Memories of things I’ve done that I am ashamed of

Memories of things I’ve done that I am ashamed of

Last night I spent a lot of time looking at a deluge of memories of things I’ve done that I am ashamed of

I just slashed my finger for the third time this morning. I will have a hard time muscletesting for a bit… Here is what happened:

Last night in bed I spent a lot of time looking at a deluge of memories of things I did that I am ashamed of.

They came, vividly, fast and furious, things I have long forgotten, things I am not proud of.

I resisted the temptation to explain them away, I resisted turning away. I resisted saying they are wrong. Continue reading “Memories of things I’ve done that I am ashamed of”

Are you a dabbler, a sampler, an “I’ll try that” person?

One characteristic of the 99% is that they don’t heed Alexander Pope’s warning:

“A little learning is a dang’rous thing; / Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring.” 1

This behavior even characterizes the 99% of the One Percent.

Why is being a taster, a dabbler, a person who samples, tries out, but never drinks deep from anything keeps you from joining the 1%? Continue reading “Are you a dabbler, a sampler, an “I’ll try that” person?”

The myth that if you are better than… better than who?

The myth that if you are better than… better than who?

The myth that if you are better than the average, if you are better than the other guy/gal then you are OK…

If you knew how others view you, if you knew how you rank as a human… really, you’d be up in arms, shouting “bloody murder!” because you are delusional. You can’t see the other, you can’t see yourself, and you definitely can’t see yourself the way others see you… so any and all negative feedback is a surprise and an insult.

But if you are comparing yourself to another 99 percenter… whether they are average, below average, or above average, you are comparing yourself to something irrelevant… Continue reading “The myth that if you are better than… better than who?”

Emotional Intelligence and your experience of life

Emotional Intelligence is a buzz word, an expression, that no one explains, and yet, everyone pretends that they know what they are talking about.

No such THING as emotional intelligence… it is made up.

And yet: some people maneuver life better than others, have less upsets, upheavals, self-hate, than others.

They take obstacles differently than others. They are OK with themselves, and they don’t worry about what other people think about them. They are not attention, approval, drama seekers. They just do what they do… and let others do what others do.

We call those people emotionally intelligent.

I guess you are reading this article because you are not like that. Continue reading “Emotional Intelligence and your experience of life”

The runt of the litter and predatory genes

The runt of the litter and predatory genes

In nature when a mother has a litter, there may be one or two that will not grow up to be adults… because there is just not enough tits, food, energy, attention is for them.

That is life.

Nature doesn’t like to waste energy… Humans do.

Humans invented morality and the right to live, regardless whether it makes sense or not, so we have an upside down world, where we live in a should world. The selfish gene is not happy…

One of the things that make one the runt of the litter is not enough Life-Force… Life Force, at least partially, is expressed in the number of predatory genes, where you would push away another puppy from the food, so you can eat more. Continue reading “The runt of the litter and predatory genes”

Intrapersonal emotional intelligence, looking within and see

Intrapersonal emotional intelligence, looking within and see

Intrapersonal emotional intelligence, the ability and willingness to look within and see accurately

People with intrapersonal emotional intelligence are adept at looking inward and figuring out their own feelings, motivations and goals. They are quintessentially introspective. They analyze themselves and seek understanding. People with intrapersonal intelligence are intuitive and usually introverted.

A year or two ago I saw a rather amateurish but good Singaporean TV show (The Truth Seekers) that shook me to my core… and woke me up.

I may be a conspiracy seeker… but I have a hunch that we, humans, have been trained, for millennia,  by society to look the other way, to deny human nature, and escape into nice-nice, and sugar and spice, instead of confronting head-on what we call human nature. Continue reading “Intrapersonal emotional intelligence, looking within and see”

What is consciousness? And vibration? Connection?

What is consciousness? And vibration? Connection?

what is consciousness... fragmented viewWhat is consciousness?

Is it the mind?

Here is from the Wikipedia entry: Consciousness is the state or quality of sentience or awareness of internal or external existence. Continue reading “What is consciousness? And vibration? Connection?”

Do you really want to get more out of life? We shall see…

Do you really want to get more out of life? We shall see…

One of the clues I have for proof that I am taking the idea of soul correction seriously

My soul correction is “Forget Thyself”… meaning: I believe that I am the alpha and the omega, and that anything and everything other people say has to be filtered through MY genius, my experience, or it is not to be taken seriously.

My soul correction that makes me a very slow learner…

I don’t even have questions when I read something, when I hear something. I am not one of the people who have a question of the speaker at the end of a talk. I first let it all in, no resistance, and let the brain work out whatever the brain wants to work out, and let the brain bring out the questions if there are any, or let the brain quietly discard what I heard/read without even consulting with me, the conscious me…

It takes quiet and it takes time. Continue reading “Do you really want to get more out of life? We shall see…”

Do YOU want to get smarter? What would it mean?

Do YOU want to get smarter? What would it mean?

These come up as questions, because… hell, because I don’t know if they do… If you do… Do YOU?

I don’t think currently living humans appreciate what that question means, I don’t think YOU know what being smart entails.

I think you think that smarts are only

  • to win in computer games
  • finish homework fast… or maybe even skip doing it… after all smart people just get it! this used to be me…
  • entertain and impress people at parties
  • if you have little kids… get them to go to bed earlier… that needs smarts, somehow
  • if you are still in mating age (I am not), get the other want to have sex with you… or if you are tired… be appeased faster
  • get to understand the instructions at work, for DIY jobs, for many thing… understanding is the key word
  • oh, and let’s not forget about remembering stuff… that would make you really smart, right?

And yes, those results all need some kind of smarts. Continue reading “Do YOU want to get smarter? What would it mean?”

Human blindness, near sightedness, immediate gratification

Human blindness, near sightedness, immediate gratification

exponential growthHuman blindness, near sightedness, immediate gratification… and their relationship to your misery.

The famous story that teaches geometric vs. linear growth creates insights that disappear about as fast as your dreams after you wake up. 1

Homo Sapiens, even the ones who understood mathematics in school, are famous for near-sightedness.

In the story between the ant and the grasshopper, humans are the grasshopper, and even the ants of humanity are more hoarders, than intelligent beings…

What are you talking about Sophie… what is this b.s. again? You ask… because you think I am putting you and all of humanity down.

But what I am doing is bringing some distinctions, shades of gray, into your black and white world that has been leaving you miserable… utterly miserable. Continue reading “Human blindness, near sightedness, immediate gratification”