Is it too late for you? Is it too late for you to change?

What do I mean too late? I mean this: The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken

This saying sounds like the god honest truth, doesn’t it? But when I muscletest, it is only 20% true…

Why is the truth value of something universally accepted as truth?

It is true, because it takes effort and intention and commitment to break bad habits. And we, humans, are not very motivated to change any habit, let alone a habit that gets us pleasure… in another name, payoffs. But when people can see, when people can own that they pay with their lives, a lot more people are interested and are willing to make efforts…

The biggest hindrance is the goodies… What goodies? you ask. Continue reading “Is it too late for you? Is it too late for you to change?”

What is the strongest indicator of the quality of your life?

I measure 30 things about a person when they ask for their Starting Point Measurements.

They are all very relevant, but when it comes to the quality of your life, to your life satisfaction, your experience of your life… one could almost say, the level of your happiness depends on one thing.

The level of your happiness depends on one thing

The culture claims that to be happy, you have to have possession, you have to have success, you have to have comfort, safety, fulfillment, companionship, whatever, and, to some degree it may matter but not as much as the number, the measure, just one number told me why 99.99% of the people I have ever measured had a low life satisfaction, even though some had money, success, love even talent… seemingly everything you’d ever wanted. Continue reading “What is the strongest indicator of the quality of your life?”

The reason 999,999 out of a million are underachievers

The reason 999,999 out of a million are underachievers

man with a visionHappy Gilmore is one of my favorite movies.

In it a hockey player, Adam Sandler, has a vision of earning enough money to save his grandmother’s house from foreclosure… in a, to him totally unfamiliar sport: championship golf.

In 50 First Dates he has a vision of creating a relationship with the Drew Barrymore character, who forgets everything when she sleeps… She develops methods to remind her… and they succeed.

When I ask you what is your vision: you have none. Continue reading “The reason 999,999 out of a million are underachievers”

Your worldview keeps you in a merry go round.

Your worldview keeps you in a merry go round.

Not many understand what worldview is… I can give you examples, but a thousand examples will not distinguish the thing… For example if I tell you that being entitled is a worldview, now do you know what a worldview is?

It is a difficult thing to explain… and thus this article was a difficult birth.

It took me two whole days, and it was not enjoyable. I could not do any other work either. The inability to get the expression was rendering me dead, or dead-ish…

I like writing articles. But certain things are difficult to say, difficult to express… Continue reading “Your worldview keeps you in a merry go round.”

When you argue for your limitations and ‘win’ the argument

When you blame other people… When bad things always happen to you… When you won’t be happy unless… When winning is the goal…

Why is it that some people consistently choose being right… when the question is being right or being happy?

The underlying dynamic is invisible to the naked eye. It is like an iceberg: only tiny bit of it is showing, and the bulk of the iceberg is under the water level, waiting for your life to kill it… like an iceberg sunk the mighty Titanic.

The visible part is almost always presenting you as the good guy. Nice guy. Hurt, angry, taken advantage of, innocent like a freshly born lamb. Harmless. Continue reading “When you argue for your limitations and ‘win’ the argument”

You are always investing… Investing in things, investing in feelings, or investing in yourself

Some days I get a ton of offers for new marketing tools, and I get desirous… I want to buy, but then I ask Source: I muscletest if I should buy, and the answer is always “NO”. 1

So I have been pondering what guides Source… 2

What investment is useful and for what? Is getting more visitors to my site useful? Not really, the return on investment is fragile… Having more visitors to my site won’t forward my work, more visitors may put some pocket change in my pocket, but are they really interested in what I teach? Not that I can see…

Every minute of every day, every choice, ask the same question: is this for a temporary gain, or is this for a permanent gain. Is it for me, or is it for some circumstance I’d like?

Continue reading “You are always investing… Investing in things, investing in feelings, or investing in yourself”

Become all you can become? Why? How? Aren’t you?

Become all you can become? Why? How? Aren’t you?

Become all you can become? Why? How? Aren’t you already all you can become?

Yesterday I spent about four hours listening to Jordan Peterson. The material I listened to was a truth value of 30%… not bad. Continue reading “Become all you can become? Why? How? Aren’t you?”

Are you the solution or are you the problem?

I am sitting here. In a few hours I have a brainstorming call with a student of mine, who is, who has been, who is proving to be impossible to train… and I am scared and angry.

This article is the process in which I change my context for the call, so I can make a difference… or not… Inside the current context all I can do is yell… Not what I want my life to be. So, here we go…

Useless vs Priceless

Or said in another way: are you the solution or are you the problem?

As a little boy or as a little girl, you made some decisions about yourself, what it is that you were supposed to get, how to get what you want. Continue reading “Are you the solution or are you the problem?”

What is YOUR enough? Why are you where you are?

What is YOUR enough? Why are you where you are?

Enough, meaning as much or as many as required. We’ll see that by whom it is required, and for what it is required will change enough a lot.

I remember, long time ago, writing an article to introduce the concept “enough” and one of my students got it and it propelled her to previously unimaginable heights of vibration.

This was years ago… I will probably have to look up that old article to remember what I wrote… it must have been profound. But I’ll refrain… instead I am going to look how is the state of “enough” among my students and maybe myself.

After I finished this article, I did look up that old article, and it’s brilliant. I could not say it better today. It also talks about our newest recognized challenge: you don’t know how to learn anything… so you can’t grow. Go and read it if you are a friend of yourself.

Continue reading “What is YOUR enough? Why are you where you are?”

Integrity, integration, creating or embracing?

Integrity, integration, creating or embracing?
What’s missing for you to escape the human condition of the horizontal plane?

No matter who you are, no matter how high is your vibration, one thing is certain about you: you bring a skewing, slanted, distorting view to life, to every question you ask, to every answer you get.

I just caught myself… and I’ll share it with you… even though it is quite terrifying to get naked with you. Continue reading “Integrity, integration, creating or embracing?”