You want love, unconditional love, and no love

You want love, unconditional love, and no love

You want unconditional love so much that you miss it…

How do you miss something? You miss everything if you are not in the present. If you don’t feel. If you don’t enjoy. If you keep your attention on some hope or desire that will come in the future. Like the coming of the Messiah… you’ll miss it. You have been missing it.

Unconditional love 1 … here we go again.

As I am working through people’s issues in the Activate Divinity Course, I am running into this phenomenon: something bad happens and they are hurt. But hurt not just on the surface, they are deeply hurt.

Example #1: your mother tells you to beware and not go far out on the ocean. “What does she know?” you say and you swim out only to find that the under-toe took you so far, you can’t see anything but water all around.

Your mother is an excellent swimmer, finds you, saves you, and then spanks you, and yells. As a child you can’t deal with that seeming controversy. You expect to be just loved or just beaten, but not both. Your little mind wants to crack, so you hide the real cause of that conflict: you expected to be loved unconditionally, and this does not look right.

Example #2: you steal doll clothes in the store. Your parents find it and punish you: same thing.

You have this deep desire to be loved and cherished, but the subconscious will always act up: you’ll check if the person really loves you, unconditionally. You become cheeky, talk back, act as if you wanted to invite punishment, only to test if they love you, only to prove something…
Continue reading “You want love, unconditional love, and no love”

Nothing is enough proof that you aren’t…

military-makeover-before-and-after-293nmCatch A Glimpse: Part Two: nothing is enough proof that you aren’t… and how that tends to take over your life

When you are not something, nothing is enough proof that you aren’t… you can only prove something that is… not the absence of it.

I left off the article yesterday that in preparation to Saturday’s Activate Divinity, I found and integrated a fragment of my self.

Here is the incident how come I lost that fragment: Continue reading “Nothing is enough proof that you aren’t…”

Your self became fragmented. become whole again

220px-Clifford-torusI used to think that when you are an avatar, when you are a change-agent, people find you lovely and are attracted to you. I wanted that. I haven’t had a lot of “being liked” experiences.

I used to think that. Never thought that being of high vibration can create bad feeling in people’s hearts.

Don’t misunderstand me, I knew of historical facts, but I never connected them with the fact that the person was high vibration.

Until yesterday.

I knew what really beautiful women share: that they are mostly alone. That people are afraid to approach them. But I am not really beautiful, so I didn’t think it applied to me.

But yesterday drove it all home for me.

I have prepared a list of the fragments I have discovered, fragments of the self. My self…

What am I talking about?

When you are born you are born whole and complete, unless you had an unfortunate in-the-womb experience, and a good 10% of babies have had. I did… in that incident I left 6% or my original self… a fragment of my self.
Continue reading “Your self became fragmented. become whole again”

Will Hypnosis work to change your mind so you can be happy?

hypnosisMy first experience with anything working, anything successfully modifying my world was around 1977. I was 30 years old. I worked in a huge factory that manufactured steel products for construction.

I was an architect, but made a mistake, an error in judgment, and fell to the bottom of the professional pile, got terribly depressed, and had to start all over again.

The professional office occupied the whole sixth floor, no partitions, just a sea of drafting boards with lots and lots of drawings on them.

For an empath there is no worse environment. You lose touch with who you are, what you feel, and drawn in a sea of other people’s feelings, other people’s identities. I felt a descent to madness. Continue reading “Will Hypnosis work to change your mind so you can be happy?”

What’s the sky telling you? Is it saying you are not loved?

What’s the sky telling you? Is it saying you are not loved?

what is the sky saying? are lovable? unlovable?I got an email today: A classmate of mine died yesterday.

He wasn’t the first one to die, he was the first one I cried over his death.

I pay attention when I cry. It is part of my guidance system. It takes me to places I need to go. Not forcefully go, not mind-directed go, instead go like a child goes, his hand in the hand of an adult, and they just go together, and the child doesn’t even consider worrying: the child is safe as long as the two hands touch. Continue reading “What’s the sky telling you? Is it saying you are not loved?”

Magical Solutions To Life… So You Can Experience Love, Care, And Appreciation, Finally… Pure Magic… Part One

rocking chair in need of refinishing, in need of magic

Pure Magic

Magical Solutions to life… so you can experience love, care, and appreciation, finally… Part One

Why can’t you really experience love, caring, appreciation? What displaces all these wonderful feelings?

Part One of this article will bring focus to the real cause of why you can’t really experience love, joy, happiness, real connection, gratitude… all the wonderful feelings that would make your life worth living, and make every moment a celebration.

One of the magical results of my online workshop is that they return love, care, appreciation to your life.

How do I do it? It is surprisingly simple. And I just found a poetic way to express it.

I am quoting my most magical teacher’s Monday Morning Memo: always an inspiration, but today especially.

Time is a Solvent

An auction house is an island of cast-offs and misfits where the rejected and broken feel finally at home.

I am speaking of the merchandise, of course, not of the people.

Perhaps I am speaking of the people, as well.

From the age of 18, Pennie and I have searched for buried treasure in auction houses. When you collect the misfit and the broken, you quickly learn how to accentuate natural beauty and disguise the inevitable flaws. These are valuable skills for a marketing consultant.

There is magic in that moment between Before and After.
Continue reading “Magical Solutions To Life… So You Can Experience Love, Care, And Appreciation, Finally… Pure Magic… Part One”

Skeptical neurologist works to separate science from sham

Skeptical neurologist works to separate science from sham

Neurologist Steven Novella treats patients with  neuromuscular conditions where the brain fails to communicate with the rest of the body.

And as a hobby, he is a myth-buster in hot pursuit of the too good, too strange to be true — systematically proving that there is rarely anything new under the sun.

He says there is not a world of difference between his two lives. “What I’m doing in my day-job is more profound, but the underlying principles are similar,” says Novella. He is an assistant professor in the School of Medicine’s Department of Neurology. “Crop circles or neuromuscular conditions, we find similar logical fallacies, a susceptibility to delusion.”

He is president and co-founder of the New England Skeptical Society. He pursues with vigor unusual and  fraudulent health claims. But he also tackles subjects that are outside of his medical training — one example is, Ouija boards.

“We had a married couple that claimed they got useful information through a Ouija board,” he says. “They were blindfolding themselves with a handkerchief. But, you can still see the board  through a handkerchief, so we used real blindfold on them. Their powers disappeared.”

A magician, James Randi and his foundation offered a 1 million dollar prize to anyone who could show, under observation, that they had paranormal or occult power. The New England Skeptical Society and Novella assisted in properly screening entries for the prize offered by Randi, a veteran magician.

“Magicians are skeptics because magicians are experts at deception. They see how people are fallible to optical illusions, misdirection, false perception,” Novella says.

To this day no the prize hasn’t been awarded, though lots of people have tried to win it. One contestant, for example, claimed he could control the flipping of a coin with his mind.  “We found he was making logical errors in his thinking,” Novella says. “He said he needed an ‘undefined’ period to warm up, then the ‘power’ would kick in, and after another undefined period, the power would disappear. He could pick a time  out of the middle, that fit his claim. That’s basically cheating.”

Whether the person claiming to have supernatural powers is a con artist or a true believer is not easy to tell… It would take being able to read the contestant’s mind, and, Novella says jokingly, he is not a mind reader. “When you catch someone cheating you guess they lean towards con artist but often you have no clue,” he says. “The coin flipper, struck me as sincere but naïve. The tests are  well designed for cheating, we see more true believers.”

The tests are videotaped. The person tested must agree to the test before it is run to curtail any claims that it was not fair. One ‘mind reader’ tested agreed that in case he guesses correctly 1% or 2% then they would have a more conclusive follow-up test. He got zero out of 20 correctly, but still complained.

There are people who say they can guess the gender of a fetus by looking the shape of a mother’s abdomen (I am one of them). Others obsess about crop circles and or rave about conspiracy theories.  Half of all claimants are dowsers claiming that they can find water or minerals, on site or even on a map.

They also examine phenomena such as stories of haunted houses or communicating with the dead. They recently concluded an investigation of two women claiming they could record the voices of ghosts. this is called EVP.

“They ‘hear’ the ghosts talk by amplifying the background noise.”

During a field trip to investigate the claim, he says, he realized how much background noise there is in a quiet room and how much that sound carries. The problem with EVP, he adds, is the listener has no idea about the source of the sound and there is no way to verify that the source a ghost.

Skepticism is a useful vehicle for teaching logic and science. But, surprisingly, people maintain their belief despite evidence to the contrary. This leads to another fascinating subject: the psychology of belief.

“Dowsers are an excellent illustration of self-deception,” he says. “You know what the outcome you are going for, it’s not open ended, and you can subconsciously create the effect you need: the rods cross or turn downwards. This is known as the ‘ideomotor effect,’ in which you make a small subconscious movement to match your expectation. You will always have water if you dig deep enough. It’s also known as ‘confirmation bias.’ Then you remember your hits and you forget your misses.”

“The need to believe is huge,” he continues. “It’s part of the human condition. Money is one motivator, but there is also a love of the fantastical, the special, the out of the ordinary. You want to be distracted from your ordinary life for a period of time. And people are uncomfortable with not knowing things.

The discipline of science is that we have to be comfortable with what we don’t know.”

Another sensitive subject is the furor over if vaccination causes autism, whether mercury-based vaccine is cause for the rising incidence of autism. Novella sees it as a scientific issue to be resolved with evidence and logic. After 70 to 80 hours of reviewing all of the current research, Novella claims he found no connection between the vaccine and autism.

“There is no evidence of an epidemic of autism,” he says. “Any increase in surveillance will increase the number of patients who are diagnosed. The number still hovers around 60 per 10,000.”

The parents desperate for a ‘cure’ resort to chelation to rid the body of mercury. Some try exorcism. “Considering other causes gives you something simple and straightforward to fix,” he says. “There is a strong human desire to oversimplify things, to make them manageable and controllable and to fix them.”

Novella loves science and sees himself a teacher and educator in addition to being a doctor. He wasn’t always a skeptic, he says. “I believed a lot of wacky stuff when I was a kid; I had curiosity, but I had no discipline. As I studied science I began to learn how to separate truth from fantasies and fiction.  I still like science fiction movies, I also know to separate entertainment from science.”

The New England Skeptical Society is small, 200 members. They want people to question and think more deeply about scientific questions. One issue that comes up often is faith.

“Our position on faith is that it’s a personal choice. We believe in freedom of religion. The issue we deal with is people crosings the line and trying to apply faith to science, like creationism. Intelligent design is very clever wording, and deceptive, but it’s creationism, not science. They are talking about God, they’re just  coy about it.”

At home with his two children Novella allows them Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny and whatever else they might absorb from the culture.

“They’ll figure out that these things are not real,” he says. “It will be a good experience for them.”


You can be joyous, you can love, you can be loved, you can be grateful… what is life for you?

peeling the onion: what's the truth about you?What’s the Truth About You?

At first I was surprised. Very few people want to find out what’s the truth about them. It was stunning to me, given what I know about life: Unless you know what you are up against you will shoot in the dark when you want to change direction, or results.

But then I looked again.

People don’t want to do the work. And they especially don’t want to do the work if it means they have to look at their own ugliness.

Don’t be mistaken: we are all ugly inside. Ever since Adam and Eve put on the fig leaves as costume, human being are trying to cover up, hide, and pretend that their shadow side doesn’t exist. 3

You learn, real fast, if you live in a country where people wear clothes, that being a girl or being a boy is not a physical thing, it’s a behavior thing. It’s not that you have a different equipment, it is that you are supposed to play with dolls if you are a girl, and you are not allowed to cry if you are a boy.

shameNo one talks about your privates, as if they were a dirty secret, something to be ashamed of, something to hide, something wrong.

And those “privates” become much more interesting than dolls or toy soldiers: anything that is not allowed becomes more interesting than what is allowed.

So, if you didn’t start earlier, you start building a whole life of secret fascination with your own privates, other children’s privates, other people’s privates. And depending on your inclination to be obedient and fearful or proper… you will feel horrible about yourself, a fraud, a fake, a bad person.
Continue reading “You can be joyous, you can love, you can be loved, you can be grateful… what is life for you?”

Become Who You Were Really Meant To Become…

Become Who You Were Really Meant To Become…

Become who you were meant to become

Really nice and really loaded title, would you agree? It means that you are not who you were meant to be. You are someone else, and that flies in the face of determinists.

Determinists say that your life is scripted, and you have no choice about it. You choose what you have in store for you. You have no free will.

But the truth is that humans do have free will. Continue reading “Become Who You Were Really Meant To Become…”