Greed: Impatience, Hurry, Wanting, Forcing, Craving

Greed: Impatience, Hurry, Wanting, Forcing, Craving

Greed: Impatience, Hurry, Wanting, Forcing, Craving, Pursuing, Fighting For. Even What You Call “Loving” Is Greed. Sorry to burst your bubble…

And all resistance in the chest, in the pit of the stomach and in the shoulders… whatever the reasoning.

What is the opposite of greed?

I mean, if you knew that anything with any element of greed in it works to your detriment: it makes you miserable, and it repels what you are greedy for… You would get curious what is the opposite of greed, wouldn’t you?
Continue reading “Greed: Impatience, Hurry, Wanting, Forcing, Craving”

I woke up today feeling good about myself… so? what is the big deal?! Right?

I woke up today feeling good about myself.

Why mention it? Because feeling good about myself is not as frequent as one would think… I could say: I felt better about myself than normal.

Feeling good about yourself is the basis of self-love… that being at home feeling we all crave, but most of us have no idea how to get.

It was, that craving, expressed yesterday by the participants of my workshop 1 to ferret out the issues of the self and brainstorm about a direction that could pull you out of the issue.

Direction, pull you out? Yeah.

Some 16 years ago I was doing a course in New York City, and I was commuting there from Syracuse NY, every week. It was the snowiest winter in my memory. One time I drove down during the day… normally I drove at night when the traffic was sparse. A drive faster and more confidently in snow that others.

And my attitude was: get out of my way! A mix of angry, hurried, superior… not pretty. And suddenly my car slipped to the left and slipped into the snow bank. Continue reading “I woke up today feeling good about myself… so? what is the big deal?! Right?”

Are you inspirable? Can you even be inspired?

Are you inspirable? Can you even be inspired?
Inspiration… what is it and why do you want to have it?

Inspiration, breathing life into inert or unconscious matter… is the difference between a machine and a Man…

An inspired action, an inspired life, an inspired person is vastly different from most people, most actions, most lives on the planet. How? in that what guides those is what is beyond the 10% reality, and beyond the emotional dramatic interpretation. And beyond the meaning based lives humans live nowadays. Continue reading “Are you inspirable? Can you even be inspired?”

The average truth value of good articles only 7%

The average truth value of good articles only 7%
Why is the average truth value of a good article only around 7%? That is a very low number! Please explain…

As you may have noticed, it is harder and harder for me to write an article a day. There are 4000 articles on this site, and they all came easily… if I remember correctly. But suddenly I have nothing to say.

Or better said: I have only to say something when someone asks me, like in coaching or on a webinar… otherwise I feel there is no listening for me to say something, therefore I have no desire, no urgency to say anything. Continue reading “The average truth value of good articles only 7%”

How to have all the skeletons in your closet come alive and conspire against the future you invented, the future you desire?

skeletons-in-the-closetThere is a myth humans hold onto, that if they stay angry and something or someone, then they are better people than who they are angry at.

All pretense… which is bad in and of itself, but there is more…

When you are mad at something you did, or mad at someone who did something you recognize… then you are hooked.

Hooked on that angry mode of existence.

Locked in the anger, locked out of freedom, future, happiness.

As long as you hold onto that anger.

I think it may be useful to dig deeper at the invisible dynamic…

Your anger, your hate seems to be against someone. They did something…

But underneath, under the surface, not even deep, is the real cause:
Continue reading “How to have all the skeletons in your closet come alive and conspire against the future you invented, the future you desire?”

What’s important to you? Do your actions mirror that?

What’s important to you? Do your actions mirror that?

Just look at your actions. Words are cheap. Only what you do counts, only what you do testifies about what is important to you.

It seems that being right, looking good, avoid domination of anyone or anything, including your own word, hoping, expecting the impossible… etc, etc, has been really important to you.

Where you are is where you are supposed to be, given all your actions.

Do all actions count? Talking, thinking, watching videos?

Only to a certain degree.

One of the people who have inspired me for many years is Werner Erhard, the founder of the est training.

What did he do? Continue reading “What’s important to you? Do your actions mirror that?”

Reality… the pragmatic approach that removes the misery

Reality… the pragmatic approach that removes the misery

Back in the early 70’s I had a live-in boy friend, who was a philosophy student. His father was a famous philosopher, was a Hegel expert.

Hegel, I hear, is one of the most impenetrable philosopher to me. The family, father and three sons, had regular philosophy lessons.

I am not interested in philosophy, nor am I a debating/argumentative person, but lately I am encountering philosophical questions that are at the root of my teaching: teaching you to be in harmony with life, teaching you to live a happy life. 2

One of the most important questions here is what is reality, what is real

…because all that unhappiness we experience all unhappiness come from what is not real. Continue reading “Reality… the pragmatic approach that removes the misery”

Are you authoring your life, or is life happening to you?

Are you authoring your life, or is life happening to you?

Even though I have completed my 20-day learning challenge, I am still listening to Dr Popper’s videos.

In one of these videos he says something very important, that i really managed to connect to some of my own experiences only on the third hearing.

Here is what he says:

The speed of life robs us of our ability to fully experience, to fully feel. Continue reading “Are you authoring your life, or is life happening to you?”

What if it is unlikely that you can become the best version of you? Is it still worth going for it?

Something I just read made me get up from bed and come back to my computer. It is something I have almost forgotten… even though it was one of the most important things I have ever learned.

It is: instead of fighting the bad, grow the good.

Of course, some of the principles we live by become invisible… this is one of those.

It’s not my invention. In fact the two wolves the Indian (Native American) tale speaks of, use exactly this principle: feed the good in you.

But the way it was worded in the book I just read was more profound. It says: Let me grow more of the good myself so the bad is less of me.

I didn’t need to kill the iceman (in me). I didn’t even need to fight him. I just needed to make more of myself, so that he would be less of me.

Continue reading “What if it is unlikely that you can become the best version of you? Is it still worth going for it?”

Lack of purpose? lack of meaning? how to find?

Lack of purpose? lack of meaning? how to find?

One of the things all humans crave is consistency and stability. And, or course, if you live a life outside of a cage, outside of a managed care facility, those are hard to come by.

The only constant in reality is change… constant, maddening change. As soon as you get used to a new thing… the next new thing comes…

And humans don’t adjust well to change, don’t want change, don’t like change.

Don’t do well with change…

One of my students… they may have to move back to California…

I’m flailing with my emotions at the moment and being swept away by the ever changing circumstances of my daily life. I need an anchor. Your input would be great. Thank you.

and another student, not being able to get a job: Continue reading “Lack of purpose? lack of meaning? how to find?”