How do you see yourself? how accurate is your self-image?

How do you see yourself? how accurate is your self-image?
skiff ... are you in sync or out of sync with your self-image?The inner view and the outer view of who you are are vastly different. Your chances for success, love, happiness depend on the accuracy of your self-image.

Do you know that people see you differently than you see yourself? And both you and other people see you differently than you actually are.

You may see yourself worse or better or just plain different than you really are… and so do others.

Your life would work better if the two views were closer. You’d have less surprises, less upsets, less fragmentation in your life…

Your actions depend on your self-image combined with your world-image. Altering either, will alter your actions. Bringing both closer to reality will make you a winner.
Want to stop procrastination? This is the work you need to do…

But why and how are the two pictures different, and what can you do about bringing them closer so you can start living the good life?
Continue reading “How do you see yourself? how accurate is your self-image?”

I looked what is more important to me than life itself…

I looked what is more important to me than life itself…

8ca346c61dd1530c4a485f63b8883ed3Why do I write? Who do I write for? What is important to me? These are the questions that are occupying my thoughts…

I just finished reading 1984, Orwell’s novel. I am not an American, so I never even heard about it until about 1984… In Hungary it is not a recommended reading. Continue reading “I looked what is more important to me than life itself…”

Self-image… the lies, the misunderstanding, the delusions… Can you change it?

Self-image… the lies, the misunderstanding, the delusions… Can you change it?

1b19f2f6d457c34df696dee90d9b0369Let us not confuse ourselves by failing to recognize that there are two kinds of self-confidence — one: a trait of personality and another: that comes from knowledge of a subject. It is no particular credit to the educator to help build the first without building the second. The objective of education is not the production of self-confident fools.” ~ Albert Bandura, Self Efficacy: The Exercise of Control, p.65

When I ask a person about their self-image, they have a different image of themselves consciously than on the first brain unconscious level.

Here are a few examples:Back in 1987 my conscious self-image, the one I promoted, was that I was very smart. My unconscious, automatic self-image was that I was a failure, or more precisely, a failure waiting to happen.

Continue reading “Self-image… the lies, the misunderstanding, the delusions… Can you change it?”

Pleasure seeking, avoiding pain behavior…

Pleasure seeking, avoiding pain behavior…

white-tigerThere are two kinds of pleasure.

  1. Pleasure that is immediate, impulsive, and requires no or little sustained effort and
  2. Pleasure that is the result of work… sustained effort.

No matter what pleasure you seek, what makes it pleasure is the contrast:

there needs to be pain for pleasure to exist. 1

Although I could write about pleasure that you earn through hard and sustained work, and I have written hundreds of articles about it, people with too small capacity for pain (TLB) rarely turn around and become people who want to earn their pleasure.

illo-brainSo in this article I’ll address the pleasure seeking behavior of people, you? whose pain threshold is very low.

Pain is a discomfort. Most pain is emotional or intellectual, only some are physical.
Continue reading “Pleasure seeking, avoiding pain behavior…”

Learning new things is hard. But the other side of pain

Learning new things is hard. But the other side of pain

learning-is-hardI hate to learn new things. I am learning disabled. It’s not an excuse, it’s a fact that is in my way and makes any learning process torturous for me.

Does this mean I don’t learn new things? No.

I am OK with slow. I am OK with the pain. I am OK to move through dark fog to come out on the other end with some clarity. Continue reading “Learning new things is hard. But the other side of pain”

Could you, can you have a great life without ever adding a spiritual capacity to your arsenal?

Could you, can you have a great life without ever adding a spiritual capacity to your arsenal?

light-a-fire2Could you, can you have a great life without ever adding a spiritual capacity to your arsenal?

This question has never been asked of me, so I am asking the question, for you, on your behalf.

Because we are starting to see that keeping spiritual capacities on is not the easiest thing to do… unless…

I’ll talk about that unless later on in this article.

So, what is the answer?

The answer is surprising: you can have a great life without ever adding a spiritual capacity.
Continue reading “Could you, can you have a great life without ever adding a spiritual capacity to your arsenal?”

A good method to find yourself and know yourself: your core

A good method to find yourself and know yourself: your core

I often catch myself stingy… if that is really what the beingness is…

Some 30 years ago I started a magazine. I didn’t want to put my own picture in the magazine, so I put a woman’s picture there who was a lot like me, instead.

It was self-protection, the sign of an intense aversion of being touched by someone I didn’t want to be touched by. I can feel it now that I am talking about it.

The same feeling but weaker comes up when I think of all the people coming to my site who I would not want to talk to.

A few years ago I listened to a talk by Frank Kern (personal vibration: 300). The video of that talk… Continue reading “A good method to find yourself and know yourself: your core”

Opportunity favors the one who is prepared… or do things when they are easy

Opportunity favors the one who is prepared… or do things when they are easy

ff59a96Business, marketing, and other business things are not my favorite things to learn or do. Even though I come from a family where three out of five (I have two brothers) have MBAs, and my father was god of the topic in Hungary…

I gave up going for it one credit short: an enemy of my father would not let me pass an exam…

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.

~Thomas A. Edison

I don’t like these topics because they need organization, creating systems, and I am not good at them. I tighten up when I have to do things I am not good at.

I could learn to be good at them, but everything comes at a cost, time and brain cells taken away from what I am best at.


Let’s see if it would be worth it…

Continue reading “Opportunity favors the one who is prepared… or do things when they are easy”

Limiting beliefs… what should you do about them?

Limiting beliefs… what should you do about them?

you don't have to be great to start but you have to start to become greatLimiting beliefs… can you zap them like Christie Marie Sheldon pretends to do? Does listening to some guru, watching some Mind Valley video help you chuck them, change them, or eliminate them?

The answer is no. You can’t eliminate limiting beliefs, and they can’t eliminate limiting beliefs either.

Limiting beliefs will not go anywhere. You have to find another way to win: stop listening to them.

I have limiting beliefs, but you would not know from my actions. I don’t consider my mind chatter significant. I only listen to advisors that I hired… I never hired my mind chatter. Continue reading “Limiting beliefs… what should you do about them?”

How do you decide if you have value or not?

How do you decide if you have value or not?

How do you decide if you have value or not?

This article’s purpose is to widen your understanding of value… so you can start valuing yourself, at last.
The current state of this area: deciding on your value is abysmal… and keeps you anxious, worried, and not happy.

You always think that your understanding is the correct understanding of reality. Continue reading “How do you decide if you have value or not?”