Imagine having more money than anyone on Earth… How would you feel?

Imagine having more money than anyone on Earth… How would you feel?
Imagine that you are on the riverside fishing.

You see that the line is tout, the rod is trembling, so you do what fishermen do, and you pull out a fish.

As you take the hook out of the fish’s mouth the fish starts to talk. It says: My good man (or woman, if you are a woman), please release me back into the water and I will reward you handsomely: I will fulfill three wishes for you.

You are surprised, you question your sanity for a little bit, so you throw the fish back, after all any wish should be more valuable than the 3-4 bucks this fish is worth when you cook it. Continue reading “Imagine having more money than anyone on Earth… How would you feel?”

Most of life is counterintuitive. Maybe all…

Most of life is counterintuitive. Maybe all…

Most of life is counterintuitive. Maybe all… but I shy away from all, always, every kind of statements… they are always suspect of an ideology…

So how is life counterintuitive?

Here are a few examples:

  • If you want to get something done fast, the worst way to go about it is to hurry. It either takes the same time, but cost you emotional expenditure you can’t afford, or it takes a whole longer.
  • The more coffee (or tea) you drink because you are tired the more tired you become.
  • The higher your moods are the deeper your depression will become.
  • The more important praise is for you the more wounding a bad feedback will feel.
  • The more you want to be happy to less happy you’ll become.
  • If you want to be happy, and say: I will have a little about-me time, or more than a little… you immediately less happy.
  • In fact, the more your life is about you or about your life, the unhappier you become.

Continue reading “Most of life is counterintuitive. Maybe all…”

Why would your brain hinder you instead of helping you? what does it think?

Why would your brain hinder you instead of helping you? what does it think?
Your brain only allows you to act on what it can see… what you know it ignores.

I have a few partially written articles… how many? about a hundred… or more

I often take notes in a text file, and save it. So I have 6,201 files in this articles folder. So when I don’t know what to write about, I have a ‘swipe-file’ of sorts… I just find something that still lights my fire.

One of the things I avoid like the plague is boring. Other words for boring is tiresome, flat, uninteresting, or officious… I didn’t even know about this until today.

I have been asking and paying for help.

For about a decade or two before that? lol, I never asked for help. My Forget Thyself soul correction is very proud of being able to be independent and be able to do anything… but it is a very limiting way to be. Continue reading “Why would your brain hinder you instead of helping you? what does it think?”

It doesn’t matter what you know, it only matters what you do

It doesn’t matter what you know, it only matters what you do

I am still in the middle of finding all the ways I screw myself.

I am seeing something that, of course, I am not alone with. I am soo proud of what I know… but, of course, in life the only thing that matters is what you do. What you actually do. Not what you can do, not what you plan on doing, but what you do.

In games, at work, in your growth… Bummer.

I know so much… but it is all mind candy, unless what I do comes from that knowledge.

Some more than 50 years ago… yeah, I know, most people weren’t even born yet, I had a chance to learn this, but I didn’t.

Budapest, 1969. I was sitting in the department head’s office with two other students. Architecture school. Structural calculations exam…. called Statika in Hungarian. Continue reading “It doesn’t matter what you know, it only matters what you do”

What irks me most about entrepreneur wannabes today? Or, by the same token, guru wannabes?

What irks me most about entrepreneur wannabes today? Or, by the same token, guru wannabes?

First things first: who is an entrepreneur?

The most important characteristic of an entrepreneur is the fact that they take on something. Voluntarily. Mostly to take something from A to B, from state A to state B… because they say B is better.

So Edmund, the Count of Monte Christo was an entrepreneur, if I remember the story I read when I was around 10. He dug himself out of a prison on an island. He gets and find some hidden treasure, and avenges the wrongs done to him. Continue reading “What irks me most about entrepreneur wannabes today? Or, by the same token, guru wannabes?”

Revealing some secrets… secrets you probably don’t expect…

Revealing some secrets… secrets you probably don’t expect…

The secret why you are poor, struggle financially and emotionally

I would have never known, hadn’t I signed up with a dude about a year and a half ago… take his advice to heart about a year ago, and observe some struggling and unhappy (flat?) people this past year… latest a few minutes ago.

I was on a call learning some technical stuff useful in running my business. At the end of the call the dude took his time to promote some ‘change your life’ online summit, a multi speaker event going often for days… So I butted in, and ask if the speakers are selling their stuff…

He protested, saying that this is a do-gooding event… I said: if you have something that makes people’s life better, and you are not offering it, you are a criminal. Evil, stingy… a criminal.

He protested. Found out in what he said that his definition of selling is pushing something at you that you don’t want.
Continue reading “Revealing some secrets… secrets you probably don’t expect…”

Thoughtful, a new way to live. Is that mindfulness?

Thoughtful, a new way to live. Is that mindfulness?
Most of life you can live thoughtlessly.

What you call thinking is not… not thinking for the most part. It is having thoughts… outside of your conscious control.

In fact you are milling water… with no result: water doesn’t need milling.

Thoughtful doesn’t mean serious thinking either. It is a meditative-like state, where you allow things to be seen and influence you wider than you normally look.

In fact, when I observe myself, there is no LOOKING… there is almost only being present… like you would be just listening in to other people talking… talking about what interests you. You wouldn’t interrupt them, but from time to time you’d suggest, maybe, that they stay on topic. Continue reading “Thoughtful, a new way to live. Is that mindfulness?”

Your unholy triad of Bach Energies or the jaws of death

Your unholy triad of Bach Energies or the jaws of death

The middle question of the Bach Diagnostic Profile is, cleverly hidden in the middle. 1

Why cleverly? because unless you hide it, more of the same will come up… but in the middle it somehow brings up an honesty I didn’t expect. Continue reading “Your unholy triad of Bach Energies or the jaws of death”

Sober eyes… having an inner state like macarena

Sober eyes… having an inner state like macarena

I got an email this morning from a student whose numbers are doing the macarena… up and down.

You can hear the exasperation in her voice… WTF? I am so good. I do the work. I don’t see wrong… so
What. The.F?!

Hear the emotion? Not sober eyes…

What is going on is shown by your emotions… the hissy fits, the yelling, the WTF. Continue reading “Sober eyes… having an inner state like macarena”

Living well is the best revenge… Jewish Wisdom

Living well is the best revenge… Jewish Wisdom
    • The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.
    • If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences for what they did to your heart, then you’re allowing them to hurt you a second time in your mind.
    • Revenge, the sweetest morsel to the mouth that ever was cooked in hell.

Until yesterday, somewhat arrogantly, I believed that I was unique in that I am vengeful… in my deepest soul. That I want the perpetrators, who disregarded me, dissed me, didn’t give me what I wanted, hurt me, didn’t help me, hurt my stuff… I want them to suffer. I want them to know that there is a price to pay for hurting ME.

I have never knowingly acted on any of my revenge fantasies, and yet I experienced first hand that I took the poison I meant for them myself, hoping that they would suffer. They didn’t. I did. The vibration of vengefulness is 70. Continue reading “Living well is the best revenge… Jewish Wisdom”