How long will it take to raise my vibration to 395?

How long will it take to raise my vibration to 395?

Question: People ask me: how long should I plan that my vibration rises to 395? Do you have a plan that will allow me to do that in two months?

Answer: This is the type of questions I get regularly. The question belies the worldview that we live in a two plus two equals four Universe.

“Plan your work and work your plan.”

  • I do not share that worldview.
  • I do not believe that cause and effect is linear and you can even detect the why of things happening.
  • If we could plan, do and bank on the results, then there would be a lot of vibration 395’s would be running around. At the moment there are only four people with or above that vibration on Planet Earth.
Are you disappointed? Did you REALLY think that running some high energy audios will transform you into a sage? A mystic?

My most successful student, at the moment hovers between 360 and 370 in her vibration. She has been doing the work with me since October of 2011.
Continue reading “How long will it take to raise my vibration to 395?”

Talk Back To Me: Why and how do the harmonizing (Avatar State) audios work?

Talk Back To Me: Why and how do the harmonizing (Avatar State) audios work?

Question: You say: “Eliminate procrastination, discover your hidden self, Increase your awareness, discover your ability to think, see the big picture, activate your intuition, keep calm under pressure…”

Promises, promises, promises? Just by playing an audio in the background?! Is this a fraud? Or is this true?

And if it works, why does it work? How does it work? Please explain…

Answer: You may have heard about binaural beats. You may have heard about Holosync Technologies.

These two work through your auditory faculties. You need to hear them for these programs to work. Their similarity extends another step: they actually scramble your brain, so the status quo, the set way of thinking, the same old, same old gets stirred up.

If I could bring an analogy: You have your lawn overgrown. You get out your lawn mower and cut your grass. When you look afterwards, at the base of the grass, you see tiny little plants grow with tiny little flowers. Suddenly these little flowers get a chance to get a little sun, for a little while, until the grass grows and start suffocating them again.

Those little flowers represent the unused faculties of creativity, intelligence, courage, purposefulness, etc. When, by using these programs, your usual set-in-your-way thinking gets mowed off, something new can present itself, something that was suppressed before.
Continue reading “Talk Back To Me: Why and how do the harmonizing (Avatar State) audios work?”

From My Correspondence: Can you help me: My Kundalini rose and messed me up!

kundalini risingA reader sent me this email. There is nothing personal about it: it could happen to you what happened to them. This is why I want to you read it.

Hi Sophie,

It’s been awhile since we’ve communicated or worked together, but I could really use your help. I negligently did some things to myself that threw me way out of balance and I have no idea how to fix it.

Around the end of July, I went to a fair where I bought a couple of gemstones, one of which was garnet, which the person selling it to me said was good for my root chakra. Without really understanding what I was doing and thinking I was simply healing my root chakra, I put the stone directly behind me on the chair I was sitting on for about 3 hours while my root chakra resonated to it. The next day I had an absolutely massive kundalini rising which lasted for about 2 days and was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. It was completely unexpected and caught me completely off guard. I had no intention of messing with my kundalini in any way whatsoever and still would prefer not to have it active because the energy is incredibly overwhelming and too much for me to handle. I later found out that garnet has the property of stimulating kundalini but there was absolutely no way I could have known this.
Continue reading “From My Correspondence: Can you help me: My Kundalini rose and messed me up!”

What Attitude That Is Most Missing For You To Succeed?

What Attitude That Is Most Missing For You To Succeed?

I got an email from a reader today, one of many such emails:

“Hi Sophie, I listened to your video but I didn’t get the answer or find solution to my struggles in life! I am wondering, yes as you said, why I am not transformed in-spite of learning so many methods from attending seminars and reading books! I came from a broken family I tried to change my life but sometimes my life was up but mostly down!

Financially I struggle, bankrupt and thinking to end my life. . . But when I hear your story, I did not and I am now almost 5 years searching for answers? I have read the Bible many times from cover to end and everyday, I received emails trying to sell me self-improvement books but I am fed up, nothing works! I would appreciate if you can help me!”

So what can you answer to someone who has been struggling and considering suicide a viable alternative?

One major distinction I need to teach to all my readers, students, a distinction that if you don’t learn it, you’ll miss everything.

The distinction is called: Where are you listening from?

The from is the operative word here. It is your base attitude consistent with your “grounds of being”.

We each are embedded in a paradigm. The insides and the walls of our paradigm are built from our belief system. Your paradigm has everything that you need to stay the same, and nothing to be more successful that you are, happier than you are, thinner, richer, more entertaining, more attractive than you are.

Your current life is exactly what’s possible inside your current paradigm.

When you look at someone who has what you crave, you can be 100% sure that they live in a different paradigm with beliefs that can’t be found in yours.
Continue reading “What Attitude That Is Most Missing For You To Succeed?”

From My Skype on context and building a ladder to

Alex: was going to post it as a comment on your blog but the captcha image won’t show

Alex: Sophie, you said , ‘You can sell bankers, you can sell partners, but if you don’t sell yourself, your unconvinced, doubting mind will deliver the opposite of what you expect of it.’ Continue reading “From My Skype on context and building a ladder to”

I love you but… You are rude on the calls! heaven?

I love you but… You are rude on the calls! heaven?
Be Nice! I love you but…

You are rude on the calls, where is the Heaven on Earth that you promise?

From My Mailbox:

I already love you and care for you because i can feel your heart…way big. The challenge is that the ego is still getting in the way of your delivering the Heaven on Earth and your special talents bringing down energy. Continue reading “I love you but… You are rude on the calls! heaven?”

Questions and Answers: Talk back to me…

Dear Sophie,

After last night’s call, I have some questions for you.

-I wanted to ask you what you actually mean, instead of what I interpreted when you gave me soul correction + flaw. In terms of actually doing my soul work, what does it mean that I have Silent Partner and flaw of Pretense? (I thought I knew until I read one of the posts by aaron online). I suspect this will hurt like a band aid coming off to hear, but I’d rather find out exactly what you mean instead of thinking I know. Then I can go about catching it


Each character flaw is a pretense.

You are made of the same stuff as Source, and that is powerless beyond measure. You live in the world of scarcity, but that doesn’t mean that your powers disappeared, they are limited by the physicality, that’s all.

But humans behave if they had no access to power inside themselves, they look for power outside of themselves. That is a pretense.

The Silent Partner addresses this character flaw directly, the other soul corrections through a specific application of this denial of power.

The issue with the Silent Partner is accessing your power. Magical thinking will work a little bit, but not much. The adage, fake it till you make it, is perfect here, you need to take steps you would not take without knowing that you have the power, but of course at this point you don’t. I do, but I am a little ahead of you on this journey.

Behaving like you can’t is your flaw to correct.


You mentioned on the call last night that being a “helper” is the worst. My job is actually being an assistant! Is that under the same umbrella of what you were referring to? I must say however, that your articles have since motivated me to see my work as training to do the job on my own and eventually be my own boss.


Being an assistant is a wonderful job. You don’t need to be the boss of all, you just need to be the boss of yourself.

Wallace D Wattles says it best in his The Science of Getting Rich: start where you are. use the will correctly. put all power into every action. become too big for the job you have. don’t just become the best at it: that will keep you stuck. become too big for it!

You’ll know when you are ready… but do you know what you are training for?

I do a lot of work for people that I consider training, even now. But I am very clear what it is I am training for, so I don’t become a helper.

Until you are clear about that, just do the “job” better than required, in a somewhat beyond what’s required way. As if it were your own business.


-It sounded from your articles that the 1st phase activation could take people to 299, but not everyone did. Obviously, neither did I since I am at 200. Is there a reason I didn’t/couldn’t get to 299 and what can I do about it? I would very much like to not be in the “miserable wretch” category as you call it.


I am a little hesitant to admit, but the first phase activation without removing at least some of what was there, was a little too early. Luckily I caught the dark side, by accident and eliminated it, but it is starting to grow back. It was around 50% before that activation, and now only 2%, but on the individual level, the activation didn’t do much.

You are doing the right thing by being in the 2nd Phase Activation Course, that is your ticket out of “wretched”.


Regarding being an empath and your article on Heaven on Earth for weight loss: Recently I realized that not only have I been living other people’s stuff, but I’ve also been carrying their weight. I was always baffled because the math of calorie/exercise did not add up with how I look. Since then when I see myself (and despair) I say something along the lines of “it’s not my weight, return it to Source.” So far (I’ve only started 2 weeks ago), results are not there. I also take H.O.E. unrelentingly. Do you have any other advice?


I muscletested your statement about carrying other people’s weight for them, and it is not true. I struggle with my weight too, and in my case, I am clear that my metabolism is so slowed down from carrying other people’s feelings, that I can actually maintain my weight at 500 Calories a day. Ridiculous.

What is the explanation? I think it is holding the breath. The food needs oxygen to burn, and without oxygen it is poison and it must be stored.

A few years ago I did a breathing regimen, I forgot what it was called, by Greer Childers. It’s a 20-minute breathing regimen with about 10 positions stretching. I lost 30 pounds in 40 days, without changing anything else. Buy the book on ebay for a buck, “Be a loser” and start doing it. Even if you don’t do it the way it is supposed to be done, you’ll be surprised that you’ll shed the weight. Guaranteed


Another empath question. One of your articles you say “I have gone through the mad stage, I have gone through the useless hermit stage. After 60 years, I have got myself to the stage where this ability is useful.” I felt a painful jolt of recognition. I also feel I went through mad stage and am stuck in “useless hermit.” It is also very much like you said on last night’s call – the people who never have fun. Is this something that the empath group will help with or do you have anything else I can do?


If the current empath group is any indication, it is nothing short of a miracle when an empath becomes conscious. I need more applicants to actually do another group.


On the healing calls, I don’t see the text boxes so I don’t know if people request healing on their various aches and pains or if you are tuning in and picking up on what is collectively in need of healing for the group. I was concerned about the bladder and tumor situation as I was having bladder pain the other day. But I wasn’t sure if that was specific to someone else on the call. If you are taking requests, I would ask for help with allergies. I’m sure I’m not alone in dealing with hay fever right now.


Both. people make requests, and I am tuning in.

I don’t have any allergies, so I am a little clueless as to what to do about those, sorry

Sorry, lots of questions. I have been thinking about them for some time.

Thank you,


The New Label for The Heaven on Earth Energy Bundle in a Bottle

Finally I had a few hours for myself, so I whipped out my trusty old Quark Xpress that I hadn’t used for 5-6 years, and designed a label for the Heaven on Earth Remedy…

heaven on earth in a bottle

Here is how it is. Would you comment below and tell me

  1. if you like it
  2. if not what you don’t like about it
  3. if you think anything else should be on it, info, etc.

Continue reading “The New Label for The Heaven on Earth Energy Bundle in a Bottle”

Excited about tomorrow’s webinar? I am. It’s at 4 pm EST


Dear Sophie,

Read your love article– excellent- again, makes perfect sense

I’m exactly halfway thru the Wattles book, 1 I expect to finish it sometime tonight-

I saw that you have a webinar tomorrow/Saturday at 9 p.m. EST – yes, I remember the instructions about getting on early for downloading the software etc. so I can be on time-
Continue reading “Excited about tomorrow’s webinar? I am. It’s at 4 pm EST”

Why are you not offering measuring the vibration? Why do I need to disconnect after meditation?

Why are you not offering measuring the vibration? Why do I need to disconnect after meditation?

UPDATE: I, occasionally, refuse to connect to someone. I have learned my lesson, and now I ask Source before I connect to a person, if I am allowed.

I sometimes connect accidentally and I pay the price. My water gets de-energized, I get an attachment, I get an energetic attack.

Don’t be mistaken, what I teach is dangerous for the status quo… and status quo people will want me dead, or at least stopped.

I want to give them less and less occasion and opportunity to reach me.


Hi Sophie,
I didn’t see the option to donate on your site to measure one’s vibration. Do you still offer that?


Continue reading “Why are you not offering measuring the vibration? Why do I need to disconnect after meditation?”