The occurrence mental model or personal reality

The occurrence mental model or personal reality

free yourself from mental slaveryThis article was removed from… I guess it offended a “star” there…

The person whose articles inspired this one has 10 active predatory genes…

In my next article, the one I am working on, I’ll ponder about that high number… As I just did, in my Sunday call with an old friend who is like the perfect mirror to me…

I don’t publish those calls for general consumption: they are a tad gossipy, I talk about people there… but select subscribers can get it… $15 a pop… and worth it, if you are are willing to change your mind… Most never will. You can email me for a link… and I’ll decide if I want you to have it or not.

Mental Models: relate to and solve problems with different, fundamentally different perspectives of reality

Continue reading “The occurrence mental model or personal reality”

Predatory Genes and Quantum reality: disorder or order?

Predatory Genes and Quantum reality: disorder or order?

Predatory Genes and Quantum reality: There is order in the universe, even if it is not readily observable to you

The visible order, what you can see, is just the top 1%. Below that there is 99% that is order, but you can’t see it.

The more you are of the persuasion that there is a way the world should be, you should be, society should be, to the same degree you are blind, and unsuccessful if you act, and stuck if you don’t.

Of course you expect the order to be obvious, with clear rules, so you don’t have to be responsible for thinking, observing, adjusting your actions to how it is… and ultimately for any of your actions, any of your results.

Too many or too few predatory genes combined with human culture are deadly, deadly in its consequences. Continue reading “Predatory Genes and Quantum reality: disorder or order?”

Predatory Genes adjustment… am I defanging you?

Predatory Genes adjustment… am I defanging you?

predatory gene adjustmentPredatory Genes… no one wants to think they have many predatory genes… because everyone wants to think that they are generous, caring, loving, sharing people… but no one is. Not at the level of homo sapiens, or not really.

Life is not about having no fangs. Life is about having fangs, and use them to dig out food… or whatever you do with fangs… And to protect yourself.

Life would not be possible if everyone suddenly lost their fangs. Fangs are needed… Just like knives are needed.

How you use them, for what purpose, is what makes a knife a tool for good or bad, useful or harmful. Continue reading “Predatory Genes adjustment… am I defanging you?”

I am going to toot my own horn… if I don’t, maybe no one will

tooting my own hornIf you are not for you, who is for you? (~Hillel)

If You Don’t Toot Your Own Horn, Who Will?

One of the results I got out of having my own predatory genes adjusted from zero to three, is self-appreciation. I now own my results. I am proud of them. Not too much… just as much as they deserve to be proud of.

Finally Hillel the elder would be proud of me. Having no predatory genes, I was never fully be able to be for myself… I always hoped that someone will come and rescue me. Continue reading “I am going to toot my own horn… if I don’t, maybe no one will”

How you could you get more intelligent with my methods?

How you could you get more intelligent with my methods?

welcome to lake wobegon… as it turns out, I can answer this question… at least whether your hardware, your brain is capable to run better and faster…

And the answer: you have barely used your brain for intelligence and thinking… so yes… to all of you.

But intelligence also depends on your knowledge, real knowledge of yourself, the human condition, and reality. And whether you can increase that, become more intelligent that will depend on the level you can master your machine… Continue reading “How you could you get more intelligent with my methods?”

History repeats itself. how to learn from your mistakes

History repeats itself. how to learn from your mistakes
History repeats itself because we paid no attention the first time… or how to learn from your mistakes

Sidenote: If you are a Generator or Manifesting Generator, an appropriate action is to respond. The initiator of an response can be an article, an email, that gives you something to respond to. The operative word is “it gives you something to answer to, respond to”… It is not your idea, that was born in the recesses of your mind, or in some inclination, passion, addiction, or desire. It was given to you. If you pay attention, all the stupid things you do are your own fabulous ideas… 🙁

This idea was given to me to respond to by today’s Monday Morning Memo. Continue reading “History repeats itself. how to learn from your mistakes”

Eliminating mistakes, errors in thinking, is the fastest way to good results, including raising your vibration

mistakes are the key to exponential growthThe approach to growth requires a mindset, a shift from the view of the majority, a mindset that cherishes mistakes.

This is my whole approach to teaching, this is my whole methodology. The methodology for exponential growth.

But first you need to find the mistakes and look at them… That is against our current culture that only wants to deal with what is “good”. 1
Continue reading “Eliminating mistakes, errors in thinking, is the fastest way to good results, including raising your vibration”

I hate making mistakes! I hate what it says about me

I hate making mistakes! I hate what it says about me

what's the truth about you? why are you making mistakes?Correct Diagnosis is 50% of the Cure in any area of your life

In this article I am going to show an area of my life where diagnostic skills and tools have saved the day, and in fact proved to be 90% of the cure.

The process of growth is not linear. It is more like layer by layer. No matter where you are now, in order to get to the next level, you need to completely explore the level or layer where you are at.

I have been relative successful for a while now, and like any other “normal” human being, I had the illusion that I have arrived to the place where it is smooth sailing from hereon. Continue reading “I hate making mistakes! I hate what it says about me”

Are you stingy with yourself? Skimping?

Are you stingy with yourself? Skimping?

I am watching you… lol. Not like Big Brother, more like I learn from you what you need. Where you are defeating your best intentions, where you leak energy, where you get it wrong.

Some articles don’t make any noise: there is no one to hear them. My last article was like that. A tree that falls in a forest… doesn’t make any noise, even though it fell… Why? Because no one heard it.

Because you are here (I hope at least some of you) to get help in attaining to the good life, You want me to watch you… it is for your benefit.

I was just telling one of my students the biggest missing he has: The principle that

everything you ever wanted comes to you through other people

or as Wallace D. Wattles says in The Science of Getting Rich: the gold coins won’t roll out and to you, they will be in the hands of others.
Continue reading “Are you stingy with yourself? Skimping?”

Why we you not as smart as we could be? Can it be reversed?

Why we you not as smart as we could be? Can it be reversed?
Your eating style is more important than you would think.

After all, in sounds innocuous (not harmful or offensive). Everyone knows that what you eat is important but how you eat? Hogwash, say most people, scientists included, but most people are always wrong.

I am fighting the fight of my life now… Attempting to get an extra year or two past my expiration date.

“They” say that your telomeres are responsible for your life expectancy, the length of your telomeres, but they are lying. Why they say that? Because it is a source of much money, that’s why. You, the payer, don’t have to be responsible for anything, they will do whatever magick they do, and you pay. And that is that.

And people pay through their noses… Because they don’t know any better. Continue reading “Why we you not as smart as we could be? Can it be reversed?”