Want to go fast, go alone. Want to go far? go together

Want to go fast, go alone. Want to go far? go together

I rarely do one-on-one sessions. And unless it is about someone’s health, r business, I don’t do them.

Why? I don’t think they are effective. Not effective for the client. and if I am interested in causing something: it is not effective for me.

Most coaching programs are useless as far as making a difference. Continue reading “Want to go fast, go alone. Want to go far? go together”

Create new reality with The Soaring Method

Create new reality with The Soaring Method
soaring method create new realityThe Soaring Method to create new reality while soaring.

Soaring is an altered mind state… you are not in your mind, you are not in beta brain waves… you are either in alpha or it theta mode.

Why does the soaring method work, how it works, what is different from pedestrian methods you have heard about or maybe you are practicing? This is what this article tries to sell you…

Create your own reality. Doesn’t it just roll of your tongue easily? ou can just create a new reality and this horror we are experiencing will disappear… lol.

But did you notice that it is not as easy as that?

Did you notice that reality isn’t very willing to follow suit? Continue reading “Create new reality with The Soaring Method”

Inner authority? What does it mean really?

Inner authority? What does it mean really?

outer pressure to inner authorityI define someone who has that, Inner Authority, is this: they don’t need an outside force to entice them or to threaten them with some kind of punishment or doom to do what they have to do to get things done.

So, the year was 1987, and it was the end of an 8-year run of a good mixture where you could see what I am talking about.

In those years I worked as an architect in three countries.

Worked but wasn’t productive. There was no joy there. I wasn’t joyful, even though there were, here and there, interesting projects, but i wasn’t able to enjoy them.

There were as long as year long stretches where I literally suffered because I just didn’t want to do what i had to do, needed to do, wanted to do to survive, things I should have done. I was sluggish, heavy, and totally unmotivated. Continue reading “Inner authority? What does it mean really?”

Does activating DNA capacities cause an epigenetic shift?

Does activating DNA capacities cause an epigenetic shift?

activate dna capacitiesAll humans are all born with a full DNA tree, like a ‘Christmas tree’ loaded with ornaments. Ornaments are the DNA capacities. Some of those capacities light up, they are active, most of those don’t light up. They are inactive or dormant.

DNA capacities? what is a DNA capacity?

Capacities are like abilities. In vocational testing, they test you for abilities that you can work with… Active abilities. They are not looking for more… even though there are abilities dormant in your DNA that could be activated, but aren’t.

Very few if any jobs are interested in training you to that degree. And even higher learning institutions concentrate on the material, not on your abilities… Those are totally up to you.

The more and more diverse and challenging activities you do in your life, successfully, the more abilities are activated.

The DNA capacities that those dark, unlit ornaments show as dormant are, for example, patience, compassion, perseverance, process, caring, generosity, stepping out of the picture, letting go of your obsession with what you want, seeing the big picture, intelligence, focus, connecting the dots, astuteness, empathy, process and lots more… a total of 160  capacities… Those are the prized qualities of real winners. Continue reading “Does activating DNA capacities cause an epigenetic shift?”

The reason you are miserable… You are on the leash

The reason you are miserable… You are on the leash
you are on the leashHave to, need to, want to, and should: you are on the leash 24/7.

I woke up this morning and noticed that I haven’t been very busy. not much to do. I mean I am writing my articles, doing the services I promised, but not busy. I didn’t feel on the leash… delicious.

I wonder what I should do, now that I am not busy.

I came up with the idea to write a book: The empath’s job in a world where people are going numb.

Then I came to my computer and read a client’s email… and I had a flash of insight why humanity is going numb…

This is what this article is about. So you, at your place, in your person, arrest or maybe even reverse this seemingly unstoppable process that has resulted in your misery, carefully hidden, across the world, maybe even China. Who knows?
Continue reading “The reason you are miserable… You are on the leash”

Your life is built on a story. Make it a better story

Your life is built on a story. Make it a better story

confabulating your life storyWhat is confabulating? It is telling a story based on actual things that happened… But you can make, based on actual things, hundreds of different stories. But alas, most people retell the same boring story… and they are surprised that their life is predictable, boring, and not fun.

Storytelling is part and parcel with humanity. It seems that without stories people shrink, people get narrow, people can boring.

I crave stories.

When I was an architecture student, there was no time to read. It was horrible for me.

Luckily architecture, the actual doing the work doesn’t need all your attention. It is only 5% that is brain-dependent, and the rest of it is manual work. That is what I hated about being an architect, by the way. I like to use my brain, and 5% is not enough for me.

To give you a sense of what 5% is, it’s about the time you spend drinking coffee in a normal business day. Continue reading “Your life is built on a story. Make it a better story”

When your failures always return… The anchor to doom

When your failures always return… The anchor to doom
anchor to doom aka your dominant beliefThe anchor to your doom attachment

What gives it away is the implied inevitability. The language. That it’s always, or never.

Like I am never going to be successful. Stings. Hurts. My eyes are watering. I scramble to avoid it, fight mightily, only to give up after a while and resign… burn, and get up from the ashes like a phoenix bird… This has been the story of my life. Horrid.

Now, imagine free falling towards the Earth, accelerating. Your language, I guess: I am going to die. I am going to be pulped by the impact.

Imagined it? Now imagine that I order you to pay attention to the weather, to the shape of the clouds in the sky.

Continue reading “When your failures always return… The anchor to doom”

Everything begins with your ability to learn

Everything begins with your ability to learn

learn from mistakesEverything begins with your ability to learn. Learn from mistakes, yours or others’.

I am not a scientist. I am not a scientist of any science… so take what I say here with a grain of salt…

But in my not so humble opinion what is destroying humanity is the capacity that lifted it from its animal past…

What is that, Sophie? Talking?

No, not talking… it is the capacity to learn from experience, and from the experience of others.

The capacity to learn.

A human, supposedly, is able to learn from failure. From a mistake. Supposedly. Continue reading “Everything begins with your ability to learn”

Everything is a road to hoe, long, short, hard, easy

Everything is a road to hoe, long, short, hard, easy

methodology of transformation is a process, a road to hoeEverything is a process… a road to hoe. The new methodology of transformation in this article is one step, without which all other steps are ineffective and temporary at best.

Just because you feel brilliant, you may not be brilliant.

Yesterday I felt like I am definitely getting smarter. Felt good. Then I asked Source: Am I really getting smarter? And the answer was ‘no’. Continue reading “Everything is a road to hoe, long, short, hard, easy”

The average truth value of coaching, courses, books is 7%, even though 10% of the truth is known…

The average truth value of coaching, courses, books is 7%, even though 10% of the truth is known…

turn the invisible visibleTruth value. In this article I muse about the low truth value of anything written or spoken, and why it’s so low truth value. I turn the invisible into visible.

It is exactly 53 times more complicated than that!

If anybody says that they know how to help you, run the other way. What? you say I say that? Nah… I don’t. Maybe that is what you heard, but the truth is a whole lot more complicated than that.

Exactly 53 times more complicated… lol.

Sorry, I could not pass this.

Back in Hungary, some 45 years ago I had a bet going with my colleague in architecture, Willy. He was a small little man, with an operated cleft palate… I guess that is what made him do the ‘please don’t kick me’ head tilt to the side. Continue reading “The average truth value of coaching, courses, books is 7%, even though 10% of the truth is known…”