The secret of your no-success. not what you would expect

The secret of your no-success. not what you would expect

I now have a mobile app. I am the most diligent ‘customer’ of it: I’ve now listened to my podcasts twice and I am still learning from them.

One of the things I learn is that things come back again and again… either on a higher level, if you are growing, or on the same level as you were last time… because you didn’t learn your lesson.

Yesterday’s transformation is today’s arrogance…

it reflects that people think they have changed, that they have arrived, and they can’t see, don’t even look, if they are accurate… or not. Continue reading “The secret of your no-success. not what you would expect”

How to answer the question: what do you do for a living?

How to answer the question: what do you do for a living?

I have been pondering this question… and until just now haven’t found a satisfying answer.

The question is: what do you do? What do you do for a living, Sophie?

I do seemingly many things, don’t I? I write articles, I talk to people, I lead courses, I coach people, I measure stuff, I read a lot so I can guide you well.

But what I have never thought to say: I am a developer. I develop methodologies, particularly the methodology to take a normal person from homo sapiens to human being. From a meaning making machine to a person who can see the meaning but not honor it as the truth.

Life is empty and meaningless. The meaning you see is added, by a human. You either added your own meaning, or most likely you added an inherited meaning.

OK, so what? Continue reading “How to answer the question: what do you do for a living?”

If you want the rainbow, you’ve got to put up with the rain

If you want the rainbow, you’ve got to put up with the rain

I have been getting, on average, one collage a day from my collaging student, who is using collaging to keep her The Sight capacity open, and she is succeeding famously.

She has been becoming intensely curious of the structure of the Universe that can be demonstrated in mathematics, in geometry, on faces, on famous paintings, sculptures.

At the same time I am re-reading a book I read years ago about 92 laws of nature (Richard Koch: The 80/20 Principle and 92 Other Powerful Laws of Nature: The Science of Success) that re-animated my fascination with how things work.

Now, so far, so what? Right?

But here is the next thing that happened that was an “of course” for me, but will be a surprise to you: my Freecell game, the way I play it suddenly changed.

I have been seeing patterns, but it’s been nothing compared to how I see patterns, repeating patterns after I have been imbibing on these collages and on this book. Continue reading “If you want the rainbow, you’ve got to put up with the rain”

Why you can’t go to the next evolutionary stage? Why you can’t be living your soul’s purpose? Why you can’t raise your vibration? And what you can do about it?

Why you can’t go to the next evolutionary stage? Why you can’t be living your soul’s purpose? Why you can’t raise your vibration? And what you can do about it?

Why you can’t go to the next evolutionary stage? Why you can’t be living your soul’s purpose? Why you can’t raise your vibration? And what you can do about it?

I have mentioned in another post that I am re-reading the book, The Tipping Point. It’s a brilliant book and it talks about something that is very very relevant to the work we are doing here. The work we are attempting to do…

It’s about raising the vibration of humanity, taking humanity, or at least a small group, to the next evolutionary stage.

With the current level of evolution, humanity is not capable of bringing in the age of “Heaven on Earth”, also known as “The Thousand Years of Peace.”

This article is about what is in the way (the single most important obstacle) and how to go about removing it.

Continue reading “Why you can’t go to the next evolutionary stage? Why you can’t be living your soul’s purpose? Why you can’t raise your vibration? And what you can do about it?”

Why do I prefer to read fiction, instead non-fiction?

Why do I prefer to read fiction, instead non-fiction?

Why do I prefer to read fiction, instead of what everyone says I should read: non-fiction, someone talking ABOUT something?

In my recent conversation I have realized something important: people not only have a narrow cone of vision, they don’t even know where else they could be looking other than where they are already looking.

I realized that looking is a skill.

It comes from someone taking you by the hand and takes you to places you would not think to go, and maybe even point out what you could look at, what you could get curious about. Continue reading “Why do I prefer to read fiction, instead non-fiction?”

Win the war not the battles… or where are you looking?

Win the war not the battles… or where are you looking?
A minor miracle happened yesterday morning…

I found that one of my students who had willfully turned off The Sight capacity, unexpectedly allowed it to stay on. Or maybe it was a major miracle… we shall see. Continue reading “Win the war not the battles… or where are you looking?”

Holidays, long weekends lower your vibration. Why?

Holidays, long weekends lower your vibration. Why?

Your vibration tends to harmonize with the people’s who you spend time with.

This is especially noticeable around holidays when people tend to get together to spend time with family, friends who just want to have fun, or just eat and be done with it, or go and go and go…

All low vibration activities that force you to lower your standards, and give up all you have gained through your work on yourself.

This is how the crab bucket works… all those people are in the crab bucket … wasting their lives.

The more weekends, the more holidays you spend with people, the more obvious this becomes. Continue reading “Holidays, long weekends lower your vibration. Why?”

Do you see more every day? Or you see the same old same old?

Do you see more every day? Or you see the same old same old?

Philosopher Miguel de Unamuno declared, “Everything that exalts and expands consciousness is good, while that which depresses and diminishes it is evil.”

This idea will be intensely true for you and applicable to you in the coming weeks. It will be your sacred duty—both to yourself and to those you care about—to enlarge your understanding of how the world works. and to push your awareness to become more inclusive and empathic.

I have started my Whole-Brain Training program.

I am starting with the mallet and the ball… but I am also taking more notes with cursive, and pay attention to, control my hand, so it is at least more legible.

I never had a pretty handwriting, but it was legible while I took notes until about five years ago, when I stopped going to seminars. So I find it hard to control my hand… interesting.

The rubber mallet and golf ball exercise is even harder. Continue reading “Do you see more every day? Or you see the same old same old?”

The inelegant success of going down the rapids of Life

The inelegant success of going down the rapids of Life

As a Virgo and as a soul correction ‘Forget Thyself’ there has been one pattern that has and still holds me back for decades: I’ve wanted things to be neat, elegant, fast… and I’ve had very little room for messy, inelegant, and slow.

Neat, elegant and fast are against Nature, against Life. Nature, Life are neither neat, nor elegant, and when it’s fast… it’s always a tragedy of some sort, like a volcanic eruption or a tsunami, not what you pray for.


Continue reading “The inelegant success of going down the rapids of Life”

Why is my food list so restrictive all of a sudden?!

Why is my food list so restrictive all of a sudden?!

The food list for my clients seems to be getting more and more restricted… and I started to wonder why.

I have only six vegetable items on my list, for example.

Some of my clients ditto… some even less than six…

I could not figure out why, until this past week. I stumbled on a novel by an author I have thought I had read every book by… except the one I borrowed through my Kindle Unlimited from Amazon.

To my surprise the book is fully about food, the food supply turning into toxic by GMO practices.

Although I had no idea about this whole thing… Source, who/what is my secret ‘partner’ in muscletesting, knows this… and removes every item of food that in a particular market is known to be GMO. And even if an item has an Organic label, if the lands around are GMO crops, or if the seeds are GMO, there is no such thing as healthy organic.

Such is the state of matters nowadays… the Biotech companies have conspired to kill off humanity… there is no nicer way to say what is going on. Continue reading “Why is my food list so restrictive all of a sudden?!”