Why Being Cunning prevents humans from becoming god-like?

the-direction-of-human-evolution... devolutionHumans, this cunning species, want to know everything to be secure and superior

All the animals, all the plants on the planet are “fitting in with the system” we call Life.

Humans, on the other hand want to “beat the system” we call Life.

We’ve been doing it for a long time… for about 30 thousand years.
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There is no way around it, only through it

funny but not true: hell is other people before coffeeHumans have been living on their periphery, through their organs of perception that look outward, through their periphery, the life that we call the horizontal plane.

On the horizontal plane what you see is the other. You don’t see yourself. You may feel your body, you may feel your feelings, but you don’t see yourself.

You see your effect on others. You see the other, that may be a reflection of you… if you can recognize it as such.
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What will be your epitaph? What will be written on your tombstone?

epitaph: I told you the milk was badIf you had my life, I bet you would find it boring. I don’t have a television, I don’t read the newspaper, I don’t browse the web, I don’t go to teleseminars, I don’t chat with friends… except two.

I don’t do sports, I don’t go shopping, I don’t have dreams and aspirations, I don’t eat out, I don’t worry about my weight, about my health, about my neighbors.
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Middle of the road – wisdom or mistake?

One of the biggest challenges for me on the path is to stay in the middle. Neither left nor right…

  • Neither too egotistic, nor self-cheating.
  • Neither too buoyant nor down in the dumps.
  • Neither accepting nor refusing credit.
  • Neither too nice nor too rude to people and myself.
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The Work: Understanding vs. Seeing

see-understandSome of you do the work: you know who you are.

The most frequent issue that comes through to me in email is trying to understand.

But there is an issue with that.

The Thinking Man, i.e. the Man of the Mind, thinks about it, tries to understand.
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Free book: The Magic Story

The first part of the 1900’s was when all the nonsense about the power of the mind, think and grow rich, the science of getting rich, and such were born.

Some is more nonsense than others.

There is some truth in The Science of Getting rich, about 10%, while most others scrape the barrel at 1~2% truth value.

Then there is a unique book, that is although could be seen as b.s. it might just be a significant tool at awakening the consciousness within… and that book is The Magic Story.
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News on the fight against the microscopic biting mites

Biting Mites… News.

A few things:

Most discovery comes through mistakes.

I had already known that butter causes the mite population explode, but… you know, sometimes you just have to make the same mistake twice.

So I made my green beans with butter: big mistake. That night I didn’t sleep much from all the itching and biting.

Continue reading on my biting mites blog

Visualization and other booby prizes: consolation prize

you flock to the fake...Consolation culture: The Culture of Booby Prize

Society, your world, specializes in consolation. 1 There is no progress, no, advancement, no better life, no more freedom, no anything… but a lot of consolation.

The language is this: You didn’t get X, you wanted, but at least you have your Y, health, husband that hates you, children that nag you, job that you don’t enjoy.
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If you don’t want to buy the Bug Free Mind book, but want the benefits…

doc martin vs. create a bug free mindThe hardest bad behavior, for me, to get rid of is blame… pointing fingers, feeling superior to others.

I can see bad behavior, but to identify with it, to map it on myself is difficult.

But, ultimately that is what the Bug Free Mind book does: bring into conscious awareness that which you can’t do when you are aware and conscious… The behaviors that are below you, the behaviors that harm others, the behaviors that harm you. It’s a path to self-knowledge, a crystallization of the self… which you need to raise your vibration.

So, I finished the Bug Free Mind book, the first book…
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Why do you feel lethargic… Part 2

After publishing the previous article on feeling lethargic, I had an insight:

Given that 30% of humanity is plagued with mite infestation, microscopic biting mites, you are always bothered.

You can’t sleep through the night, because almost every night there is a 2-hour period when eggs hatch into worms… worms that cause itching, or when hungry mites hatch, and they bite and crawl their way to your head and ears to start their adult lives, to mate, to lay eggs, that will start the cycle in about 22-26 hours.

I know you don’t want to hear it, but eventually you’ll have to hear it.

Continue reading “Why do you feel lethargic… Part 2”