Custom Activators, Clarity, or How To Get Out Of Your Rut?

Custom Activators, Clarity, or How To Get Out Of Your Rut?

The thought of getting out of this hole… The though of getting out of this interminable rut… The thought of stopping going around in circles, doing the same thing over and over again, is positively thrilling!‘ – A Student in the Soul Correction Workshop

We had our first session of the Soul Correction workshop yesterday. Then I got off the call. And only then I realized that I didn’t record it correctly. the audio settings were off, and I didn’t record the sound.

I was bummed out. I was beating myself up… Especially because I had, earlier, distinguished, that Continue reading “Custom Activators, Clarity, or How To Get Out Of Your Rut?”

What motivates you? Is it positive or negative?

What motivates you? Is it positive or negative?

your life grown on a slopeI am able to tell how your life is working from your answer.

Your life is like a tree adjusting to the slope of the ground, striving to grow straight up towards the sky. Read on, I’ll explain later… Continue reading “What motivates you? Is it positive or negative?”

The door is open… but you resist going through it

The door is open… but you resist going through it

the door is openThe door is open… but you resist going through it. From darkness to light, from doubts to certainty, from flailing to being grounded and flying.

What door? The door that leads to everything you ever wanted for yourself. Feeling good, having joy, loving yourself and the people in your life, loving life… Success, fulfillment, health… everything.

We are all, in some ways, feel less than what we want to accomplish. We lack something… and that is where you are different from most everybody else… what you do when you think, see, experience that you lack something.

A skill, the understanding, the knowledge, the desire, the ambition… or the mojo… or suddenly we don’t want to.

Although we all look like we should be similar, reacting similarly, it turns out that we all react different.

Many factors, your soul correction, your upbringing, your education, the books you read or don’t read, the culture you live in.

So it should be obvious that one size doesn’t fit.

If you want to be happy, if you want to be fulfilled, feel good about yourself, it is mandatory to know how to handle, how to push through the stops that your ‘I am not enough’ or ‘I don’t wanna’ create. Or the I don’t wanna… Continue reading “The door is open… but you resist going through it”

Empath? Sensitive? What is the difference?

Empath? Sensitive? What is the difference?

the difference between an empath and youAs almost all Tuesdays, one of the first things I do is I read my Rob Brezsny horoscope.

For more than 10 years it was always a perfect match to how I felt, what I felt I needed… and this consistency, during this pandemic, has been broken.

But today it might be just spot on… It says that ‘In the coming weeks, I’ll encounter people and animals and places and experiences that can bring me into more intimate contact with my soul

The question, the big question is this: how do you know that you are in touch with your soul? Will some heavenly music play? Will the soul actually talk English? Or how? Continue reading “Empath? Sensitive? What is the difference?”

Astuteness? Nah, You are making Decisions Emotionally?

Astuteness? Nah, You are making Decisions Emotionally?

emotional decisionsI wrote this article about making decisions emotionally back in 2013… and reading it was amazing: I actually now see how far I have come…

OK, here is the original article:

You are not stupid, you are just making your decisions emotionally

‘If you want to live with the masses, think emotionally. If you want to live with the middle class, think positively. If you want live with the world class, think critically.’ –Steve Siebold Continue reading “Astuteness? Nah, You are making Decisions Emotionally?”

Soul Correction: Speak Your Mind. Instead of pretending

Soul Correction: Speak Your Mind. Instead of pretending

soul correction: speak your mindSoul Correction: Speak Your Mind aka reveal your secret agenda

Update 6/30/2021: upon reflecting on all the #25, that is the numerology number for this soul correction, I am finding that the most dominant aspect is: self hate… and that is what is, maybe, underneath the lying, pretending, making airs, etc.

…Update on 2/15/2014: I had an interesting conversation with a friend, where we were looking for politicians with this soul correction. And as we were working on finding them, I had an insight: the fundamental issue of this soul correction is DUPLICITY.

The inside and the outside are disconnected.
Continue reading “Soul Correction: Speak Your Mind. Instead of pretending”

What is missing? Capacity, capability, skill, knowledge?

What is missing? Capacity, capability, skill, knowledge?

capacity capabilityThis story begins with my willingness to be vivisected… and be been seen in the worst light. To see what is missing: capacity, capability, skill, or knowledge.

I have known that certain things are not just difficult for me… they are impossible. I can’t wrap my mind around them.

I first noticed it at University. I am an architect by training and building anything has a certain order of things, or they won’t work.

Putting things in order, this comes first, this comes second, this comes third… sounds easy… for me it is impossible. Continue reading “What is missing? Capacity, capability, skill, knowledge?”

No obstacles? You are probably not going anywhere

No obstacles? You are probably not going anywhere

obstaclesI am talking about obstacles to learning, obstacles to growing, obstacles to living a life you can love. Obstacles ARE the path…

  • Obstacles are the main ingredient of every story worth reading…
  • Overcoming obstacles is what creates a life worth living, what creates a life worth reading about, worth writing about.

This all sounds counter intuitive. We think an open road and smooth sailing is what will make us happy, but we are mistaken. A life without obstacles, a life without challenges is boring. What makes for a life you love is that you are going somewhere… and then there are the obstacles.

Obstacles to overcome are what makes life really an experience we enjoy… and yet, when I observe people they have a relationship to obstacles that is either:

  • this shouldn’t be…
  • I don’t like obstacles…  this is the way I am…
  • or are totally invisible.
How do you know what are the obstacles with your name on them… even before you meet them? Continue reading “No obstacles? You are probably not going anywhere”

Soul Correction: Take the peacock…

Soul Correction: Take the peacock…
soul correctionSoul Correction: Take the peacock, for example…

In this article, I create a new context for 2021: one that makes this year the REAL beginning of the thousand years of peace. How the peacock is like your soul correction

I have a few coaches and teachers. One of them has a group call every Saturday, and I went on that call.

I wasn’t in tune with this call. I’d just come off a connection call: peaceful and in reverie. This call was noisy, people talked over each other. I felt like getting off the call. I am sure you have been in a similar situation… haven’t you? Continue reading “Soul Correction: Take the peacock…”

Are you tired or are you weak? Revealing the root cause…

Are you tired or are you weak? Revealing the root cause…

Are you tired or are you weak?

I am starting to see why my students loved me, rallied for me back in 2012-2013-2014…

It’d been puzzling me… what did I do differently then?

Today I saw it.

I had a private call with a brand new client from Australia, and it was a video call on zoom (don’t ask… first time zoom user myself!) so I could see her, and the changes the conversation was creating in her. Continue reading “Are you tired or are you weak? Revealing the root cause…”