Homo sapiens, homo victimus, human being…

Homo sapiens, homo victimus, human being…

There is an interesting human trait: when something doesn’t go as we expect it, we first, and some of us forever, blame something or someone else, other than own that we did it ourselves.

We could say that this humanity, this version of humanity could be safely called ‘homo victimus’ more accurately than be called homo sapiens… we don’t seem to be wise. Continue reading “Homo sapiens, homo victimus, human being…”

What does it do to you that you think you are smart?

What does it do to you that you think you are smart?

I woke up too early again this morning. 2:30. The question was: shall I get up? Will I have a good day?

I muscletested and muscletest says: get up… but in the end I went back to bed… And I had this insight:

All questions, is this good, is this bad, shall I do this?, shall I do that? are all a variation of should…

All are signs of not willing to take responsibility of how life turns out. Continue reading “What does it do to you that you think you are smart?”

There are fixers and there are are creators. Producers.

There are fixers and there are are creators. Producers.

If you look fixers want to fix the world. You, me, things. Everything. They are most people. The campaigners, the reddit, twitter, etc posters… They want to fix you, and they want to fix the world.


Because it is not the way they want you to be, they want me to be, things to be.

They are never happy, they are never fulfilled. They just complain, and label, and go around telling you, me, things, the world how we should be. Continue reading “There are fixers and there are are creators. Producers.”

You are flaccid, impotent, ignored so you resist

You are flaccid, impotent, ignored so you resist
You are flaccid, impotent, ignored… so you resist forcefully

Some terms of contradiction in the title, wouldn’t you agree?

But, of course, only on the surface.

If you feel powerless, which is the word I would use to cover all those colorful aspects with just one word… If you feel powerless, you’re, instinctively, going to use force… because it is natural.

I can’t even blame you for it. Continue reading “You are flaccid, impotent, ignored so you resist”

Why do some people make millions, but not you?

Why do some people make millions, but not you?

Why are some people happy, but not you?
Why are some people successful, but not you?

This article could create a turning point for you and your life… By using the method I teach here.

Realizing value is, maybe, the fundamental distinction that is missing.

What does it mean: realize the value of something.

Realize means: make it real. It is a real thing.

For example, a blueprint, the plans of a house have no value. Only when the house is built according to the blueprint does.

An idea has no value. An insight has no value, until it is realized.

Continue reading “Why do some people make millions, but not you?”

Is ascension an intellectual thing? Spiritual? Physical?

Is ascension an intellectual thing? Spiritual? Physical?

Ascension? I mean going to the next level of evolution, to live in the ‘Promised Land’.

I am talking about looking deeper with the intention to see what is cause, what is effect.

It is both a habit, to look only at the surface of things. But what stops one to look deeper? What is that creates the habit of no curiosity, and therefore no interest in looking deeper.

Some cultures have developed the habit to ask ‘why?’ five times… so they get to the root of things. It is, I hear, a Japanese technique… although I don’t think it is taught in school, though maybe it should be. Continue reading “Is ascension an intellectual thing? Spiritual? Physical?”

Why would reality change when you use different words?

Why would reality change when you use different words?

First off, reality always changes… but from our perspective, this is the correct question to ask:

Why does reality SEEM to change when you use different words?

There is reality, that is, at best, a collective hunch. Even what we do seem to see from reality is just isolated fragments, and we don’t see their connection to the whole. So reality is an unknown, unknowable entity as of now.

So what we call reality isn’t really reality. In fact, depending on the person, it can be as ‘unreality’ as 100%. Continue reading “Why would reality change when you use different words?”

In preparation for the Switches training: flexible spine

In preparation for the Switches training: flexible spine

Yesterday I was working one-on-one with a client.

I asked her to stick/push her chest out and she didn’t know what to do.

After watching this video I see that her thoracic spine isn’t flexible enough.

So this is a somewhat disappointing thought, but if someone wants to activate the power, they will need to make their spines more flexible… or they are sh!t out of luck. Continue reading “In preparation for the Switches training: flexible spine”

Whatever you want to do, you can do it better with intention

Whatever you want to do, you can do it better with intention

Whatever you want to do, you can do better with intention

Sounds like an advertising, and maybe it is.

An emasculated, disempowered human, of course, can’t even fathom that they are ‘created‘ powerful.

When I ask people in my circles if they feel powerful… they don’t.

Powerful means: able to make things happen.

Continue reading “Whatever you want to do, you can do it better with intention”

Action, the only thing that moves anything…

Action, the only thing that moves anything…

There is a glitch in human consciousness that doesn’t see that the access to any experience, success, failure, love, anything is THROUGH action.

I think a large percentage of humanity considers that they can experience all that like a virtual reality… through some virtual reality glasses.

Honestly, when I see that, I think this humans actually already live in some matrix.

But here is the rub: I think even in the Matrix one can only experience what comes from their actions… unless it is an experience from some mind altering drug. Continue reading “Action, the only thing that moves anything…”