Two fairy tales to make sense of your life… Part 2

Two fairy tales to make sense of your life… Part 2

To recap part 1 for those who can’t quite remember it. Your life can be seen as an example of two fairy tales. You live it unwittingly, and they act as the script, they act as a cage… Until you see what them for what they are.

In this part I start with how my newfound awareness of MY fairy tales helped me break through and start living a life on my own terms. Then, of course, we’ll look at more fairy tales. After all, fun is good. Continue reading “Two fairy tales to make sense of your life… Part 2”

What if two fairy tales could turn your life around?

What if two fairy tales could turn your life around?

Kabbalah teaches through stories… anecdotes, fables. Source teaches ME with fables too. So my dreams are teaching tools.

What if two fairy tales could turn your life around, so you could love yourself and love your life? Continue reading “What if two fairy tales could turn your life around?”

How to have your cake and eat it too? The secret skill

How to have your cake and eat it too? The secret skill

I am an avid reader. Of novels. Of fiction.

What you don’t know, and I didn’t know it until I did, is that

…unless I care about the main character, unless I care how things turn out for them, I don’t want to read the book.

It is at best boring, at worst it’s drudgery.

I hadn’t realized the importance of liking until just recently. Continue reading “How to have your cake and eat it too? The secret skill”

Til you yank the roots of your misery, you can’t get better

Til you yank the roots of your misery, you can’t get better
It’s like a root canal…

Until you yank the roots of your misery, you can’t get better.

Imagine that your tooth is your life. You don’t want to yank your life. that would mean dying. But you can yank the root, the part that makes it hurt…

Or you can self-medicate.

Take drugs,
numb yourself…
get religious. it will divert your attention from your life

All self-medications are harmful, because they cement the notion that how it is is wrong. Continue reading “Til you yank the roots of your misery, you can’t get better”

When someone says: get present: what do YOU mean by that?

When someone says: get present: what do YOU mean by that?

When someone says: get present… what do YOU mean by that?

I have noticed that people often know the ‘what’ but completely miss the ‘how’.

I am almost certain that when I say ‘how’, you don’t even know where to look.

And I am almost certain that that unawareness, that ignorance, that ‘I have no idea what you are talking about‘ came from your upbringing, from your parents. Continue reading “When someone says: get present: what do YOU mean by that?”

Assembly line coaching… is that what I am paying for?

Assembly line coaching… is that what I am paying for?

I am sitting here at my computer. It’s early morning. I have been up already 2-3 hours. And have done many things, and yet nothing got done.

I am preparing myself for my 2:15 pm ‘coaching call’ with Heather. Heather is my ‘coach’ from the course building course I just paid for.

I find myself crying.

It doesn’t feel great, but crying is a good sign. It says to me that I mean business. That I mean when I say: I’ll do it or die trying, that I meant what I said. Continue reading “Assembly line coaching… is that what I am paying for?”

Need is not a feeling. Feeling is also not a thought.

Need is not a feeling. Feeling is also not a thought.

Canadian wildfires are painting the sky yellow. This is a good time to think about needs… are they real or are they made up?

Is clean air a need or a nice to have?

A need is real… It’s not just a feeling. Not just a thought. Without the need fulfilled, life itself is dimmed… or extinguished. Continue reading “Need is not a feeling. Feeling is also not a thought.”

Mental toughness, your TLB… and desire traps

Mental toughness, your TLB… and desire traps

TLB is your Twitchy Little Bastard score. Mental toughness, AND high TLB is the difference between a reactive, undisciplined, five year old who cannot see past the next five minutes, and a person (whatever age) who can actually see and act conscious of the consequences of their action or inaction.

Tai Lopez calls these according to names of the Greek philosophies that reigned around the time of Seneca the Elder: the Stoics, and the Epicurians.

If you gobble up a cheese burger, you are an Epicurian who can’t see where eating that toxic stuff will leads you… fat, poor, sick, and wanting more.

If money burns a hole in your pocket… you are probably living the Epicurian lifestyle. You can’t stand not having your phone with you, ditto.

You dream of instant success, instant weight loss, instant love… you are an Epicurian… and a TLB 1. Continue reading “Mental toughness, your TLB… and desire traps”

How bad news can be a godsend or how to eliminate neediness?

How bad news can be a godsend or how to eliminate neediness?

bad newsBad news. On my way home, climbing the long stairway off Euclid Avenue, I was listening to Step 21 of the 67 Steps. It’s about the superpower of being able to get into a relationship with people. Get into a relationship because you can see how their machine works. and because you see it, therefore you can speak their language.

Everything comes to you through people… and…

…you cannot get more abundance than what your people skills allow you to have.

I have been resigned about my ability to get better at dealing with people.

Resigned means: I have a fixed mindset about it, that says: it may be possible for you, but it’s impossible for me. Continue reading “How bad news can be a godsend or how to eliminate neediness?”

Soul correction: Circuitry: the end of hoarding

Soul correction: Circuitry: the end of hoarding

Money and the soul correction: Circuitry: the end of hoarding: the end of being the end-all…

Circuitry is a code word for not holding back.

I have already written articles about tithing in the context of the Law of Attraction. I was knocking it.

But there is something about tithing, (or better said: donating, sharing the wealth, giving away a portion of what is yours, in the form of money,) that is very relevant for everyone, and especially relevant to people with this soul correction, circuitry.

So, first let’s see what is the mindset and the behavior of a person with this soul correction:

Continue reading “Soul correction: Circuitry: the end of hoarding”