This is one of those weeks: I am all talked out.

This is one of those weeks: I am all talked out.

And I rarely say anything twice. I expressed it once, and I am done with it.

34 years ago I started my journey from misery to The Promised Land… It was promised… and I went for it.

It was the last weekend of August back in 1985.

I snuck away from Jerusalem, where I lived at the time. Took the 2-hour bride to Haifa, took a taxi, and voila, my journey began.

It was a Communication Workshop. In Hebrew. My Hebrew was good enough to do work, but was pretty meager for transformational work, so it wasn’t till the last day that I understood a full sentence.

But that didn’t prevent me from having a breakthrough. Continue reading “This is one of those weeks: I am all talked out.”

Confuse needs and wants? Especially around the holidays?

Confuse needs and wants? Especially around the holidays?

Once you conquer a “boulder”, a challenging character flaw, a new one takes its place. But what is in common in all the flaws is the seed level.

What is the seed level of all the stuff that can make you miserable? Sorry, all the stuff that makes you miserable?

So far I have found two that every person has:

1. As far as I can see it, it is a mindset nearly all humans share: that life, things should be different. That what they think should be is what should be.

They place themselves above reality, above nature, above physics, above maybe even above their gods.

That because you want it, it should be so.

Continue reading “Confuse needs and wants? Especially around the holidays?”

You never know where your learning will come from

You never know where your learning will come from

You never know where your learning will come from… bits and pieces

I put all the cash I had at hand, $25, in an envelope yesterday and wrote on it: to Frank the mailman. Today I found a Christmas card, the only one I got, from Frank the mailman, saying “Thank you for the gift.”

I cried. I am still crying. Big learning here… even though I don’t know what it is… Hopefully by the end of the article I will.


I just spent a few hours listening to really smart behavioral economists,

At the end, when they thought the microphone was already off, the interviewer and the interviewee said: “we should do this every day, we could get good at it.”


Then I watched the movie Two Popes… cried a lot. Identified with the two Catholic priests… surprised myself with that.
Continue reading “You never know where your learning will come from”

Self-Punishment, Self-Punishing Behavior, the why

Self-Punishment, Self-Punishing Behavior, the why

This topic comes from a reader, thank you. Without her prompting I would have never looked there. It would have been a big missing.

I am going to share only what I really know, from my experience, not some theories of some big names, like Freud… I am giving you only Tree of Life. Continue reading “Self-Punishment, Self-Punishing Behavior, the why”

I am past my expiration date… and I am still kicking

I am past my expiration date… and I am still kicking

I am past my expiration date.

I am not alone. If I wanted to be cruel, most people living on this planet are.

The moment you stop contributing to the planet, your expiration date is in the past. And if we look closely, that means 50% of all living humans…

Younger people may not have come to age where they can contribute, etc.

And even though from Life’s point of view, this is the hard fact, that unless you are contributing, you are just taking… Using up what you didn’t contribute to creating. Continue reading “I am past my expiration date… and I am still kicking”

This article is really only for my inner circle… my clients and my students

This article is really only for my inner circle… my clients and my students
How I kicked up the hornet’s nest when I combined two energies… ugh… that hurts

I made the HOE, the combination of all the Heaven on Earth energies some seven years ago. HOE, the word, I knew then, would make sense some day.

It’s a long road to hoe… and it’s been a long road.

But why hoe? I’ll explain in a minute.

Some good ideas are still good ideas after a week… this one, combining the Big bundle and the HOE wasn’t such a bright idea…

Ever since I started to use the Big Bundle with HOE, I am sleeping worse. So much so, that I stopped listening to the audio on the headphones while sleeping. But I had it on the mini speaker in the bedroom… and although the Big Bundle is not very effective if it is played in the background, it still made me notice how busy my mind was, how much I dreamed, how much of my night I spent in thinking, or maybe having thoughts. Continue reading “This article is really only for my inner circle… my clients and my students”

Who, what should be your teacher for life?

Who, what should be your teacher for life?

compare monkeys and homo sapiensWho should be your teachers? What should be your teachers?

And why do you need teachers?

Everyone thinks they should know more, have more. Be right more. Look better more often. Have more liberty, more stuff, less annoying stuff.

But no one teaches you how to let go, how to become free… again.

Let go? Hell yeah.

Most soul corrections, in fact the whole of humanity, with rare exceptions, spend their lifetime compensating for some inane incident that a more intelligent species would have shaken off… no big deal.

But not the Bandar-log, the just out of the monkey evolutionary phase homo sapiens… no, they are not intelligent enough. Even monkeys are more intelligent… don’t be offended, I’ll explain.

No, homo sapiens finds its excuse for not becoming all they can be, for abusing themselves and others, in their rear view mirrors.

Where they see abuse, slights, no power, injustice, embarrassment, fear, hurt, powerlessness, no acceptance, what have you… and… Continue reading “Who, what should be your teacher for life?”

You can’t fix being human… you can’t get out of life alive

You can’t fix being human… you can’t get out of life alive

lying-to-continueYou can’t fix being human

..that is one of the disappointing things you learn when you do work with me. I won’t feed you baloney like “you are a spiritual being having a human experience…” and other garden variety horse manure.

The other half-sentence is just as disappointing: “you can’t get out of this life alive…”

These two half-sentences address 70% of the popular delusions of humanity.

When you internalize these truly, when you start to be energized by them then your vibration will jump 50 points or more. Continue reading “You can’t fix being human… you can’t get out of life alive”

I don’t know if you know the feeling when someone…

I don’t know if you know the feeling when someone…

…when someone, finally, out of the blue, comes into your life and gives you what you haven’t been able to get from anyone, even though you have been trying and trying and trying… in vain.

And then you feel love. No, I mean LOVE… if I could I would make the letters as big as a house. Love. really. Continue reading “I don’t know if you know the feeling when someone…”

Do what is difficult when it’s easy… what does it mean for you?

Do what is difficult when it’s easy… what does it mean for you?

do what is hard when it is easyI am hearing that you can’t wrap your minds around Seneca’s principle: “do what is hard when it is easy”.

So I am going to give you some examples… and then ask you to add your examples to the comments section. Let’s create at least 50, OK? Together…

Maintenance is a good example. Exercising is easy while you still can. If you don’t, movement becomes difficult… and then you are seriously limited.

I think the “do  what’s difficult while it’s easy” is vague, so all of life fits into it well. It’s a principle. It’s a distinction. It is a way to look at the world…
Continue reading “Do what is difficult when it’s easy… what does it mean for you?”