Raising Your Vibration: It’s a process, not an event

Raising Your Vibration: It’s a process, not an event

It’s a process, not an event

One of the issues you may deal with is the result of widespread misinformation. It’s been around for thousands of years, and it is as damaging as any mass-distributed toxin, maybe even more. Why? Because your body can’t manufacture antibodies against information.

The idea of instant healing, instant transformation, instant transfiguration is what I am talking about. Continue reading “Raising Your Vibration: It’s a process, not an event”

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

Teddy Roosevelt said that, and not many people listened. Even less are listening now.

Let’s see why?

Do what you can. Yeah, what CAN you do?

Most people I know have never taken the time to develop any skills. They are amateurs in every area of life, in everything they do, including the work they get paid to do. Continue reading “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”

All the current methods you use won’t give you what you want

All the current methods you use won’t give you what you want

Sometimes I have the good fortune to watch other business people bet on something and not get the result they hoped to get.

Most of the time you have no idea what someone wants… so this is a gift.

Life isn’t a series of winning bets… Life is a series of losing bets that teach you something if you are willing to learn. Continue reading “All the current methods you use won’t give you what you want”

Why some cultures honor the soaring eagle as their symbol?

Why some cultures honor the soaring eagle as their symbol?

soaring methodAre you in harmony with Life? If you aren’t, you likely cannot soar… And soaring is the key to living a life worth living. This article shows what’s in the way and suggests how to remove what prevents you from soaring.

This article is a meandering journal entry: just walk with me… it will be worth your while. I promise.

The more in tune you are with the Universe, inner or outer, the more what I am going to share here applies to you.

My core group students are going through the grief of what it was like to be a child with a violent father, or a father who didn’t like the way you were, or having been an unplanned unwanted pregnancy…

The deeper you can go into the despair of it, the easier it is going to be to create a new name for you… and to create a new reality around that new person. Continue reading “Why some cultures honor the soaring eagle as their symbol?”

Create new reality with The Soaring Method

Create new reality with The Soaring Method
soaring method create new realityThe Soaring Method to create new reality while soaring.

Soaring is an altered mind state… you are not in your mind, you are not in beta brain waves… you are either in alpha or it theta mode.

Why does the soaring method work, how it works, what is different from pedestrian methods you have heard about or maybe you are practicing? This is what this article tries to sell you…

Create your own reality. Doesn’t it just roll of your tongue easily? ou can just create a new reality and this horror we are experiencing will disappear… lol.

But did you notice that it is not as easy as that?

Did you notice that reality isn’t very willing to follow suit? Continue reading “Create new reality with The Soaring Method”

What is the Strength of YOUR character? A must look…

What is the Strength of YOUR character? A must look…

I know you don’t want to talk about this topic, but I am afraid we need to. Hate me, I can take it.

I know it is holiday month, you only want to think of Christmas, and nice-nice, and gifts… but the quality of your life depends on what you do every day… so maybe you want to talk about that…

So what is character? Character, some say, is how you behave when no one is watching.

But that is vague… so let’s look at Wikipedia… here is a short quote from there Continue reading “What is the Strength of YOUR character? A must look…”

Here is another spiritual law, the Law of Flexibility

Here is another spiritual law, the Law of Flexibility

This is from the book “The Life you were born to live” a book you can get for next to nothing…

As much as I struggle with reading so much English, perfect sentences, I recognize that I am probably the minority and people like reading stuff like that. I teach this law, I don’t call it law, and it is about five sentences when I teach it.

So maybe using other people’s words will make me a more effective teacher, and will be able to get through to you.

This law, the law of flexibility, is a combination of several distinctions:

  1. you only have power when you are present.
  2. you cannot be present if and when you resist anything
  3. you can embrace that which wants to enslave you, and when you actually embrace it, you have all the power to take it anywhere (you can see it in marshal arts, or any fighting… by the way)
  4. context is decisive. Create an empowering context and life will flow without any resistance.
  5. happiness is accepting what is.

So, here you had my five sentences, and here are the many sentences of Dan Millman in the book “The life you were born to live”. Now you see why I don’t publish books… most books waste people’s life.

The Law of Flexibility

Continue reading “Here is another spiritual law, the Law of Flexibility”

Define what is success for you, to become successful

Define what is success for you, to become successful

I sleep poorly the night before every Playground session. It takes me hours to fall asleep, and I have trouble-filled dreams.

So when I got up this past Saturday, it was freezing cold, in the single digits outside… single digits in Fahrenheit is very cold… double digits in the minus in Celsius.

So I pondered what I had to look forward that day. Continue reading “Define what is success for you, to become successful”

How do you block the flow?

Some questions come up again and again… especially for readers of my articles.

One of them goes like this: how come someone with a vibration and consciousness much lower than mine can make so much more money than I do?

Or, for me, how come I sometimes make money, other times I don’t? What about me that changes from one time to another?

These are very important questions to answer. For each and every one of us wants to get the most we can get, if we can get it… right? Continue reading “How do you block the flow?”

All Goals in Life Are Problematic — Except One

All Goals in Life Are Problematic — Except One

I have a couple of notebooks in my bed, and I caught a glimpse in one of them: love one day at a time.

It seems that society conspires against the peace that comes from that way of living: society wants you to chase something far away. And while you chase it, make vision boards, mind movies, bombastic declarations, and get caught up in the Desire Trap, which I’d like to rename Wanting Trap. Continue reading “All Goals in Life Are Problematic — Except One”