If you feel like you are treated like a thing… often like dirt

If you feel like you are treated like a thing… often like dirt

If you feel like you are treated like a thing… often like dirt, a doormat; a thing to use. And no, this not me-too…

I don’t know about you, but being treated like a thing is at the root of almost every human misery… starting when you were little…

So in my practice, I am starting to realize, that is what needs to be dug out and looked at, so people can really get what they are stuck with, what is the thorn that is in their side… why they think they can’t, why they think they have to become special, or rich, or pretty, or thin, or famous… to finally be someone who isn’t treated like a thing.

But while being treated like a thing, it is normal: 99.99% of humanity only sees things, including themselves. In fact, when I muscletest. I get the answer that not more than 1000 people on the planet can see people as people, not as things.

What is even more surprising, all those 99.99% see themselves as things as well. Continue reading “If you feel like you are treated like a thing… often like dirt”

Eudaimonia… living a life you love and live it powerfully

Eudaimonia… living a life you love and live it powerfully

This morning I woke up and have been up now for more than two hours, and not a lick of work has been done… I have been musing.

Hungarian songs swirl in my mind, I look up words I never knew what they meant… but in the age of google you can look up anything, and find…

Old, forgotten words in songs belie the history of the people changing… what they eat, what animals they keep around, how they think.

And then this old movie song sneaks up, in my mind, and I cry and cry again. Continue reading “Eudaimonia… living a life you love and live it powerfully”

What makes you a human being is human being values

What makes you a human being is human being values
Intrinsic means that whether you see it or not, they are there.

Every human has them, overtly or covertly, expressed or not expressed, it is part of the human DNA.

When I talk about the Original Design, that is what I am talking about. Examining the DNA, it is the same, essentially, for all humans. And the DNA of all humans have 160 intrinsic values, capacities to be in a certain way, activated or not.

For example: generous. It is a state of being.

It is wanting something for others what you want for yourself. Generosity is the opposite of the standard human attitude: It is and either or world. It is either you or me. Dog eat dog. Competition, comparing. Continue reading “What makes you a human being is human being values”

Anxious? Fearful? There must be a belief underneath…

Anxious? Fearful? There must be a belief underneath…

Everyone has an Achilles Heel. Mine is deceit…

On the surface it looks like I make that behavior wrong… but what is underneath it is a concern.

A concern is what keeps your foot nailed to the floor so you cannot do much more than dance around that nail.

The concern is feelings stupid when I fall for the deceit… when I can be duped, when I am too stupid to be able to tell.

Of course I could say: I love people, I see the best in them, blah blah blah, but that is not the point.

I have an impossible standard for myself to never miss the sign of deceit, to never be found out that I am too stupid to see it a mile away. Continue reading “Anxious? Fearful? There must be a belief underneath…”

What does the 3-wishes workshop reveal about you?

What does the 3-wishes workshop reveal about you?

It is becoming quite clear that the dark cloud I lived under was a Dark Side attack. And it wasn’t personal, quite a few of my clients and students have reported being effected by it.

In Ireland it even effected the water… it didn’t energize for quite a few days… and some other reports on well-being.

One good thing is coming out of this though is quite unexpected: Continue reading “What does the 3-wishes workshop reveal about you?”

I have been struggling for two days to write an article…

I have been struggling for two days to write an article…

This is not normal for me… and I have been a little worried.

Yesterday in my 3-wishes workshop I did the exercise that drives up what you can’t see in the world, so much so, that you don’t believe it is there, you don’t believe that you can have it.

It was hope for me.

I am not sure if it’s the election, if it’s the funny videos I watched about Trump, if it is my last Office Hours experience… I don’t know but suddenly I had no hope, I saw no possibility for humankind, or for me.

It snuck up on me.

Maybe observing my teacher going berserk on hate… Maybe me hating him for it.

Bad stuff has a tendency to sneak up on you, and destroy you, like cancer. By the time you notice, it is almost late. I see that with clients… the earlier you catch it the faster and easier it is to melt it. Continue reading “I have been struggling for two days to write an article…”

Public answer to a question I didn’t answer in my recent office hours

Public answer to a question I didn’t answer in my recent office hours

Office hours… a blissful two way conversation… NOT.ALWAYS!

Yesterday a one-time student came on the call, and asked a question that imitated me. Or better said: I got irritated.

When a question lacks context, the answer either going to be totally unrelated… or not forthcoming.

I have a coach who doesn’t demand that the questioner sets the stage, shows the big picture, inside which the question makes sense. He guesses and quickly answers, I can feel, from whatever he made up… not what the real question would be.


So my irritation was mainly due to considering the question a setup, to make me look foolish. Continue reading “Public answer to a question I didn’t answer in my recent office hours”

Fly, crawl, be stuck… Or what it takes to become flexible…

Fly, crawl, be stuck… Or what it takes to become flexible…

Why some people fly, others crawl, and most are stuck stuck stuck… Or what it takes to become flexible…

They say: Climb your way to your end goal, one insight at a time… Oh, you can’t? Not willing to be light on your feet? Stuck in your opinion and in your view of yourself and the world?

I had a group coaching session with one of my coaches yesterday.

He taught something that can be useful for everyone, not just marketers and business owners, like we all are in that group.

He made us draw a pyramid, and divide it to three tiers… The bottom tier is knowledge. The middle tear is wisdom. and the top tier is insight. (Insight is the glimpse you get behind the curtain, like in the Wizard of Oz, the insight was that Oz was a little old man… not a god.)

For businesses, the higher your product is on that tier, the less competition you have, and the higher prices you can command.

For an individual, getting higher vibration, better health, more productive lives happens through insights… not knowledge, and not wisdom. Continue reading “Fly, crawl, be stuck… Or what it takes to become flexible…”

Do you even know what you really really want?

Do you even know what you really really want?

Henry Ford once said, “If I’d asked customers what they wanted, they would have told me, ‘A faster horse!'” People don’t know what they want until you show it to them.

I am reading/listening to a book, The Remembering Process. It supports my Future Self series very nicely. In fact I would have to make it a required read for people who want to do the Future Self process.

The biggest difference is the difference I haven’t quite explored in my previous articles. Some people are visionary and others, like myself, are turtles.

Even turtles have a ‘trajectory’… Continue reading “Do you even know what you really really want?”

You are an object living in a world of objects, not a person

You are an object living in a world of objects, not a person

My day started with an email that I got a comment on one of my old articles on Access Consciousness.

The modality taught by two good looking dudes, and frequented mostly by women.

The comment writer reports on her experience being groomed for being a sex object in the sex cult…

I felt her anguish (don’t forget I am a freaking empath… )

I muscletested to be sure: she wasn’t lying.

Of course I should have thought that being considered a sex object, like a dildo, like a sex-doll is part of the objects-among-objects level of consciusness.. but I didn’t… I wept. In my long life every single sexual encounter was like that. I felt like a dildo… And having become too old to be used is a relief for me. I can be a person now.

I approved the comment, I looked in Google, and I was stunned to see that such accusations have been around at least eight years…

OK, time to wipe my eyes, and do my job… Cause a world where you can be a person… Cause a world where you treat others as a person…

So I read emails from my Validation Challenge. Continue reading “You are an object living in a world of objects, not a person”