The feedback that made me look again at myself

The feedback that made me look again at myself

Hi Sophie,

Thank you for writing this (yesterday’s) article. I too have wanted a magic and quick way to get to the conclusion or result of something. But with using the sight capacity and also looking at my past projects or successes, the quick “shortcut” way almost never works, or doesn’t lead to a sustained result.

Lately I also had a bit of time to reflect when I wasn’t feeling well on a couple of days. I had been reviewing some of the past communications that we had before, such as the guidance that you provided in the food lists, since 2017. I realized that several times where I did not follow the guidance, I thought I knew better or took what you said personally, or thought it meant I was “wrong” (though I can tell now that you were just saying ‘A is A’). For example, when you said I had inflammation, I automatically went to “inflammation is bad” and “it is wrong for me to have inflammation”. While I didn’t doubt that what you said was correct, I struggled to accept it, as it didn’t match what I wanted to believe, or my view of reality.

Anyway this ties into your latest article where you talked about people doing what they say they will do, and quickly. Getting well for me has been a process too. It’s the small actions that I take every day that over time lead to progress. This includes eating only foods on my food list, noticing my attitudes, slowing down instead of rushing, listening to the big bundle during the night, and using the energy healing audio. There have been some periods recently where I made a kind of experiment to (temporarily) do the opposite of what would improve my health, and not surprisingly, I did not feel happy and energetic. I felt worse and I couldn’t maintain focus and be productive. So I have made a commitment to myself to go back to the strait and narrow, to go back to what was working, as my purpose is to achieve and sustain health, even if there are parts to it that I don’t understand. I get reminders of the debilitating back pain and stiffness if I accidentally eat something with leaves, and from that I get sufficient motivation to stay on track. I definitely don’t want to live a life where I feel that pain nearly every day as I did in early 2022. The vast majority (if not all!) of the actions that I can take to move me in the right direction with regards to my health are within my control, and I am very grateful for that.

I hope that you can make it through this difficult time Sophie. I get that every day is a challenge for you, and it’s very difficult and painful and there is a lot of uncertainty. Thank you for continuing to look for the pieces of the invisible through all of this and I wish the very best for you.

What do you like about me? What don’t you like about me?

What do you like about me? What don’t you like about me?

Today is December 18, 2016…

I went to my chiropractor today: my neck was stuck.

I took a ride with the community center van. On the way back the driver of the van gave me feedback on myself: eager. As in eager beaver… busybody, annoying, rushing people.

I was already waiting outside when he came to pick me up, and I was waiting for him outside the chiropractor’s off ice when he came to pick me up. I meant to make it easier and faster for him, but that is not how it landed… obviously.

Ugh. That hurts…
Continue reading “What do you like about me? What don’t you like about me?”

Why are no thinkers among the 8 billion, Warren Buffet too

Why are no thinkers among the 8 billion, Warren Buffet too

I am reading a thought provoking book… There it is again, the language distortion.

No, the book is triggering thinking about it, it triggered for me real thinking… not thoughts.

I stayed up three hours later than usual to have the time to think. Continue reading “Why are no thinkers among the 8 billion, Warren Buffet too”

Without a vision you are driftwood

Without a vision you are driftwood

driftwoodAs I promised, I am going to start, probably will be a series, on the role or ‘future’ on your behavior.

I’ll start with a personal example.

As you may know, I am old, fragile, living on borrowed time.

Back in November, meaning six months ago, my main computer was giving me grief, so I bought another one, but my main computer recovered, and I never installed the new computer. Yeah, I know, but I didn’t have the physical strength… or a good enough reason.

I have a vision for my work, but had no vision for the ‘company’… but that changed about a month ago.

Three things contributed to that:

1. I found a teacher who is a solo entrepreneur like me, off-kilter, like me, and curses like me… lol. I got revitalized. I started to see that I am not alone, even though I have never spoken to him, and he has no knowledge of me. Continue reading “Without a vision you are driftwood”

Are you attracting or are you repelling? That is the question…

Are you attracting or are you repelling? That is the question…

Why is it that most people, you,  who believe in the Law of Attraction actually practice how to repel people and repel what you want?

99% of all people believe in the law of attraction… or some version of it…

People write to me all the time, asking me for something. They want something for nothing. Obviously they are adherents of the Law of Attraction: the law seems to be saying to the: you can attract to yourself things you want by just wanting them. Ask and it is given… or something of that sort. Or if you really desire it… blah blah blah.

I have a few secrets for you: the world doesn’t operate that way. In fact, the world operates closer to what Charlie Munger says: If you want to get what you want, you need to deserve what you want. Continue reading “Are you attracting or are you repelling? That is the question…”

From my correspondence: I have noticed a change in your tone: what’s happening?

Dear Sophie: your tone is changing. It is more demanding, and I wonder what’s going on… you are wielding a stronger demand on the students… did something change?

Answer: Let me answer with a story:

A Pig and a Chicken are walking down the road. The Chicken says, “Hey Pig, I was thinking we should open a restaurant!” The Pig replies, “Hm, maybe, what would we call it?” The Chicken responds, “How about ‘ham-n-eggs’?”

The Pig thinks for a moment and says, “No thanks. I’d be committed, but you’d only be involved!”

Sometimes, the story is presented as a riddle:

Question: In a bacon-and-egg breakfast, what’s the difference between the Chicken and the Pig?

Answer: The Chicken is involved, but the Pig is committed!

Continue reading “From my correspondence: I have noticed a change in your tone: what’s happening?”

From My Correspondence: I can’t feel anything, can you help?

From My Correspondence: I can’t feel anything, can you help?

Dear Sophie,

Please help me if at all possible.

I know I have some emotional blocks somewhere that I can’t clear up on my own. I have tried and for some reason I just can’t do it.

Another empath has helped open up whatever gates that are closed and I could FEEL some things again. I don’t know exactly what is going on, but I know on a certain level that an empath is what I need to be able to feel alive again.

I’m tired of my emotions and actions being on autopilot and just feeling nothing all of the time.

The only real feelings I can feel at times is being neutral (to an extent), some anger, and a kind of sadness.

Where is that feeling of love, of pure selflessness, understanding and devotion that I want to feel again? For some reason, I can only feel those things while I am connected to an empath.

Please, if you can, teach me how to feel again. 🙁

Can’t feel…

Continue reading “From My Correspondence: I can’t feel anything, can you help?”

Can’t learn? Won’t learn? Is that how you keep yourself stuck in life?

I am still struggling with having something or anything to say. Now I have the energy, but don’t have the … what?

What don’t I have, and why is that important to know what it is that you don’t have?

The number one need of people, I say, is the desire to make a difference.

But when I say ‘make a difference’ I don’t mean the big flashy things, like Bill Gates curing malaria… I mean being wanted to be there. That you are not refused.

Cain killed Abel in the Bible, because god accepted Abel’s sacrifice, but not his. He, Cain, got furious, and killed who he could killed, Abel.

Feeling refused, feeling not wanted is the cause of the biggest pain, and unfortunately people carry that in their unconscious for the length of their lives.

Continue reading “Can’t learn? Won’t learn? Is that how you keep yourself stuck in life?”

Therefore: the invisible thread in the invisible dynamics

Therefore: the invisible thread in all the invisible dynamics that decide your happiness or wretchedness

I have been talking about these invisible dynamics forever… hundreds of articles about them.

There is no mystery about them, yet you need to actually be willing to look until you see them.

There is a common element in all the invisible dynamics I have looked at, even included the logical fallacies and cognitive biases, which are also part of the invisible dynamics.

And that is what I am talking about in this article. It is there, it is always there, it is already there. Invisible… Lurking in the background, lurking under the conscious detection.

There is nothing wrong with you. And there is nothing right about you either. Continue reading “Therefore: the invisible thread in the invisible dynamics”

Limited version, try before you buy the full version

I’d like more people to benefit from my work.

For some, paying $30 bucks for a powerful audio is prohibitive. Not necessarily because they don’t have the money, and maybe they don’t. But because or their value judgment.

For $30 they can get something they value more than themselves. I get it.

I have found a lot of people who are stingy with themselves… there is no love lost between you and you… the two selves. So when that is the case, taking care of themselves is like pulling teeth. Well, we shall see what happens after this announcement…

For for a limited time, more like a test, I am going to offer my most popular activators in a limited version. Continue reading “Limited version, try before you buy the full version”