How a small donation of $3 got me unstuck

How a small donation of  got me unstuck

When money is tight, when I count every penny to make it to the next rent check, I always do something illogical, something that doesn’t make sense, but it works, and it works in spades.

I give a donation. Not big, just a little bit.

Make energy move. Money is energy

I have been doing this for about 10 years not, and every time the results are instantaneous, I get freed up, I breathe better, and I start to see opportunities where I was stuck just minutes earlier.
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The greatest secret of life is that life is a gift. And so is happiness

osho: the man who loved seagullsI think, that of all Osho’s talks that I know, this is the most significant, and the most helpful, if you EVER want to be able to return HOME, to the present moment, where you can be content, happy, and start living.

Osho talks: The Man Who Loved Seagulls

7 May 1975 am in Buddha Hall

There was a man living by the seashore who loved seagulls. Every morning he went down to the sea to roam with the seagulls. More birds came to him than could be counted in hundreds.

His father said to him one day: I hear the seagulls all come roaming with you — bring me some to play with.

Next day, when he went to the sea, the seagulls danced above him and would not come down.

The greatest secret of life is — and remember it always — that life is a gift. You have not deserved it in the first place. It is not your right. It has been given to you, you have not earned it. Once you understand this, many things will become clear.

If life is a gift then all that belongs to life is going to be a gift. Happiness, love, meditation — all that is beautiful is going to be a gift from the holy, from the whole.

Click to continue reading this article on my Osho blog Also mp3 file and pdf there

Spiritual Laws that you disobey: The Law of Flexibility

Spiritual Laws that you disobey: The Law of Flexibility

Ask anyone; the happiest moments of one’s life are the moment when we find ourselves in our vertical self… or at least centered and grounded in the bottom of it.

It doesn’t happen a lot, because we are brought up and encouraged to live in our horizontal being.
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More on the Law of Process

body-builder-skinny-skipped-leg-dayI have been observing people for about 30 years… I have participated with thousands. I have coached thousands. I have been friends with a few.

There has been one thing in common with all of them: they picked and chose what they wanted to do, so they never succeeded.

I observed the same thing on myself, and to the degree that it is there, to the degree someone won’t amount to anything, won’t amount to much.

I read quite a few sales letters a day, 1 mostly because I am interested… not in buying, but …
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Awakening to the glass ceilings we have…

Awakening to the glass ceilings we have…

growth is a processYesterday I did some teaching with some people and the stuff didn’t go through. I am at a point where I am questioning if anything can be taught, if any change can be accomplished, if the current humanity is even able to go to the next level of evolution.
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Hope: public enemy. Ego’s way to keep you waiting

hope displaces actionYou have hopes, aspirations, you have dreams. Some have been around and with you since you were a little kid.

You keep them close to your vest, because without hope what have you? If you lost your hopes, you would have nothing, you feel… so you keep them close to your vest, you are protective of them.


If you took hope out, instead of hoping, you would, probably, have a sudden clarity about the fact that what you are doing and not doing are not in concert, not in harmony with your aspirations.
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Mastery: go from unconscious incompetence to…

Mastery: go from unconscious incompetence to…

The one rule of the Playground Program: All speaking needs to answer the questions: what happened, what is real?

One of the first things people learn in the Landmark Education Forum is the idea that most of what you think happened to you, around you, in your life, is a story.

It’s a simple distinction, yet it is profound, it is life altering… for a moment. In the moment of seeing that, it is profound. Then it disappears, it goes underground.  It is replaced completely by the story… Flash in the pan, kitchen fire, not forest fire… Inconsequential. In spite of the fact that when it is alive, when it is operational, it is life altering, transformational. Big.

When I talk to graduates of Landmark Education’s programs, they, maybe, can give lip-service to this distinction, “story”, they know about it, but if you listen to them, it is not a distinction that is alive and well, guiding them through the maze of mind-full (living from the mind) living, unconscious living, living without distinctions.

My experience has been that a little knowledge will definitely lower your vibration to lower than it was before that little knowledge. Tree of Knowledge… knowing about it, but no mastery.
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The similarity between organized religion and medicine

The similarity between organized religion and medicine

The similarity between organized religion and medicine… is there any? or Is it the mind or is it the Ego that is holding you back, that is not allowing you to change?

During a recent coaching session, the student was giving the mind all the credit for her issues: fear of making a mistake, fear of doing anything new, fear of trusting anyone or anything, etc. Continue reading “The similarity between organized religion and medicine”

The Law of Responsibility from Dan Millman’s book

The Law of Responsibility

Once we establish the limits and boundaries of our responsibility, we can take full charge of that which is our duty and let go of that which is not: in doing so, we find more enjoyment supporting others, as we create more harmonious cooperative relationships. 1

For peace of mind, we need to resign as general manager of the universe. LARRY EISENBERG
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Is integrity an issue if I pay you a lower wage than others?


I’m hoping you may have time to address this question: I have been using the “Cancel That” exercise. 1

Realizing that I have not had hardly any integrity in my life has been mind blowing, by the way.

Ok, my question is: in the course of doing business, is integrity an issue if I pay someone a lower wage (consensually) for a service that others are being paid higher wages to do the same service? Thank you for any input you may have.


Integrity is an inside job. No social or moral obligations are relevant when we look if there is integrity in a behavior. No one can tell you anything about your integrity.

Integrity is an issue between you and you.
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