If you want to make a difference you have to start with…

If you want to make a difference you have to start with…

One person. Yup. One person. If you can’t make a difference for one person, then you seriously need to overhaul your entire operation, meaning your whole life… and start observing what it is about you and how you do it that leaves people … hm… (note: read the PS about this… please.)

So let’s look at what it means to make a difference, shall we?

I don’t know it exactly either, so we’ll look together. Willing?

OK, it came from Werner Erhard. Continue reading “If you want to make a difference you have to start with…”

The lost art of catching mice with what they want

The lost art of catching mice with what they want
It got suddenly cold in my area… and the troubles with it came…

I live in an area of Syracuse, the city, where my house is next to a wooded area… lately it has gotten a name…

There is wildlife. I can observe the white tail deer families, I can observe the badger taking its brood to a discovery tour, same with raccoons, skunks, millions of squirrels, birds of all kinds… and, of course, field mice.

I have lived in this two-family house for 18 years. And I have used hundreds of mouse traps during this time.

My favorite is the mice-cube…

It is one thing to put out a lot of traps, and it is quite another thing to observe what the mouse likes, and give it to them… inside the trap.

I know when I have a mouse, because I can smell it. I can smell the animal, I can smell its pee, I can smell its poop.

So when I do detect the smell, I start playing detective, and see what they have eaten…

It is fall, and it is getting cold, last night it was freezing. So the mice want fat… little volume, lots of body heat… Continue reading “The lost art of catching mice with what they want”

This is how can you become sane in an insane world?

This is how can you become sane in an insane world?
sane in an insane worldFalling in step, do it my way, destroy everything in the process

There are two ways to live.

One is to force, complain about what you don’t have, suffer
The other is to work with what you have

Roughly 3,000 years ago humanity moved towards the ‘my way or the highway’ direction.

Judaism was a religion that required submission to Life
Christianity was a new religion that fosters the sword
Islam was a tradition that went one step further: if you are not with us you are against us

Christianity and Islam took it upon itself to declare itself and its god superior to Life, to Nature, to all-of-it. Continue reading “This is how can you become sane in an insane world?”

I am Harold to your Maude… said one of my students

I am Harold to your Maude… said one of my students
Harold and MaudI am Harold to your Maude… said one of my students

I feel gratitude. I love that movie. And I loved Maude in that movie. I loved Cat Stevens’ music.

She says:

When I think of Maude I smile: I see you like that. And we, your students, are like clueless Harolds. But eventually even Harold turned his life around. Such a great movie.

Maude is 79 in that movie from 1971… and Harold is in his very early 20’s. Maude is ready to die, Harold is not ready to live.

  • Maude knows how to be happy, joyful: she lived full out, whatever the circumstances.
  • Harold hasn’t lived at all. Unless you call seeking attention from his mother living.

And that is a 90% accurate assessment of our relationship. 90%.

Continue reading “I am Harold to your Maude… said one of my students”

Is it disappointed or frustrated? What is the difference?

Is it disappointed or frustrated? What is the difference?
Clarity of language reflects your clarity of thinking…

It is becoming clear that the parts that maybe are the most important ones (to you) in my articles are too new for you to hear.

I didn’t realize that I need to bring special attention to them, explain them, or they will be lost, maybe forever. And give me an unwelcome experience: frustration.

This is a great opportunity to bring some clarity to the use of two words that you, mistakenly, have been taking ans synonyms… meaning the same. They don’t.

The two words are disappointment and frustration.

They feel similar, yes, but the underlying cause is different. Continue reading “Is it disappointed or frustrated? What is the difference?”

About THAT picture and the pumpkin plan… get unstuck

About THAT picture and the pumpkin plan… get unstuck

About WHAT picture and the pumpkin plan… isn’t it Halloween tonight? NOT Thanksgiving.

Oops, I am such a foreigner… I forgot Halloween pumpkins…

Well that is not what this article is about…

OK, stop yelling… settle down, something important in this article… promise.

It’s about YOU.

Continue reading “About THAT picture and the pumpkin plan… get unstuck”

Do you feel that you are locked out of abundance?

Do you feel that you are locked out of abundance?
do you feel locked out of abundance?Do you feel locked out of abundance? There is a reason…

There are two main ways to be an entrepreneur

  1. One way is to be in love with yourself, with your product, with your process, and push it. Sell it. Promote it.
  2. The second way is to take your eyes off of what you want, of what you need, of what you want them to have, and listen keenly to what they want and need.
But then the question comes: how do you look? how do you listen?

If you look ordinarily, with your eyes… if you listen ordinarily with your ears, you’ll probably be in trouble. Continue reading “Do you feel that you are locked out of abundance?”

Why no one gets ‘choice’ in the Landmark Forum

Why no one gets ‘choice’ in the Landmark Forum
It seems everything is a learning curve. Or a ramp-up curve.

In a world where people resist learning anything, the ones that don’t resist are winners. Maybe even THE winners.

One of the things I notice is that when I sign up to a program, or buy a book, an equipment, I am excited. Until I get what I paid for. Then I am scared. Hesitant. Now comes the moment of truth.

It’s the 7 in my numerology, I think, trust. Trust in myself, mainly.

I don’t think the issue is limited to 7… Everyone has their own ‘reason’ to not pursue what they thought they wanted. 5’s, for example may have a weak ability to hold a vision of the future…

Whatever is standing between you consistently pursuing what you said you wanted is the most important thing, maybe even the one-thing that you should never forget to attend to. Continue reading “Why no one gets ‘choice’ in the Landmark Forum”

My amazon best seller is now out and is a best seller

My amazon best seller is now out and is a best seller
amazon best sellerMy amazon best seller is out.

The book I co-authored. I paid a thousand bucks to be part of that project.

First it was exciting. There was also fear, ‘am I good enough?’. Then a whole month where my attention was stolen by the topic of the book (The Entrepreneur Code) and every article I wrote, every conversation went to the topic… entrepreneurship.

Then I wrote six different article-length chapters, and discarded them all. Continue reading “My amazon best seller is now out and is a best seller”

Repetition is a superpower. It puts you on top of any heap!

Repetition is a superpower. It puts you on top of any heap!

repetitionOne of the reasons people are so unhappy is they don’t talk to themselves,‘ says author Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat Pray Love). ‘You have to keep a conversation going with yourself throughout your life, to see how you’re doing, to keep your focus, to remain your own friend.

I bet Elizabeth Gilbert doesn’t know that part of becoming cause in your life requires you to have a structured conversation with yourself… That is what the responsibility questions do.. this is why I gifted the ‘Portkey’ recording where I demonstrate the power of that conversation.

It’s not an ordinary conversation. Continue reading “Repetition is a superpower. It puts you on top of any heap!”