Finding your blind spot… so you can start self-correcting

Finding your blind spot… so you can start self-correcting

I have read at least one article about each possibly missing virtue saying that it is the root of all failure.

Some I may have even written myself.

But now that I am working closely and intensely with one student, and listen in to what others have to say, I must reconsider.

When in spite of some teaching, when in spite of a new way to look at one’s life, a person still comes up with the same garden variety ineffective behavior, than there must be something there that literally prevents them from from self-correcting. Continue reading “Finding your blind spot… so you can start self-correcting”

Yesterday’s article caused some despair. Rightly so…

Yesterday’s article caused some despair. Rightly so…

The article was about your about-me score… and the illness that you either already have, or will have soon enough.

How do I know that I am about me? That my about-me score is high?

Now, before I answer that question, I have to say: that some people managed to overcome it with The Sight capacity practice. Continue reading “Yesterday’s article caused some despair. Rightly so…”

The art and science of turning your life around

The art and science of turning your life around

OK, the title is lofty, and I am not at all sure I can actually teach the art and science… but I’ll share all I have seen so far.

Do I see all the ways you can turn your life around? No. Muscletest says I see 91%.

As with everything I teach, the Anna Karenina Method is the fastest and most surgical method I know. So I’ll use that. Continue reading “The art and science of turning your life around”

Til you yank the roots of your misery, you can’t get better

Til you yank the roots of your misery, you can’t get better
It’s like a root canal…

Until you yank the roots of your misery, you can’t get better.

Imagine that your tooth is your life. You don’t want to yank your life. that would mean dying. But you can yank the root, the part that makes it hurt…

Or you can self-medicate.

Take drugs,
numb yourself…
get religious. it will divert your attention from your life

All self-medications are harmful, because they cement the notion that how it is is wrong. Continue reading “Til you yank the roots of your misery, you can’t get better”

The principle of compounding is not only about money

The principle of compounding is not only about money

The principle of compounding is not only about money

It is also in attaining the good life: health, wealth, love and fulfillment.

But not understanding the principle, having a narrow cone of vision will rob you of a chance for a life you love and live powerfully. If that is what you want… listen up. This may be the most disturbing and the most beneficial article you have ever read. Continue reading “The principle of compounding is not only about money”

Let’s learn to have kind eyes… Is it learnable?

Let’s learn to have kind eyes… Is it learnable?

One of the problems that humanity is dealing with is this: they are too quick to judge, and judge disfavorably.

No patience. No compassion. And definitely no kind eyes.

So what is this kind eyes thing?

It is letting go of judgment. Letting go of standards and ideals. And letting go of demanding perfection. Continue reading “Let’s learn to have kind eyes… Is it learnable?”

I am learning something I hoped I’d never learn…

I am learning something I hoped I’d never learn…

People, when they are diagnosed with a life-threatening disease, they are willing to change what got them to have that disease.


With only a few exceptions. My younger brother is one… He had a triple bypass AND gall stones a few years ago. About 10 years ago.

He dropped all his access weight, started to move a whole lot more, started to eat differently… for a while.

I just measured his health measurements… and he is not well… again. Continue reading “I am learning something I hoped I’d never learn…”

Responsibility: what can you be responsible for?

Responsibility: what can you be responsible for?

Sophie, I loved your Legrande coaching call. It was incredible. I still cant get over it how much lessons in there that were so amazing.

When you say the only thing we are responsible for is an attitude and action do you mean ours only? Continue reading “Responsibility: what can you be responsible for?”

Your mortal fear of having-to do anything, feel anything

Your mortal fear of having-to do anything, feel anything

Or what is wrong can be fixed with right…

I read today: there is nothing wrong with America that can’t be fixed by what is right with America

And tons of memes about wrong and fixing… But…

As usual I start my day with Reddit… OK, first I answer my emails to clients… then I go to Reddit.

I found a thread that turned the light on for me. Continue reading “Your mortal fear of having-to do anything, feel anything”

Why can’t you love yourself? Any idea what’s missing?

Why can’t you love yourself? Any idea what’s missing?

Why can’t you love yourself? Any ideas what’s missing? Prepare to be shocked…

I woke up and it was almost 6 am. My plan is to get up between 3 and 5 am…

I wasn’t upset. I didn’t think I should have gotten up earlier.

The question here is to ask: who is driving my life? My shoulds or me?

Reactive… Continue reading “Why can’t you love yourself? Any idea what’s missing?”