Chances are: you don’t know who you are, your self

Chances are: you don’t know who you are, your self

Chances are: you don’t know who you are, and you don’t know what would really please you

We are all entrepreneurs, potentially.

The principle is: an entrepreneur is someone who remakes the world in the image of themselves.

There are a few problems we’ll have with this principle:

The main problem is that we have no idea who we are, how we are, what we really like, what are our strengths, what are our weaknesses.

We keep ourselves so busy with irrelevant stuff, that we never have a chance to see how we are when things are relevant. Continue reading “Chances are: you don’t know who you are, your self”

When you don’t hurry, time doesn’t hurry either

When you don’t hurry, time doesn’t hurry either

there is no hurry on the creative plane... hurry and mistakes go togetherWhen you don’t hurry, time doesn’t hurry either. When you are prepared you can afford to not hurry

An article I wrote about IQ and your inability to see higher than 1 degree above your level, and about 5 degrees below your level fell on dead silence. Hm, interesting. It seems to have violated something unsaid, and got caught in the filter the mind mounts to stop disturbing news to enter your consciousness.

I shared this with the woman who drives me to do my errands on every Tuesday, and watched her emotions (remember, I am a True Empath!)… the emotions were “holding your breath, playing possum: I am not even here… Nobody home, I didn’t hear you…”

I pondered it until I saw it: we don’t like our bubble burst. We want our self-image to stay the way it is, so all of life can stay the same.

This, in spite of all the wants to be more, live more, do more, have more. In spite of the desire to raise your vibration. Why? Because it’s scary. It is scary to hear that our worst fears are true. Or maybe even worse than we feared them to be.
Continue reading “When you don’t hurry, time doesn’t hurry either”

You see only what the mind allows you to see

You see only what the mind allows you to see

perspective-3This is a four years old article. I am rewriting it to include fixed mindset, the distinction from Carol Dweck’s book, Mindset.

When the mind takes over your perception you see what your mind wants to see.

We have all experienced how the mind tricks us into believing that something other than what’s happening is happening.

When you are dizzy, sea-sick or drunk: the room seems to be spinning. When someone tells you skinny is good, you start liking skinny. When someone tells you you are ugly, you start seeing ugly.

Here are some examples:

1. You are not allowed to see what your mind doesn’t allow you to see…

…this is why Japanese soldiers could not see, till the end, that they were beaten.

drowned-japanese-soldiersMore than that: Japanese soldiers enlisted into the Japanese navy, but never considered that they should learn to swim: the option that their vessel would sink never occurred to them: after all their emperor was invincible. They would not even make any moves to get a life preserver when they were under attack: their mind told them that nothing can, nothing could happen to them… and they died by drowning… victims of the mind hiding reality from them.

You are that Japanese soldier, you just don’t know it.
Continue reading “You see only what the mind allows you to see”

Impostor Syndrome – One stumbling block to becoming…

Impostor Syndrome – One stumbling block to becoming…

writers-block-4This article is an old one… republished here…

It is puzzling to watch people not taking any actions that would make a lot of sense for them to take. They will cling, tooth and nail, to some status quo that only they see: it seems that they don’t want to find out that they can, and they don’t want to find out that they can’t.

This relegates them into the status of has-been, or never-been. You can’t hold onto anything, because anything that isn’t growing is dying. And you can’t become something more without growing.

Growing is risk: the risk that you need to find out that you are not as good (or not as bad) as you thought, pretended, claimed you were. Well… suck it up… but most people can’t and won’t.
Continue reading “Impostor Syndrome – One stumbling block to becoming…”

Another missing piece of the healing puzzle…

Another missing piece of the healing puzzle…

chicory-endiveI learned something today. It’s a big catch. And instead of being ashamed… I am happy. Because we can all get better because of it.

I don’t know about you, but I am always surprised when I learn something new. What there is to know rarely show up as something that is missing… and most of my reading rarely results in substantial learning.

But today, I learned two major things… What a day, eh?

One I can share about, the other: I am in the middle of it, so I’ll share once I have made it instinctive part of my life.

This one, the one I can share, is about digestion and well-being.

Before today I had never heard about prebiotics. Or if I did… I must have pooh-poohed it. Just like you pooh-pooh (to express disdain or contempt for; dismiss lightly) many of the things I write… lol. Continue reading “Another missing piece of the healing puzzle…”

Taking you where Life wants you to go … Updated because it is important

Taking you where Life wants you to go … Updated because it is important

This article distinguishes the most important thing you need to know about growing.

Without growing you are dying. Every minute of every day.

Survival is dying.

The purpose of life is living…. not dying.

Most people I know are either stuck or are coasting… They are going noplace… fast or slow… it is unsatisfying and yet… starting to move in the direction Life wants you to go, or even where you want to go is near impossible… Just look at most people…

This article will reveal a secret… the secret of taking your life where Life wants you to go.

I have been clear that Life wants each of us to go someplace… not necessarily physical, not necessarily to a life-purpose, and yet it is a place. A non-physical place.

When I ask myself where Life wants me to go, after the almost immediate fear-reflex, I feel that I am where Life wants me to be. Doing what Life wants me to do. Afraid that I am not going to succeed.

But then again, Life is not a life-coach who talks you to death with goal setting, and specific, measurable results, and milestones, and bold audacious actions…

Thank god, because if it came to goal setting, I would be a slacker…
Continue reading “Taking you where Life wants you to go … Updated because it is important”

Dr Eric Berg… vibrational review. Is he a quack?

Dr Eric Berg… vibrational review. Is he a quack?

body-typesFor those of you who came here just for the numbers: the guy is guided by greed. Dr Eric Berg’s personal vibration is 170, the same as Tai Lopez, cut from the same cloth… and the method depends a lot on your accuracy, as you’ll see. But it is 7% at its best.

I wrote this article when I was 33 pounds heavier, and a lot less happy with my life.

I have, since, advised many clients who, except for two, did really well on my recommendations. Continue reading “Dr Eric Berg… vibrational review. Is he a quack?”

What would happen if all the sugar disappeared?

What would happen if all the sugar disappeared?

This is a thought experiment… one of the good ways to use the brain…

There are millions of bloggers, millions of article writers, millions of products.

They would all be out of business. Because suddenly, without the sugar, you would become a lot healthier, a lot more intelligent.

You would also stop a lot of lying and pretending… the lying and pretending that keeps your inner turmoil constant.

I found out, a few days ago, that one of my clients who wasn’t getting well, and swore that she ate according to the rules I set up for her… except I am finding out that she was eating Snickers bars…

Are you kidding? Are you stupid? But if you are kidding: who are you kidding? If you are stupid: who is paying the price? Continue reading “What would happen if all the sugar disappeared?”

How the Tree of Knowledge keeps you in bondage, stuck, and miserable

How the Tree of Knowledge keeps you in bondage, stuck, and miserable

The most difficult thing to see, the most difficult thing to accept is that even though you are looking, there can be something right in front of you, and you won’t see it.

Instead you’ll see what you know is there.

This is the source of most mischief.

In fact, this is the source of your low vibration.
Continue reading “How the Tree of Knowledge keeps you in bondage, stuck, and miserable”

Your mutt factor… and food processing. Questions answered

Your mutt factor… and food processing. Questions answered

Why certain spices, food mixes, supplements, when I check them for you (or me), are counter indicated?

There are quite a few factors…

One of them is your “mutt-factor”.

Your mutt factor is how close your DNA is to what it was ten thousand generations ago

That is 200,000 years.

Depending on how much of your oldest ancestral DNA remained matching your current DNA: you are sensitive or not to “modern” food models, chemicals, preservatives, drying agents.

Continue reading “Your mutt factor… and food processing. Questions answered”