The anatomy of earning your light: a case study

The anatomy of earning your light: a case study

kiss the frog and kiss it again The anatomy of earning your light: a case study

The objective of this case study is to illustrate how I earned another 10 point rise in my vibration.

The language is stream of consciousness. I am starting out not knowing what or how to earn that rise. I am creating it in this article, so if you find the tenses confusing, just hang in there: consider that I am creating in the moment. Re-writing a stream of consciousness “monologue” to a proper English recounting what happened will miss the most important aspect of the process: the truth is unfolding as you speak. So, let’s go, shall we?
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A little bit about me: how I got my name, Ben-Shitta? Thorns and Nectar, Wisdom and Desert Tree?

acacia tree or shitta tree etz ha shitta A little bit about me: how I got my name, Ben-Shitta?

In 1982 I accompanied a friend of a friend to Eilat to do some snorkeling. I lived in Jerusalem at the time, and didn’t mind the long drive: who wouldn’t want to see and experience the Red Sea.

The long drive took us through the Negev, a desert, with a few trees here and there.

The trees immediately captured my heart: they were alone, they were beautiful, and they were generous in an unusual way.
Continue reading “A little bit about me: how I got my name, Ben-Shitta? Thorns and Nectar, Wisdom and Desert Tree?”

How Did I Put Myself Into The Vibrational Frequency Of Money? A Case Study

How Did I Put Myself Into The Vibrational Frequency Of Money? A Case Study

How Did I Put Myself Into The Vibrational Frequency Of Money? A Case Study

I have been spending money on my own training. Not as much as before: this time I only spend money on stuff I know I can totally consume: i.e. do all the exercises, attend all the classes, without having to give up on something important.

I used to spend 5-10 times more money, but normally I would drop all the balls… and end up empty handed.

So, I am spending less money, but getting tremendous value for each dollar I spend.

Continue reading “How Did I Put Myself Into The Vibrational Frequency Of Money? A Case Study”

Phase One Case Study: Keith the Photographer

This is a Phase One Case Study. Phase One of the Planetary Ascension. Phase One was worldwide and every person on the Planet got it. The highest vibration Phase One can take you is 299.

Some people who previously got to a high vibration by using Dark Side energies also got the activation and as a result their vibration dropped to a lower number. Tr. is like that, his vibration is now 395 compared to the 600 it used to be. On the other hand, when I got the activation, my vibration jumped by 30, from 665 to 695. And Master Gopal’s vibration went from 605 to 615.

Phase One started on July 24 with 4 people.

Continue reading “Phase One Case Study: Keith the Photographer”

Case Study: Vik Day 17

[8/7/2011 1:12:16 AM] Vik: hi
[8/7/2011 1:12:29 AM] Vik: i tried connecting to the source yesterday…
[8/7/2011 1:12:36 AM] Vik: i tried it twice
[8/7/2011 11:20:47 AM] Vik: hi
[8/7/2011 11:59:37 AM] Sophie Maven: hi
[8/7/2011 11:59:59 AM] Sophie Maven: you are at 299
[8/7/2011 12:00:05 PM] Sophie Maven: how are you feeling?
[8/7/2011 12:09:38 PM] Vik: sorry…was having my dinner
[8/7/2011 12:09:52 PM] Vik: am not feeling good..
[8/7/2011 12:10:02 PM] Sophie Maven: stomach?
[8/7/2011 12:10:07 PM] Vik: so i was able to connect to the source?
[8/7/2011 12:10:12 PM] Vik: no the crown chakra…
[8/7/2011 12:10:16 PM] Sophie Maven: no
[8/7/2011 12:10:24 PM] Sophie Maven: you went up to 299 the hard way
Continue reading “Case Study: Vik Day 17”

Case Study: Vik Day 18: it is time to say good bye. Your Activation is Complete

[1:02:57 PM] Vik: hi
[1:03:10 PM] Sophie Maven: hey
[1:03:18 PM] Vik: how r u
[1:03:27 PM] Sophie Maven: you: 299
[1:03:43 PM] Sophie Maven: wife: 290
[1:03:45 PM] Vik: ok..
[1:04:00 PM] Sophie Maven: father: no change
[1:04:27 PM] Sophie Maven: no attachments on you
[1:04:34 PM] Vik: ok
[1:04:41 PM] Vik: how about my wife
[1:04:44 PM] Vik: any attachments?
[1:05:17 PM] Sophie Maven: none
[1:05:35 PM] Sophie Maven: daughter: 270
[1:05:40 PM] Vik: wife at 290…she is come up really fast…
[1:05:47 PM] Sophie Maven: yes.
[1:06:17 PM] Vik: wow…i didn’t know that u had activated my daughter as well..
[1:06:35 PM] Sophie Maven: mother: 150… very fast ascension
[1:06:47 PM] Sophie Maven: I activated every single person in India

Continue reading “Case Study: Vik Day 18: it is time to say good bye. Your Activation is Complete”

Case Study: Vik Day 8-16

Case Study: Vik Day 8-16

[8/1/2011 11:48:42 AM] Vik: hi
[8/1/2011 11:50:16 AM] Sophie Maven: no report today?
[8/1/2011 11:50:27 AM] Vik: will send it in sometime
[8/1/2011 11:50:30 AM] Vik: how am i progressing
[8/1/2011 11:50:39 AM] Sophie Maven: how was work today?
[8/1/2011 11:50:48 AM] Vik: work was good
[8/1/2011 11:50:55 AM] Sophie Maven: I expected that
[8/1/2011 11:51:03 AM] Vik: but towards the evening i felt lethargic
[8/1/2011 11:51:07 AM] Vik: and energies scattered
[8/1/2011 11:51:50 AM] Sophie Maven: you are just under 270. It is not a straight line. I am having a very difficult day today… and I am at 795…

Continue reading “Case Study: Vik Day 8-16”

Case Study: Indian Man, Vik

11:44:29 AM, August 4, 2011
Vik: hi
Sophie Maven: hold Vikur, I am in the middle of something
Vik: how r u doing
Vik: k
Sophie Maven: I removed another attachment, it is your wife’s family, didn’t get a lock on who, personally. it was on the other side
Sophie Maven: you need to learn to cloak yourself
Vik: who could it be?
Sophie Maven: it is mostly a female
Vik: ok..what is this exactly…
Vik: is it some kind of a black magic?
Sophie Maven: energy vampires

Continue reading “Case Study: Indian Man, Vik”