And they refuse to give you money.

The solution is to develop attitudes more conducive, more attractive, more inviting to money.

Most of my courses are about that… Changing your attitudes…

The article below may be too scholarly for most of you…

What is blocking your ability to abundance? To making money, to accepting money, to do things worth money?

Continue reading “Are you a money magnet? If not, read this article”

I grew up hating America

I grew up hating America. I cringed when I heard the actors speak in movies.

Today, in the “rabbit hole” of the Monday Morning Memo, I was lead to Paul Harvey, a famous radio broadcaster. I listened to a couple of his audios, and that searing, deep hate came back.

So I am sitting here and contemplating.

The hate reaction was instantaneous, but what to think… that needs to be cogitated, contemplated, in silence, without taking sides.

I look if it is the content and yes and no… so it is not the content. It is the audio.

The radio style copied by many, including Roy Williams of the Monday Morning Memo. Continue reading “I grew up hating America”

How psychologists, writers, gurus, get it wrong… and nobody is happy, including them

I looked at pictures of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi… who wrote the book Flow, and is an expert on talking about happiness. Not being happy, mind you, on researching happiness.

He doesn’t look happy, doesn’t feel happy (remember, I am an empath).

I even went and found videos where he speaks Hungarian… hoping to find a picture where he is joyful.

Didn’t find any. Not even one.

His insightful quote: “People who learn to control inner experience will be able to determine the quality of their lives, which is as close as any of us can come to being happy.” is what was missing for him, and what is missing for most people most of the time. Continue reading “How psychologists, writers, gurus, get it wrong… and nobody is happy, including them”