Why some cultures honor the soaring eagle as their symbol?

Why some cultures honor the soaring eagle as their symbol?

soaring methodAre you in harmony with Life? If you aren’t, you likely cannot soar… And soaring is the key to living a life worth living. This article shows what’s in the way and suggests how to remove what prevents you from soaring.

This article is a meandering journal entry: just walk with me… it will be worth your while. I promise.

The more in tune you are with the Universe, inner or outer, the more what I am going to share here applies to you.

My core group students are going through the grief of what it was like to be a child with a violent father, or a father who didn’t like the way you were, or having been an unplanned unwanted pregnancy…

The deeper you can go into the despair of it, the easier it is going to be to create a new name for you… and to create a new reality around that new person. Continue reading “Why some cultures honor the soaring eagle as their symbol?”

Psychopathy will prevent you from soaring…

Psychopathy will prevent you from soaring…

psychopathy will stop you from soaring, will make the world fixedIn this article we’ll look how psychopathy will stop you from soaring by making you, the center of the world fixed, unchangeable. And unless you can change…

Don’t be mistaken: Source’s definition of psychopathy doesn’t quite agree with the common view… I listen to Source, not the common view.

Long time ago clients are suddenly interested in participating again… clients that I hadn’t heard from for many years.

And somehow I managed to talk to their soul… and the soul told them to get off their butt and do something about their life.

Because don’t be mistaken, life is not kind to anyone, and it continues to be unkind if you continue living exactly the way you have always lived. Continue reading “Psychopathy will prevent you from soaring…”

Case study: My racket

Case study: My racket

gears of the racketMy racket, as most rackets, was created by some act of stupidity. The natural stupidity of a 3-year old.

I did the 4-day Forum back in 1987… and I learned about racket. Or maybe it was later? In a later incarnation for the Forum? Does it matter? I learned about it when I learned about it… long time ago.

It seemed to me that every complaint is a different racket, and I wasn’t alone with that. Everyone thought that.

Staff members’ favorite slight to each other and participants was: ‘That is just a racket!’ pronounced in a tone designed to diminish you. Continue reading “Case study: My racket”

What is your issue with work? Because you have one!

What is your issue with work? Because you have one!

The secret of big success in most any endeavor is to outwork the competition.

But humanity, you, have a problem with that.

I watched IP Man, four movies on Netflix, yesterday. Binge-watched. I considered it work.

Work? Yeah. Character study, life study, I learn from books and movies… so I can work with you better. I love working. Continue reading “What is your issue with work? Because you have one!”

Create new reality with The Soaring Method

Create new reality with The Soaring Method
soaring method create new realityThe Soaring Method to create new reality while soaring.

Soaring is an altered mind state… you are not in your mind, you are not in beta brain waves… you are either in alpha or it theta mode.

Why does the soaring method work, how it works, what is different from pedestrian methods you have heard about or maybe you are practicing? This is what this article tries to sell you…

Create your own reality. Doesn’t it just roll of your tongue easily? ou can just create a new reality and this horror we are experiencing will disappear… lol.

But did you notice that it is not as easy as that?

Did you notice that reality isn’t very willing to follow suit? Continue reading “Create new reality with The Soaring Method”

Wordless, non-linear, real thinking is wordless

Wordless, non-linear, real thinking is wordless

Real intelligence is wordlessWhy would non-linear anything be so difficult for you? So difficult that you can’t even fathom what I am talking about, let alone do it. I am talking about wordless thinking

The answer will surprise you, but not for the reason you think.

Here it is: real thinking is wordless.

This means a lot. It definitely means that the mind can’t help you think… the mind is all words. Words upon words, meaning upon meanings.

The mind is not the organ of thinking. Continue reading “Wordless, non-linear, real thinking is wordless”

Everything begins with your ability to learn

Everything begins with your ability to learn

learn from mistakesEverything begins with your ability to learn. Learn from mistakes, yours or others’.

I am not a scientist. I am not a scientist of any science… so take what I say here with a grain of salt…

But in my not so humble opinion what is destroying humanity is the capacity that lifted it from its animal past…

What is that, Sophie? Talking?

No, not talking… it is the capacity to learn from experience, and from the experience of others.

The capacity to learn.

A human, supposedly, is able to learn from failure. From a mistake. Supposedly. Continue reading “Everything begins with your ability to learn”

Possibility, inspiration, the spirit coming alive in you is the source of all joy, all fulfillment, all love

Possibility, inspiration, the spirit coming alive in you is the source of all joy, all fulfillment, all love

This article is about how separation, division, is preparing, has been preparing humanity, you, to lose possibility, loseĀ  the capacity for inspiration, for the spirit coming alive. To make humanity powerless sheep, bleating, to support this separation. This division has one purpose and one purpose only: to make more money for the 1% and impoverish the rest.

If you read the pdf I included a few days ago… you know how it is really, behind the scenes… Read the pdf and weep. I did…

Yesterday in my Growth course

Yesterday in my Growth course, students asked me to distinguish possibility for them, so they can be inspired again, inspired at will. Continue reading “Possibility, inspiration, the spirit coming alive in you is the source of all joy, all fulfillment, all love”

Whatever it takes, your about-me score, your TLB: what is the connection?

Whatever it takes, your about-me score, your TLB: what is the connection?

Marianne Faithfull in Irina PalmWhatever it takes, your about-me score, your TLB, your twitchy little bastard score: what is the connection?

I am scared. The inauguration is in an hour… I am weeping I am so scared. So I get busy doing what I can… publish this article. I’ll probably publish one more later today…

Just read an article about Marianne Faithfull, a 60’s muse, singer, and a beautiful woman, exactly my age.

She just went through the virus, spent three weeks in hospital, and survived against the doctors’ predictions.

Because of what?

I don’t know the woman. I don’t know her songs. but I saw a movie with her, where she, her character was this ‘whatever it takes’ type of warrior… while the people around her claimed love but did nothing.

You can find your inspiration and spiritual teaching in the most unexpected places… Continue reading “Whatever it takes, your about-me score, your TLB: what is the connection?”

What does humility have to do with prejudice? Spiritual cataract?

What does humility have to do with prejudice? Spiritual cataract?

spiritual cataract the about-me scoreIn this article I’ll explain how the high about-me score (low humility) works, and how it manifests in real life… like a spiritual cataract: prejudice on the basis of race, gender, nationality, social status, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation… and what concern me most: against Jews. Not pretty. Sign of a spiritual cataract and low intelligence.

This article is disturbing (or at least I hope so). So if you are a sissy… don’t read it. And if you can’t be bothered… don’t read it.

The other day I started to watch a Hungarian Holocaust movie… Son of Saul, and managed to watch a whole 23 minutes in six or seven little ‘installments’.

Very graphic, the most graphic movie I have ever attempted to watch. Continue reading “What does humility have to do with prejudice? Spiritual cataract?”