40% of humanity never learns. But why? They are not stupid

40% of humanity never learns.  But why? They are not stupid

don't get stuck on a pageI have some students who are not keeping up with the other students. These students don’t learn. So much so, that after a whole year, they are still at page 1 or page 2 of a class… that is 100 pages… Of course there are no pages… but pages express more what I want to say than percentages.

It is the middle of the night: I got up to write this article, because I got the insight that has been missing. Continue reading “40% of humanity never learns. But why? They are not stupid”

Is it Trust or a belief? Are you trusting or believing? Can you tell?

I wrote this article six years ago… and except for “current events” it is still accurate… My webhost hasn’t kicked me out… yet… lol.

This word, trust, has been coming upĀ  too frequently, in conversations with my students. I consider that coming up guidance, so let me start exploring trust: what it is, what it isn’t, and how to deal with lack of trust, or the different forms of distrust… and also where it comes from.

I had a great opportunity to observe myself today. My webhost shut down my site for a reason of their own. A year ago that was a daily occurrence, but this was a first since.
Continue reading “Is it Trust or a belief? Are you trusting or believing? Can you tell?”

The nature of inner guidance, or how does inner guidance work?

outer guidanceHow does guidance work?

I bet, you expect a straight line from where you are to where you want to be.

Unfortunately, nature doesn’t work on a straight line.

So unless you are willing to take everything as guidance, and not stop asking, thinking you are home free… you’ll make wild left right turns before nature, Consciousness, your body takes you home.

I have been observing this for decades, and tearing my hair our…

Because more often than not, the first “guidance” towards a result you crave will take you to a bad result.

Why? I have some theories, but I don’t actually know why. Continue reading “The nature of inner guidance, or how does inner guidance work?”

Does negativity come from the words you speak?

Does negativity come from the words you speak?

About 50% of humanity believes that positive thinking is what is going to bring home the bacon, suppressing negative thought, negative desires. I saw a video yesterday that even the Dalai Lama’s talk is interpreted as positive thinking…

He says: a small positive thought in the morning can set your whole day on a positive spin.

What he doesn’t say is that the kind of positive thoughts people have aren’t the kind that create a positive spin… au contraire… Just the opposite: They turn your day into sh*t.

I once had a client who lived and still lives in the small upstate New York town where I live… Syracuse NY.

He said, and lived by, that Syracuse is a dark town, no sun. Continue reading “Does negativity come from the words you speak?”

What is your time worth? What does it have to do with your worth?

what is your time worth? do you value your time?If you are in business… or even if you are only selling your time/work at a job or freelancing, pricing your merchandise, friendship, advice, companionship, your time, your service is going to be something worth looking at.

A few decades ago I published a magazine. The magazine was free, the income came from advertising.

A girl whom I knew from before, who worked at the same architect’s office I worked, called me and asked if she could trade cleaning my office for advertising. Turns out she was turning tricks…

She came to the office, worked for an hour and expected it to cover the price of a quarter page ad, $200 at the time.

Why? Because that is what she got paid by her johns. lol Continue reading “What is your time worth? What does it have to do with your worth?”

Your deserving factor, your earning factor… How much do you deserve? How much have you earned? Are you worth a damn?

I am listening to step 1 of the 67 steps again. The seventh time? Eighth time? I have lost track.

And as is usual for me, I am seeing something that Tai is not saying, and I kind of have been seeing, but not really. In the corner of my eyes.

If you can’t even SEE a better future…

My Sunday calls, a kind of podcast with limited accessibility (paid), used to be called Sunday Rants.

A rant is a loud and extended complaint. 1

I am a joyfully exuberant person… I stand out wherever I go, some people love me around, others hate me… I make ripples, I ruffle feathers. I am that way. I don’t try to, I don’t have a “what to do to appear exuberant”… Continue reading “If you can’t even SEE a better future…”

Are you a dabbler, a sampler, an “I’ll try that” person?

One characteristic of the 99% is that they don’t heed Alexander Pope’s warning:

“A little learning is a dang’rous thing; / Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring.” 1

This behavior even characterizes the 99% of the One Percent.

Why is being a taster, a dabbler, a person who samples, tries out, but never drinks deep from anything keeps you from joining the 1%? Continue reading “Are you a dabbler, a sampler, an “I’ll try that” person?”

The myth that if you are better than… better than who?

The myth that if you are better than… better than who?

The myth that if you are better than the average, if you are better than the other guy/gal then you are OK…

If you knew how others view you, if you knew how you rank as a human… really, you’d be up in arms, shouting “bloody murder!” because you are delusional. You can’t see the other, you can’t see yourself, and you definitely can’t see yourself the way others see you… so any and all negative feedback is a surprise and an insult.

But if you are comparing yourself to another 99 percenter… whether they are average, below average, or above average, you are comparing yourself to something irrelevant… Continue reading “The myth that if you are better than… better than who?”

You have moments of brilliance… anything to show for it?

You have moments of brilliance… anything to show for it?

your holy grailSometimes you need someone else to tell you what you did right, what was the reason so that you succeeded

And if you don’t have that someone else, or if they are half-blind like you

… you most likely misidentify the cause… and the success goes away.

This has happened to me countless times… I did something, it created a huge result, I tried to duplicate it and it was a flop…

But, on the other hand, I have now been sustaining a success “streak” for a few months now… Chances have been that it was going to end… until today… because…

I stumbled on Jim Rohn’s little known talk on youtube… Continue reading “You have moments of brilliance… anything to show for it?”