How to have room to build something of your Self?

How to have room to build something of your Self?

How to have room to build something?I have been getting a lot of money after I had all my savings seized… please don’t ask, I won’t tell you the details.

The money comes from clients, students, and -gasp- my nephew sent me money too.

I have noticed that the giver probably feels better about himself than the receiver… So I am happy I was willing to be vulnerable enough to ask for help… Not my usual attitude. It is quite unbecoming for a Forget Thyself soul correction. Continue reading “How to have room to build something of your Self?”

Money thermostat or money blueprint?

Money thermostat or money blueprint?

your money blueprintIs it your Money thermostat or money blueprint that keeps you stuck financially?

Huh? What’s the difference between a Money thermostat and a money blueprint?

The thermostat is just a number. The blueprint tells the whole story.

And you may have your money thermostat set at high, but your blueprint doesn’t support it. Continue reading “Money thermostat or money blueprint?”

Do you have to go down with the ship? the economy, war?

Do you have to go down with the ship? the economy, war?

going down with the shipDo you have to go down with the ship?

In 1987 I did the More Money Workshop… I have fond memories of that

Back in 1987 I was working as an architect in the luxury architecture field. We were building or remodeling Caribbean villas for rich people. Nice when you can have it… lol.

I myself was dirt poor, a recent immigrant.

But I never skimped on my education, so I enrolled in the More Money Workshop. It was two Saturdays, and in between I lost my job. Continue reading “Do you have to go down with the ship? the economy, war?”

Your hate keeps you stuck until you learn

Your hate keeps you stuck until you learn

your hate keeps you stuckYou are going to hate this article, and your hate keeps you stuck.

Focus on what you can control, not what you can’t.

Why? because the truth hurts. And what hurts: you hate. Makes sense, right?

And instead of using it as fuel for yourself to go in the direction you want to go, you’ll use it to spill all your energies on it, you’ll say: she is lying, you’ll say whatever you’ll say, but you’ll fixate on it… instead of taking what I say, and use it to actually get where you want to get to.

How do I know? Because I have been observing thousands of people over the years, and that is what all of them does.

All of them?

I dare to say all… Continue reading “Your hate keeps you stuck until you learn”

Your dark side is your deepest source for joy, contribution

Your dark side is your deepest source for joy, contribution

I have heard that your dark side is your deepest source of joy, fulfillment, yada yada yada, I have even taught that… but alas, I forgot what I said, I forgot why it’s so.

So in this article I’ll try to remember 🙁 … in my usual meandering way.

OK, first step: I google it:

Your dark side means that you have shadow aspects of yourself that you don’t want to look at and even less you want consciously work with them. Instead of facing your dark side from the place of presence, you ignore and suppress the parts of yourself that you dislike.

I call that ‘Face the Tiger‘… and teach it in the course of the same name. Continue reading “Your dark side is your deepest source for joy, contribution”

Feel powerless? What will it take to become powerful?

Feel powerless? What will it take to become powerful?

I have been observing that someone from Tallin, Estonia, a former Soviet Union country, has been spending time on my site.

And then in yesterday’s email, Vishen Lakhiani from Mind Valley announced a new masterclass: Unconditional Self-Love.

I don’t know what his wife is going to teach on that masterclass, but I know one thing: it will be, most likely, really beautiful, nice, heartwarming, and utterly ineffective. Why?

Answering that why is what this article is about… what they won’t teach you at Mindvalley. Continue reading “Feel powerless? What will it take to become powerful?”

Are 30 day challenges worth doing? Are 66 days better?

Are 30 day challenges worth doing? Are 66 days better?

Somehow it seems that 30 days are almost enough to establish a habit… even though other reports say: it takes 66 days.

One of my old students who had not participated in anything I offered for 8 years now, decided to join the Validation Challenge.

The discipline of doing something daily and get daily feedback on how that action worked started to create a miracle.

Some people surrender to discipline, some people welcome it as an accountability device, others continue doing what they always do… which is either doing nothing, or doing something that is based on some misunderstanding. Continue reading “Are 30 day challenges worth doing? Are 66 days better?”

Name it and claim it… or how to return to power

Name it and claim it… or how to return to power

Is depression chemical?

I have been depressed about half of my life. Sometimes depression lasted weeks, days, sometimes it lasted years.

There is depression that is caused by some disappointment, tragedy, loss. If I remember correctly, that is called ‘Major Depression’.

The kind of depression I deal with sneaks up on you like a morning fog, and you don’t really notice it until you can’t see past your nose.

It is a sense of hopelessness.

Some people with a depression issue have manic periods, I don’t.

I have periods of less hopelessness, and more hopelessness. Continue reading “Name it and claim it… or how to return to power”

You are like a dog wagged by its tail. The Mind is the tail…

You are like a dog wagged by its tail. The Mind is the tail…

You live as an object in a world of objects… an object with a mind, but nevertheless an object.

Your mind serves one purpose only: to live really like a machine, protecting itself, being self-concerned. Because if you are an object in a world of object, then every other object is a threat to you, physically, or otherwise, so you are always concerned with how you look, that you are right, that you dominate and avoid domination, you win and avoid losing, you justify yourself and invalidate others, and desperately scramble to avoid responsibility for anything and everything.

That is the life of an object living in a world of objects.

Your mind also tells you that you have to, you need to, you want to, you should do all the things that will make you look good and make it in this world of objects.

The problem with this setup, other than that it’s miserable, is that you are not ‘designed’ as an object: you are designed to be a person. But other than in labels, 99.99% of humanity behaves like an object, not as a person.

What is the main difference?

A person is not the dog that is wagged by the tail.

WTF are you talking about, Sophie? Continue reading “You are like a dog wagged by its tail. The Mind is the tail…”

What is the Strength of YOUR character? A must look…

What is the Strength of YOUR character? A must look…

I know you don’t want to talk about this topic, but I am afraid we need to. Hate me, I can take it.

I know it is holiday month, you only want to think of Christmas, and nice-nice, and gifts… but the quality of your life depends on what you do every day… so maybe you want to talk about that…

So what is character? Character, some say, is how you behave when no one is watching.

But that is vague… so let’s look at Wikipedia… here is a short quote from there Continue reading “What is the Strength of YOUR character? A must look…”