Intelligence hold conflicting ideas in the mind and function

Intelligence hold conflicting ideas in the mind and function

The quote “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.” points to a very important capacity: the capacity of TLB.

TLB is your twitchy little bastard score. Twitchy shows to what degree you are able (and willing) to bring your beingness, your actions, your reactions under your own control. Whether you’ll flinch, twitch, argue, attack, defend yourself, justify, explain, talk talk talk… or not.

It is, ultimately a function of intelligence. How?

Your reaction is literally the result of you not being able to hold two opposing ideas.

It means that you are stuck on the lowest rang of values, the systemic values, it is either this or that, it is either me or you, it is either I am a victim or I am the victor.

Ultimately it’s a maturing process… but growing in years doesn’t necessarily mean you have grown in wisdom. Continue reading “Intelligence hold conflicting ideas in the mind and function”

Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing

Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing

‘Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing.’ ~ William James

One of the surest symptoms of someone not taking full responsibility for how their life is going is a lack of sense of humor. And because responsibility, the capacity is not available under 200 vibration, that means 99% of humanity lives without a sense of humor. Continue reading “Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing”

I am like a canary in the coal mine

I am like a canary in the coal mine

Coal mines have methane and carbon dioxide gas, deadly in certain concentration. Canaries were taken down to the mine as early warning signalers… when the canary dies the miners clear out.

So a canary reacts to the harmful stuff in things a lot earlier than other people… and can warn them that the food, the air, the method, the product is harmful.

A canary also heals faster… So it can tell you what actually works.

What have I been doing to get a new lease on life, to come back from the brink of death, and get well, actually better than I have been maybe ever?

Continue reading “I am like a canary in the coal mine”

The best way to predict the future is to create it

The best way to predict the future is to create it

I have written extensively about the fact that you want someone else to wipe your ass…

OK, not literally, not factually, but in essence.

One of the areas where this is completely clear is the number of people who want to be entrepreneurs, they want to own and run a business, but the above attitude is in their way.

It is a whole different thing to take a job, even to freelance, even to be self-employed, and creating and running a business.

I have two brothers. Both shied away from that option: they preferred a situation where someone else buys the chair, the computer, the software, the solutions, the bookkeeping, the location, the everything… and they just do the work, however many hours a day, and get paid.

It drives me bonkers to hear the expression, so and so business owner did this and that, to give back to the community.

Give back what? Continue reading “The best way to predict the future is to create it”

Is Trump a seasoned umpire, a rookie umpire or a journeyman?

Is Trump a seasoned umpire, a rookie umpire or a journeyman?

Three umpires are asked the same question: how do you call ball or strike.

For those not from the United States, an umpire is an official who watches a game or match closely to enforce the rules and arbitrate on matters arising from the play in baseball.

The youngest, a rookie umpire is asked: how do you call ball or strike? The rookie umpire answers confidently: I call it the way it is.

The journeyman who has been judging the game for quite a few years, says: you are a rookie. I call it the way I see it. Continue reading “Is Trump a seasoned umpire, a rookie umpire or a journeyman?”

Narcissism: a disease, a soul correction, an attitude?

Narcissism: a disease, a soul correction, an attitude?

Guy goes to his doctor. The doctor says, look, I don’t know how to tell you this, but you just got to stop masturbating. Why? asks the patient? So I can examine you, answers the doctor.

OK, but all jokes aside, it is not easy to be a doctor, or a ‘spritual teacher’… So many things are in the way.

I have been having a lot more private calls than normal.

And as it always is: it is hard to be silently brilliant, lots of thought occur when you open your mouth.

So I have had lots of thought occur, and, maybe because I am talked out, it is harder to write. Continue reading “Narcissism: a disease, a soul correction, an attitude?”

Before anyone can help you, before you can help yourself…

Before anyone can help you, before you can help yourself…

Before anyone can help you, before you can help yourself, you need to accurately identify the blockage, the problem, the mess you are in.

It is hard. Why?

Because there is too much data. It is trying to find footprints under the snow… you don’t know where to look, and even if you managed to shovel away all that snow, who knows if you can see the right footprints…

The difference between a good detective and a normal guy, gal, is their ability to tell the difference between what has ‘diagnostic’ value and what doesn’t. Continue reading “Before anyone can help you, before you can help yourself…”

What level is your emotional intelligence? Your EQ…

What level is your emotional intelligence? Your EQ…

I was lead to an old article of mine. Controversial, and I bet not very useful for most people…

I wrote it in 2012. I have grown a lot since then.

In the article I was attempting to guide you to detect truth value, estimate the vibration teachers and products… without muscletesting.

In the article I was making the same mistake I have been making, all my life: supposing that you can see patterns, that you can see behind the curtain, that you can see more than you actually can.

Emotional intelligence, the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically, seeing emotional patterns, being able to detect lies, not by rigid made up rules, like in law enforcement, but to actually see something that another is trying to hide, or someone trying to make airs, or such… requires a lot higher emotional and overall intelligence than most of us have.
Continue reading “What level is your emotional intelligence? Your EQ…”

The blind chicken syndrome… and the mind

The blind chicken syndrome… and the mind

Even a blind chicken will find a seed here and there… but it may die before it finds enough to survive.

There are statistics that before someone become a millionaire or a billionaire, they went through a few bankruptcies.

One could surmise that it’s a rule… but what no one is saying, at least I haven’t heard… is the blind chicken rule.

If you learn to see through trial and error what there is to see, in business, in relationships, in health, then your next try will have more chances to succeed, if you put in practice what you saw.

There is something about the learning that is unusual: it is non-verbal.

If and when the person turns what they saw into words, rules, the learning disappears.
Continue reading “The blind chicken syndrome… and the mind”

Your obsession with fast, instant, effortless…

Your obsession with fast, instant, effortless…

It’s not how fast you are, but how fast you get there…

Our culture is obsessed with fast. Instant. Effortless.

Fast thinkers are put on pedestal.

But, between you and me, anything that is built fast will come down fast.

The faster someone is, the less they perform in my programs, for example.

Fast is from the left brain.

There are people who seem fast… but the truth is: it took them a long long time, countess days, hours, weeks, months, to build a large enough foundation from which, they can, seemingly produce lightning fast products, books, results. Continue reading “Your obsession with fast, instant, effortless…”