How does The Sight capacity raise your emotional IQ?

How does The Sight capacity raise your emotional IQ?

One of my principles is from the TV ad for the HairClub for Men.

The man talking says, I paraphrase: I so much liked the company that I bought it. I am not only the owner, I am also a client.

I am also not just the teacher but also the student. Not just the owner but also a client.

And, of course, when you are a student, as your status, and use what you are given, recently The Sight, and the Whole Brain Method, you get insights, results, ideas that stun you… Well, they stunned me.

There is a lot of talk about emotional intelligence, the keyword and some images bring a lot of people to my site. They all leave without ever buying anything, ever really learning anything. Continue reading “How does The Sight capacity raise your emotional IQ?”

In ancient Sparta culling and curating was the norm

In ancient Sparta culling and curating was the norm


Yesterday I sent an email to my Playground participants announcing that they are now graduates of that course.

I was really curious of their response… Often people’s response to me is what guides in my decision to accept them as clients or not.

Most requested to be put into the new Wednesday program I am starting this Wednesday. One student’s response is what triggered this article and a lengthy self-examination, and an exercise in formulating my principles who I teach in the future.

He said: Continue reading “In ancient Sparta culling and curating was the norm”

Vibrational review of ‘Create Abundance 2020’

Vibrational review of ‘Create Abundance 2020’

Plan to create abundance plus a vibrational review of “Create Abundance 2020”

First off, this is not the cash gifting illegal pyramid scheme that Carly and Thomas Smith are promoting.

What is a cash gifting program? It’s much like a chain letter: You buy in, and hope that eventually, from the monies that people you enroll personally, you will get more money back that what you paid in.

It’s illegal. I have seen many of these spring up, from time to time. Human greed has no boundaries.

Most people that I know lost what they invested. Some, with lots of salesmanship and a lot of acquaintances, made some money, but they made it on the misery of others.

What is the vibration of that program? On a scale of 1-1000 it is, the vibration, 5. Depraved.

Now, if you came here because you were looking for that cash gifting program, Create Abundance 2020 or any other name, please leave. You won’t be interested in anything I have to say.

You are probably desperate, or too greedy to be interested.

The average vibration of people who are interested in that is 100. Look it up on the Map of Consciousness…

Now, let’s look at stuff that people with a higher vibration, with a higher level of consciousness would like to read. Something that isn’t illegal…

By the way, if you haven’t read my Effortless Abundance 39 page ebook/PDF, it’s a great read and will give you a great foundation for the rest of the article.
Continue reading “Vibrational review of ‘Create Abundance 2020’”

You could get better… but you just don’t want to get better

You could get better… but you just don’t want to get better

Yesterday I had a session of the Playground.

The Playground has been my favorite program where I attempted to take people from wherever they were to Heaven’s gate… and maybe beyond.

It’s main principle is that you made up stuff at an early in life incident, stuff about yourself, about people, about life, about what you need… and what you didn’t get.

You called that wrong… and you have been trying to fix it all your life. So your life is still about that thing. That injustice, that unfairness, that thing that happened to you, that was done to you, that was wrong.

So this last Playground has been going on for almost two years. Continue reading “You could get better… but you just don’t want to get better”

What is word in ‘my word is my bond’ statement?

What is word in ‘my word is my bond’ statement?

Integrity, the bottom line, is your word. WORD.

What constitutes your word, you should ask… Why? Because if you are like most people, you babble all day, inside and outside.

Homo Sapiens lives through babbling.

The evolutionary state humans are at is Homo Sapiens. NOT Human Being. Human Being lives through BEING… not available on the level of Homo Sapiens.

So our most important aspect, babbling, is our Achilles Heel… and that we say more, much more than we are willing to commit to. Continue reading “What is word in ‘my word is my bond’ statement?”

Unless you can repeat the words, you didn’t listen

Unless you can repeat the words, you didn’t listen
Unless you can repeat the words, you didn’t get it, you didn’t learn it, it is not useful…

This is a half truth. I do have a client who has trained her brain to hear but she herself doesn’t hear what you said, and yet she can parrot back what you what you said.

If you never learn… then most likely you are a SKIMMER

If you are a skimmer, you neither hear nor can repeat what was said.

Most people read, listen, watch, and don’t, can’t recall names, places, and the exact words in a book, and audio or a video. Continue reading “Unless you can repeat the words, you didn’t listen”

Why your capacities will turn off, one by one

Why your capacities will turn off, one by one

Without integrity nothing works… your capacities will turn off, one by one

I got a good question from a client who can’t or won’t keep her Sight capacity on for any length of time.

She asked: How quickly is the capacity switching off after you re-activate it? Is it switching off before I get the chance to even use it?

I looked, muscletested a few ideas, and started to see what’s happening.

A good question can trigger a lot of looking and if you have The Sight capacity, a lot of seeing.

A saw that seeing what there is to see is very confronting, because now you know you are full of crap. so as soon as the ego sees the light on, it turns it off

What do I mean? Continue reading “Why your capacities will turn off, one by one”

Will I refuse to sell The Sight capacity to you?

Will I refuse to sell The Sight capacity to you?
Life cannot change unless what you see changes. And what you see won’t change unless you have The Sight capacity.

Here is an interesting illustration: Warren Buffet started out trading in tiny stocks. Until his new friend then partner, Charlie Munger suggested that the risk is the same with bigger stocks, he never traded bigger stocks.

But it was Charlie Munger who saw that. Charlie Munger has The Sight capacity open. Continue reading “Will I refuse to sell The Sight capacity to you?”

First, learn to see… that is what being astute is about

First, learn to see… that is what being astute is about

This starts with a blog post by Jonathan Fields

“The best of the best don’t just do more with what they see, they see more before they do.”

What Jonathan Field doesn’t say in the below article (after my ramblings), because the idea that seeing is a DNA capacity triggered by looking, is not common knowledge. I think so much so, that other than myself and my students, no one considers it.

DNA researchers are solely focusing on health… or illness to be precise. Continue reading “First, learn to see… that is what being astute is about”

The tiny elite that sees reality accurately…

The tiny elite that sees reality accurately…

Want to grow as a person? You think you have energy to grow… you just need guidance, or someone to hold your hand?

OK, it is hard to give so much output as it is needed to write an article, but because it is important, says I, I am going to give it a shot.

OK… this is going to be hard core teaching.

I expect a grand total of one person to get it… not more.

Are YOU going to be that one person?

We shall see… said the blind man… lol. Continue reading “The tiny elite that sees reality accurately…”