How would you know if you’ve EVER learned anything?

When I teach you, have you learned? How would I know?

Unless you do life the way I taught you to do it, you didn’t learn.

Unless you understand that the power of knowledge is in what it enables you to do… because only action matters. Only action will get you what you want.. Continue reading “How would you know if you’ve EVER learned anything?”

Why do you run, why do you avoid responsibility?

One of my students wrote: ‘I don’t know yet why I run from it, why is it uncomfortable for me to take responsibility’

This is an excellent question.

Why? Because every person that has ever been confronted, yes, confronted with the possibility to having their responsibility gene activated, has, so far, chosen not to use it, not to benefit from it.

What is responsibility in terms of the world? Blame. Duty. No fun. Continue reading “Why do you run, why do you avoid responsibility?”

What is the difference between an object and a person?

Everybody resents being treated like an object… But the truth is: YOU consider yourself an object… by not using what would make you a person.

Are you a person automatically? No, you aren’t…

What is the difference, the ONLY difference between and object and a person?

We, most of all humans live as if we were an object in a world of objects.

And if I asked anyone, why, they wouldn’t know. My students, my teachers, philosophers, everyone. No one knows.

And if you don’t know something, if you can’t recognize it even if you trip over it, then, of course, you won’t use it, you won’t strengthen it, you won’t even want it. Continue reading “What is the difference between an object and a person?”

How to create turning points to gain access to being

The response to my beingness article has been a cry for help… Help to get you to beingness.

This article talks about three ways you block the flow. There are, of course, a lot more ways, but we’ll start with these. When you release these, you’ve done 50% of the work to get to beingness.

We’ll look at the Three R’s, resignation, resentment, regret. With these 3 R’s we can create a turning point in our lives. Continue reading “How to create turning points to gain access to being”