Ask Source: Leptin Resistance, is it a racket?

Ask Source: Leptin Resistance, is it a racket?

What is up with the ever growing number of sales videos pushing Leptin resistance supplements?

Leptin is sometimes called the satiety hormone.

First guestion to Source: is leptin resistance real? yes, says Source. It is.

Source says that people who never diet, have never dieted, don’t get fat.

The next question: even if they eat the same food that makes us fat? the answer was ‘no’. If they eat the same food as dieters eat, everybody gets fat.

WTF? Continue reading “Ask Source: Leptin Resistance, is it a racket?”

First, learn to see… that is what being astute is about

First, learn to see… that is what being astute is about

This starts with a blog post by Jonathan Fields

“The best of the best don’t just do more with what they see, they see more before they do.”

What Jonathan Field doesn’t say in the below article (after my ramblings), because the idea that seeing is a DNA capacity triggered by looking, is not common knowledge. I think so much so, that other than myself and my students, no one considers it.

DNA researchers are solely focusing on health… or illness to be precise. Continue reading “First, learn to see… that is what being astute is about”

Why you can’t go to the next evolutionary stage? Why you can’t be living your soul’s purpose? Why you can’t raise your vibration? And what you can do about it?

Why you can’t go to the next evolutionary stage? Why you can’t be living your soul’s purpose? Why you can’t raise your vibration? And what you can do about it?

Why you can’t go to the next evolutionary stage? Why you can’t be living your soul’s purpose? Why you can’t raise your vibration? And what you can do about it?

I have mentioned in another post that I am re-reading the book, The Tipping Point. It’s a brilliant book and it talks about something that is very very relevant to the work we are doing here. The work we are attempting to do…

It’s about raising the vibration of humanity, taking humanity, or at least a small group, to the next evolutionary stage.

With the current level of evolution, humanity is not capable of bringing in the age of “Heaven on Earth”, also known as “The Thousand Years of Peace.”

This article is about what is in the way (the single most important obstacle) and how to go about removing it.

Continue reading “Why you can’t go to the next evolutionary stage? Why you can’t be living your soul’s purpose? Why you can’t raise your vibration? And what you can do about it?”

Never pick a fight you cannot win… Now what?

Never pick a fight you cannot win… Now what?

Humans, as a species, are not good. They are an invasive species. Destroying the planet they live on.

This is not a moral judgment. I am do not subscribe to any moral system…

Morality is a human invention. There is no morality in reality, in nature. Morality is invented by rulers and governments, and churches, to keep the hordes at bay, to make them behave in a way that is counter to their nature. Continue reading “Never pick a fight you cannot win… Now what?”

life is an iterative game. change how you play it

life is an iterative game. change how you play it

Thinking of life as an iterative game changes how you play it… Life. Positioning yourself for the future carries more weight than ‘winning’ in the moment.

I read that yesterday, and it immediately clicked with me…

Let me explain:

My methodology, my approach to life, to work, to transformation, to everything, is iterative.

Even in architecture: I was attracted to iterative design… the growing house… starting with just a tiny house that was designed with the big house in mind.

Iterative means: I start with an incomplete execution of an idea… and I improve on it after lots of testing, and go through this cycle several times.

I used that approach to raise my vibration from 35 to 991 in 35 years. Continue reading “life is an iterative game. change how you play it”

Be Unreasonable? Huh? What IS unreasonable?

Be Unreasonable? Huh? What IS unreasonable?

A second phase activator, Being unreasonable came up on the first live session of the Second Phase Activator series.

There was a confusion on what the word means…

In the “pedestrian world” where we live, the word “unresonable” is used to mean pushy, grabby, going for it, and irritating.

Continue reading “Be Unreasonable? Huh? What IS unreasonable?”

What does it take to grow as a person?

What does it take to grow as a person?

Can you learn something that you lack the spiritual capacity for?

I spend a lot of time pondering this issue. What is the predictor, in the Starting Point Measurements, or if it’s not there, what measure could I add, that would predict what someone can do, and is likely that someone will do.

According to Jim Camp, negotiation genius, vision drives decision… and action.

So to see how far someone is willing to grow, how far someone is willing to go beyond what’s the status quo, depends on their vision. That is not capacity… that is hardwired in their genetics.

Some 35 years ago I used to ask this question differently: Continue reading “What does it take to grow as a person?”

What can you see and hear in the sideways view?

What can you see and hear in the sideways view?
little red riding hoodEven if you have the driftwood capacity activated… Even then you have to learn to be looking that way.

Yesterday’s article about assumptions should clue you in: you mostly are stuck with your assumption: you have never really looked and seen the facts… Reality defined in the simplest way: reality is facts.

It seems that to observe, to look, to look until you see something is not a low-vibration person’s activity, and most people ARE low vibration… so most people never look.

The ones that do are famous at least in what they do for a living.

Quentin Tarantino… Albert Einstein, Ayn Rand.

It really seems that this capacity to look and see is very rare. Continue reading “What can you see and hear in the sideways view?”

Sunday Rant or was it Sunday runt? lol

Sunday Rant or was it Sunday runt? lol
The difference between occurrence and happening

I started this article in the middle of the week, but it was half-baked… it needed to sit a few days… baking. Is it fully baked? You be the judge…

I learn where I can, from where I can.

One of these are books. Another is movies, especially series, where there is enough time for character development.

I had been waiting for this series on Amazon Prime Video, Hunters. Nazi hunters that is.

One of the things I am learning is that a wound is a wound, and it may never heal, but every time I have a chance to weep about it, it cleanses.

So far, I am only half way through the first season, I have seen masterful re-enacting memories of people who were in the Holocaust, so well, that it clean opened up all the wounds and I have been crying and weeping, and sobbing for almost a whole day now. good for me. Continue reading “Sunday Rant or was it Sunday runt? lol”

The curse of understanding… It adds nothing…

The curse of understanding… It adds nothing…

If I know you well, your relationship to life is mainly through understanding. Which you either have or not.

When you do, you are happy, even though you are just as unsuccessful at living well, being fulfilled as you were before. Continue reading “The curse of understanding… It adds nothing…”