When your failures always return… The anchor to doom

When your failures always return… The anchor to doom
anchor to doom aka your dominant beliefThe anchor to your doom attachment

What gives it away is the implied inevitability. The language. That it’s always, or never.

Like I am never going to be successful. Stings. Hurts. My eyes are watering. I scramble to avoid it, fight mightily, only to give up after a while and resign… burn, and get up from the ashes like a phoenix bird… This has been the story of my life. Horrid.

Now, imagine free falling towards the Earth, accelerating. Your language, I guess: I am going to die. I am going to be pulped by the impact.

Imagined it? Now imagine that I order you to pay attention to the weather, to the shape of the clouds in the sky.

Continue reading “When your failures always return… The anchor to doom”

Being Needy keeps you from getting what you want?

Being Needy keeps you from getting what you want?

needy wantyBeing needy, being want-y is low vibration… about 100 on the vibrational scale.

I order my grocery through Instacart. This way I never have to leave my house, I never have to see or get near another person. I ‘blame’ the pandemic… lol.

But today, when I stood behind my front door, waiting for the Instacart delivery person, Angel to leave my grocery at the door, I shouted: ‘Thank you Angel’, and then I started to sob. Continue reading “Being Needy keeps you from getting what you want?”

How to have room to build something of your Self?

How to have room to build something of your Self?

How to have room to build something?I have been getting a lot of money after I had all my savings seized… please don’t ask, I won’t tell you the details.

The money comes from clients, students, and -gasp- my nephew sent me money too.

I have noticed that the giver probably feels better about himself than the receiver… So I am happy I was willing to be vulnerable enough to ask for help… Not my usual attitude. It is quite unbecoming for a Forget Thyself soul correction. Continue reading “How to have room to build something of your Self?”

Do you have to go down with the ship? the economy, war?

Do you have to go down with the ship? the economy, war?

going down with the shipDo you have to go down with the ship?

In 1987 I did the More Money Workshop… I have fond memories of that

Back in 1987 I was working as an architect in the luxury architecture field. We were building or remodeling Caribbean villas for rich people. Nice when you can have it… lol.

I myself was dirt poor, a recent immigrant.

But I never skimped on my education, so I enrolled in the More Money Workshop. It was two Saturdays, and in between I lost my job. Continue reading “Do you have to go down with the ship? the economy, war?”

Are you bored? Is life humdrum? Hopeless? Here is what you are missing…

Are you bored? Is life humdrum? Hopeless? Here is what you are missing…

bored, humdrum, hopeless One of the things that make life humdrum, feel long, and colorless is sameness. Boring-ness… if that is a word.

It is easy to be boring, in this world where you are cooped up in your house, and the seeming variety of where to have dinner is replaced with takeout, or gasp… cooking.

But as is with everything, the world is neither boring, nor interesting: it is you, who is boring, and it is you who can see colors and fun where others can’t.

But don’t be mistaken: it takes some work. Continue reading “Are you bored? Is life humdrum? Hopeless? Here is what you are missing…”

Want to grow? Master outcome independence!

Want to grow? Master outcome independence!

outcome independenceZen: Chop wood, carry water. An outcome independent series of actions. Outcome independence .

Western Culture: What is your why? Create big audacious goals, take bold actions…

One is outcome independent with an overarching goal of inner peace. Not now, not at this moment, but for life.

The other is outcome dependent, judging every step for the result it produced or not, resulting in misery. Continue reading “Want to grow? Master outcome independence!”

Are you trying to learn PhD level without having done kindergarten?

Are you trying to learn PhD level without having done kindergarten?

Before I buy something, a new tool, a nonfiction book, I muscletest if I should buy it.

In essence I ask Source a yes/no question. Shall I buy it?

I get a no answer more often than a yes. And then I ask some clarifying questions, one of them is: is it too advanced for me? More often than not the answer is yes.

Unless I have mastered, literally mastered the basics in that specific topic or discipline, Source will recommend that I don’t buy that course, tool, or book. Continue reading “Are you trying to learn PhD level without having done kindergarten?”

How you look at a thing makes all the difference

How you look at a thing makes all the difference

Sometimes I get up in the morning and then do maintenance stuff on my computer, of play Freecell, because there is nothing that is pressing me to write about.

As soon as I look at myself playing Freecell that it is a process I trust to bring up topics I could write about, within a game, 3-4 minutes, a whole topic emerges.

It was there, it just needed to be called.

Last Saturday I had a tech teacher of mine on my 3-wishes workshop. I invited him, I comped him in, and he came.

I treated him special, and he got to see something about himself that he can now deal with. He saw that his fixed way of being with nearly anything is that he is resentful… while he could be grateful. Continue reading “How you look at a thing makes all the difference”

What makes you should on yourself and others?

What makes you should on yourself and others?

should racketWhat makes you should on yourself and others? The ‘should racket’, the invisible dynamic: you assume there is agreement, that things should be in a certain way

Joke: Why do violinists put a handkerchief between the violin and their shoulder? So they don’t violin on themselves…

Not many people play the violin, but we all should on ourselves. some more, some less.

I should already know it, I should already do it well

Some people can’t learn… and therefore they are stuck. We could even say: most people.

Let me ask Source how many. 70% of humanity has the affliction, the disease of the mind I highlight in the title of this article, I should already know it, I should already… [fill in the blanks]

Shoulding effectively prevents you from learning, let alone mastering anything. You are afraid to do anything in public, for fear of people finding out that you are not something enough to already be the best. Continue reading “What makes you should on yourself and others?”

Sober eyes… having an inner state like macarena

Sober eyes… having an inner state like macarena

I got an email this morning from a student whose numbers are doing the macarena… up and down.

You can hear the exasperation in her voice… WTF? I am so good. I do the work. I don’t see wrong… so
What. The.F?!

Hear the emotion? Not sober eyes…

What is going on is shown by your emotions… the hissy fits, the yelling, the WTF. Continue reading “Sober eyes… having an inner state like macarena”