Why Does Connecting To Source Take Effort? Find The Answer And Win Prizes

Originally posted 2011-09-23 14:55:35.

the tangerine method of connecting to source Why does connecting to Source take effort? Why can’t I just look at the ceiling while in bed, and be connected? Or why isn’t Source rescuing me when I am in trouble? Whispering guidance?

Please give your answer in the comments section. No emails, please.

The commenters correct answer will win valuable prizes. And one winner will get all my products for a year, can come to all my webinars, get all the recordings.

The answer is embedded in several of my articles.

Also: consider that “conventional wisdom is spiritual pesticide” quoted from Tara Wagner’s blog, the Organic Sisters

What Does Your Atlas Have To Do With Ascension? With Spirituality? With Connecting To Source?

Originally posted 2011-09-23 11:33:31.

what does the Atlas have to do with spirituality? Atlas 1

I have been having problems with my right leg. The pain, the frequent inability to walk, stand, or even to rest was extolling a price.

Life occurred to me this way: it would be perfect if only my leg healed.

Chiropractors didn’t have any answers.

Continue reading “What Does Your Atlas Have To Do With Ascension? With Spirituality? With Connecting To Source?”

Why should you connect to Source? What’s the benefit?

Originally posted 2011-09-22 18:27:50.

Why should you connect to Source? What’s the benefit?

Why should you connect to Source?

if you have ever wondered where your energy comes from, what you should do to increase your energy, increase your vitality, you have gotten many answers, most of them cost money, or a lot of energy and time compared to what you get back, in return.

Continue reading “Why should you connect to Source? What’s the benefit?”

You Cannot Build Your Own House By Tearing Down Your Neighbor’s. Tree Of Knowledge Or Tree Of Life?

Originally posted 2011-09-17 16:59:03.

tear down so you can build something worth building “You Cannot Build Your Own House By Tearing Down Your Neighbor’s.” Tree Of Knowledge Or Tree Of Life?

I read this sentence in an article on the Theta Healing site.

It’s an interesting sentence. It kept me looking, feeling, inquiring, and connecting to Source for a while before I got my answer.

Continue reading “You Cannot Build Your Own House By Tearing Down Your Neighbor’s. Tree Of Knowledge Or Tree Of Life?”

What will happen on the 27th? Why Should You Care?

Originally posted 2011-09-14 13:30:14.

september 27 event of connecting to source

Here is the bad news:

In spite of the video, in spite of the revision of the Tangerine Method article’s wording, only 1% of you experience the connection.

Continue reading “What will happen on the 27th? Why Should You Care?”

How Do I Hear What Source Says? I Want To Hear What Is Offered To Me!

Originally posted 2011-09-13 22:00:19.


Dear Sophie, all day I am very aware of the tangerine and I reach to connect – I was going to ask you how I address the source, how do I hear? (you know after so much cultural garbage, many people like me are deaf) , can I learn to set aside what i want to hear and hear what is offered to me?

I could just answer with a simple “yes” but there are important things to teach on this occasion:

Let me start with an admission: My middle name should be “20/20 hindsight.”

Continue reading “How Do I Hear What Source Says? I Want To Hear What Is Offered To Me!”

You Have A Want-List That Fills Three Pages. Surely You Have Enough Desire To Activate The Light! Right?

Originally posted 2011-09-12 12:44:52.

what size is your vessel?
You have a want-list that fills three pages. Surely you have enough desire! Right?

If Your Vessel Is Not Big Enough Your Desire Is Not Big Enough, The Amount Of Light You Can Get Is Not Enough

Continue reading “You Have A Want-List That Fills Three Pages. Surely You Have Enough Desire To Activate The Light! Right?”

Are you Part of the Two Billion People or The Five Billion People? Big Difference!

Originally posted 2011-09-11 23:05:20.

pretending to be connected, pretending to be happy Why is it important to recognize that you are not connected?

A full 30%, or two billion people in the world think that they are connected to Source 24/7.

Continue reading “Are you Part of the Two Billion People or The Five Billion People? Big Difference!”

Past Life Regression and My Role In The Planetary Ascension

Originally posted 2011-09-10 23:15:06.

past life pavilion Past Life Regression 2 and My Role In The Planetary Ascension

In January 1988 I was thrown out from a 2-day course, called Living Powerfully. Truthfully, I was called on the phone the night before, by the leader, who told me that my money wasn’t good enough for them… I am sorry, That’s now what he said. He said that word got to him that I was suicidal, and therefore I am not allowed to do the course. But I am invited to assist, aka volunteer around the course.

Continue reading “Past Life Regression and My Role In The Planetary Ascension”

9/11. Their Goal is To Keep You From Your Personal Power

Originally posted 2011-09-10 17:59:15.

fear 9/11. Their Goal is To Keep You From Your Personal Power

Who are the “they” in the title? You’ll find out!

It is a day before the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and we could tally up what it has cost us, taxpayers, citizens.

Continue reading “9/11. Their Goal is To Keep You From Your Personal Power”