How the left brain blocks all your attempts to evolve as a person…

How the left brain blocks all your attempts to evolve as a person…

I am reading a book 1 that says that humans used to be able to live from their right-brain, meaning they were a lot more intelligent.

The book says that people with damage to their left brain can become savants, exceptional in one or two abilities, or vegetables… lol, maybe not so funny.

Then the book doesn’t talk about me, who did have damage to my left brain hemisphere, and when the brain was knocked self-conscious, the two hemispheres connected and became one.

The good news: I only have some troubles with my left-brain capacities, adding numbers wrong, confusing left and right, and dyslexia: reading what isn’t there, or when it’s bad: not being able to read at all.

The bad news: Your left brain works well, and it suppresses your right brain, the abilities that are beyond words… like being, feeling, knowing, seeing, patterns… all the things I am trying to teach you. My hunch that everything gurus, religions etc. say about the heart, it is really the right brain… And what they call the subconscious is also the right brain. Suppressed, of course, showing itself only occasionally on for a brief second…

Your left brain gets the words, filters out everything it considers garbage, and you are left with what you already knew.

That is the bad news.
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Is antisemitism, racism, prejudice OK?

Is antisemitism, racism, prejudice OK?

I am having an interesting issue to ponder. Maybe you can ponder with me?

The guy whose writing I am so taken with, his books, the Hungarian guy, according to my muscletest has a prejudice against Jews.

In common parlance, he is antisemitic.

Nothing special there, a full 30% of the developed countries’ population is antisemitic and 70% of the Hungarian population. 1.4% of Hungary’s population is Jewish. A total of about 140,000 people. Before the Holocaust the number was 900,000. 14.31 million worldwide, or 0.2 percent. Or two people in every thousand people.

If you are part of a minority against whom there can be or are negative prejudices, a Jew, Black, Moslem, Indian, Chinese… you’ll have this issue as a daily, in the background and maybe even in the foreground conversation.
Continue reading “Is antisemitism, racism, prejudice OK?”

Distinctions are like the dots in a digitized photograph. The more dots you have the clearer the picture.

Distinctions are like the dots in a digitized photograph. The more dots you have the clearer the picture.

In printing they call this the resolution, or dot per inch. Different papers allow for different number of dots.

Your attitude, your innate intelligence, your emphasis on the mind can increase or decrease the number of dots you can take and reproduce without distortion.

In the previous article I demonstrated how Esther Hicks can only reproduce the largest letters, but not the spirit of the Emotional Guidance System.

And she isn’t towards the bottom of the pile. There is some intelligence there.
Continue reading “Distinctions are like the dots in a digitized photograph. The more dots you have the clearer the picture.”

Dethroning the mind… not a minute too early.

Dethroning the mind… not a minute too early.

I have muscletested dozens of teachers that teach or have taught the power of your mind religion. They are all miserable and wretched. Low vibration, inner disharmony, incoherence.

If the teachers that teach it can’t make it work for them, probably it is time for you to decide that it doesn’t work. That it’s junk science. A lie. Fraud. Deception. Tool to enslave humanity… successfully enslave it, so far.

Humanity as humanoids is about 200,000 years old.

Life has been largely the life of little kids, who are afraid of some god and some devil and of their own shadow.

Because humanity’s knowledge about what is behind the curtain has been faulty.

And faulty is a lot like Iatrogenic illnesses: the fault will kill you. And it has. Made humanity fat, made humanity stupid, and has given the power over to what makes us descend to hell.

I read my horoscope this morning and cried heartily. It says:
Continue reading “Dethroning the mind… not a minute too early.”

How come you have no energy for the things you say are important to you?

How come you have no energy for the things you say are important to you?

filling my brain with stuffWhen I look how come I get to accomplish so much in a day, ultimately I always find that I set up my life differently from most.

I started back in 1987…

I was in a seminar called “Excellence” and I was clearly not in excellence in my life. The biggest issue was how much I hated my job, how much I would have preferred to do something else. Anything else.

But that was my job, and I didn’t see any alternative…

So I decided to do what I could… And I decided to pull back my power. Continue reading “How come you have no energy for the things you say are important to you?”

Everything is connected… ok, maybe, but what does that mean to you?!

Everything is connected… ok, maybe, but what does that mean to you?!

Everything is connected. The connection is in the invisible realm, but it is not less real than the visible, it is just either below the surface or its wave length is not in the visible range of light.

The connection can be

  • chemical in nature.
  • It can be vibrational in nature
  • Electric in nature

I’ll give you some examples I am suddenly seeing now that my vibration jumped to 950.
Continue reading “Everything is connected… ok, maybe, but what does that mean to you?!”

Are you eating the babies of another species?

Are you eating the babies of another species?

One of the areas where humanity is growing and evolving backwards is eating.

When you eat right, your vibration goes up and you are a hell of a lot more intelligent.

But eating right requires you to have knowledge. Knowledge that you don’t have.

One thing I have noticed that you think:

if it is edible then it is ok to eat. As much as I want.

…or if you have your food list: if it is edible, I can eat the edible foods in any combination, and in any quantity.

And if you think that, and if that thinking reflects your behavior, your vibration is going lower.
Continue reading “Are you eating the babies of another species?”

What is the purpose of life?

What is the purpose of life?

what is the purpose of life?I watched a movie last night… actually, it took me two nights to watch. It was a Korean movie, a historical movie. An old hunter and a huge tiger… bound for life by gratitude and tragedy. I am still weeping… I’ll explain.

It is all about the purpose of life… and the purposelessness of life, if you wish.

Your answer will depend on where you’re looking from.

In the movie, once both the hunter and the tiger lost their progeny, their offspring, and their hopes for the survival of their genes ended, they are both ready to die themselves. The purpose of life ended with the loss of their offspring.
Continue reading “What is the purpose of life?”

What will it take to steer your life to the good life?

What will it take to steer your life to the good life?

I don’t want to change you into my vision of you. Rather, I want to motivate you into becoming the person you are capable of becoming.

– Life Mapping (Bill Cohen)

Display and existence. These are two Landmark Education distinctions.

As I am looking at my students, the biggest missing is not intelligence, not diligence, it is these two distinctions. Continue reading “What will it take to steer your life to the good life?”

Change… The hardest thing. Why? Do you really want to change? I didn’t think so.

Change… The hardest thing. Why? Do you really want to change? I didn’t think so.

If you wanted to change… if you actually wanted to change… so your life can change too… where would you make the change?

I just had a conversation with one of my students who shows promise to be able to change.

The conversation was about how to behave, what to do when you notice mistakes, mistakes YOU make.

Mistakes are like the fruit on the fruit bearing tree. Symptoms. Show what kind of tree you have…

On a side note: where do I look when I assess who will change and who will not?

I will look at two places:

  • 1. do they argue or offer explanations or excuses when they get feedback from me. Argument, explanations, and excuses are the sign of a foolish person who won’t take feedback, and either won’t change, or will do it to either curry approval from you, or to prove you wrong.
  • 2. An immediate testing tool is the 5-question exercise. If they do it, that is a very good sign that they will be willing to change.

Continue reading “Change… The hardest thing. Why? Do you really want to change? I didn’t think so.”