Your vibration is an indicator to what degree you use force

force-v-powerAnimals are not forceful. Plants are not forceful. Why? Because, while the selfish gene is quite forceful, the animals surrender to the selfish gene… and go “with” it.

Humans are animals with a mind… and the mind is forceful. More forceful than the selfish gene…

The selfish gene is clear on what it wants: it wants to increase itself in the gene pool. That is all it is interested in. It negotiates with nature, with other species, with toxins, with members of the same species continually to lead to evolutionary stable strategies…. ess in short.

It adapts or it dies. The more adaptable, the more aware the gene and the vehicle, the more successful the gene is in propagating itself, and it thrives. It cannot afford to be forceful:

Forcefulness comes from blindness, and the repercussions is extinction. Forceful means: unaware and uncaring… Continue reading “Your vibration is an indicator to what degree you use force”

Circuitry. What you give and what you get back?

knowledge-is-like-money-to-be-of-value-it-must-circulate-and-in-circulating-it-can-increase-louis-l-amourI am a Kiva lender. I circulate about 400-500 dollars, lend it, and lend it again. $25 a clip.

Kiva has been looking for find an angle to have more people be inspired to lend money.

After I lent another $25 from my seed money (I haven’t added any new money to Kiva for years now!) a video popped up.

In it an Indian woman shares that her fields were mortgaged and it was near impossible for her to make a living. Then she got a Kiva loan, got herself cows.

The cows give her five liters of milk a day she can sell.

This allows her to make a good living, and she has paid off the mortgage on her lands.

I started to cry.
Continue reading “Circuitry. What you give and what you get back?”

Are you a Seeker? Restless, anxious, never quite there?

siddhartha_1004There is a deep human need to make our lives controllable. To be in control. To be certain. To be safe.

And there is this deep human need to see more, be more, feel more, have more, experience more.

They point to opposing directions, and they tend to jerk you back and forth.

It’s an oscillating structure.

Like every oscillating structure, the tension between the two extremes cannot be resolved, there is no ess… the battle will continue as long as… let me address that later.
Continue reading “Are you a Seeker? Restless, anxious, never quite there?”

Self-coaching demonstrated

what-coaching-is-notHm, it seems that “Source” or my inner guidance, or soul, or whatever is doing this guidance thing… is intent for me to have integrity: speak from experiential truth.

So it seems from the few “trips” it’s been sending me.

  1. In the area of health, it is telling me to make dietary mistakes… so I can be authentic in saying things to my clients and students that are doing things that hurt them.

    As soon as I get what I was supposed to get… I am taken to the next “trip”.

  2. Continue reading “Self-coaching demonstrated”

Stress, pressure, and overwhelm… no wonder you are tired!

stress-lets-break-upIt was 9 am, and I was already tired… No, correction: exhausted.

So I went back to bed, really curious what was the reason.

I asked and muscletested questions…

I noticed that I was not breathing deeply: in fact I could not. The breath would not go through.

So I doubled up on the question: what is the cause of this inability to take a deep breath? Health, concerns, each individually, and all said no.

Then I asked: feeling under pressure… stress.

And yes, that was it.
Continue reading “Stress, pressure, and overwhelm… no wonder you are tired!”

Goals, path, intentionality, agenda, forcefulness, and Zen

i-took-the-path-less-traveled-and-it-made-all-the-differenceI had an interesting insight this morning. I woke up with the wicked vertigo back… I moved my neck the wrong way in exercise class… And I didn’t experience the despair, and the urgent desire to fix it. Or will it away. I observed it, and the secondary symptoms that go with it.

I live a goal-less life.

I don’t get frustrated, I don’t get excited, I don’t push, I don’t force, I don’t rush. I don’t do things for a reason either.

I do what I do. Some are creative. Some are response. Some are maintenance of stuff. I read, I cook, I try to move my body, I reflect a lot. I notice the birds. I notice the trees. It’s very Zen.
Continue reading “Goals, path, intentionality, agenda, forcefulness, and Zen”

Can you become astute? And if you can… how?

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

This article deals with what it is that you need to become astute, or even just to become a candidate for me to activate astute as a DNA capacity for you…

One of the invaluable benefits I gained from the 67 steps is the idea to consider getting tired in the noonish hours a signal that it is time to lie down and read.

This midday break disrupts the societal pull to do the useful, the purposeful, the goal-oriented stuff… that makes us dull, dutiful, and lopsided… boring.

I have a timer that turns on the light in my bedroom at 5:30 am and then turns it off at 7 am. I wake up and get up during that time. Why such range? Why don’t I use a sound alarm that scares the light out of me?
Continue reading “Can you become astute? And if you can… how?”

Cognitive biases, blind spots, a sticky point and a “remedy”

center-of-the-universe-2011We are all born seeing ourselves as the center of the world. We don’t know we are the center of our world… we just don’t know there is any other vantage point to look from.

Most of us never learn it.

Like one of my students: every time I recommend anything, she answers: “I agree…”

She hasn’t crossed that threshold, that divide between infant and even toddler… absolutely and completely ignorant to the fact that using the personal vantage point is ineffective, because it is delusional.

This is also true if and when you can see that other people see things differently from how you see them, but your view is accurate and theirs is inaccurate.

Same delusional, baby-view of the world. Continue reading “Cognitive biases, blind spots, a sticky point and a “remedy””

The big mystery of how to receive for the sake of sharing and get money for you

you can tell a lot about people from their stuffYou receive lasting Light only if your desire is a desire to receive for the sake of sharing, not a desire to receive for the self alone… But the big mystery of how the heck you can desire to receive for the sake of sharing. Some people have found a way… but not THE way…

Life, and desiring is a lot like walking the tight rope. You lean either way too much and you fall off.

I have had a lot of experience falling off, both sides. So I know.

The secret of walking without falling is

  1. awareness of where you are leaning… not easy.
  2. conscious ability to direct your attention
  3. wide cone of vision
  4. certainty… some call it faith.

Continue reading “The big mystery of how to receive for the sake of sharing and get money for you”

Your sphere of influence and your vibration

they sealed their friendship with bloodPeople do all kinds of things to raise their vibration. But one of the most important things they could do, they don’t even think of it.

I had a conversation with a student last night, and finally “diagnosed” why her vibration isn’t changing much in spite of all the calls she comes to.

And then I opened an email this morning… and I knew I must talk to you about this.

Here is the email


Most people decided to do nothing today. Nothing.

Some thought about doing something but then decided to actually do nothing.

You say: Sam, lots of people went to work today. Um…yea, I know. That’s actually doing something for someone else – their boss.

I promote a message of entrepreneurship. Monetizing your passion. Living every day likes it’s Saturday.

Yet… sadly – very few did anything today.

You see, everything begins with a decision. Nothing can happen until you make conscious decision to do something. Anything.

One big decision you need to make is who you spend time with. How about that for starters?

Make a decision to improve your sphere of influence. That decision alone will do more for you than anything at a job.

When I made the decision to delete all my employee friends from my cell phone, my quality of life rose dramatically.

When I understood my boss couldn’t spell cat if you gave him the C and the A… I launched into a new phase of my life – no longer dependent on a steady paycheck, yet empowered by all the possibilities that lie ahead.

Do that. Upgrade your inner circle. Tell your negative friends that you’re making some big changes in your life and they just happen to be part of it.

Success will follow.

Talk soon, Sam

In a Landmark Education course, the Wisdom Course, there is a distinction that talks exactly about this. The distinction is called Originating Circle

It is called Originating Circle, because just like your food originates how you are, the soil a plant grows in originates how they are, the people you interact with, listen to, learn from, compete with, pay attention to, will originate you, meaning give you the quality of your life.

The course leader drove home that concept like this: he said:

“I grew up in New York City.
Continue reading “Your sphere of influence and your vibration”