Because of great love one is courageous.

Because of great love one is courageous.

no love no courageI have written about it, I have even quoted Lao Tsu: Because of great love one is courageous. Lao Tsu taught effortless action, which is in line with Life, he calls Tao.

But if the fundamental understanding of life is missing, if life is fundamentally misunderstood, then that quote is misunderstood.

We, humans, have that ‘love is something you feel for another person’. Or for ice cream, or a puppy… more often, lol.

But what if the love Lao Tsu is talking about is something entirely different?
Continue reading “Because of great love one is courageous.”

Want to Beat Fear? Here is your Secret: Because Of Great Love One Is Courageous

Want to Beat Fear? Here is your Secret: Because Of Great Love One Is Courageous
beat fear with love. because of great love one is courageousBeat fear? Beat it with love…

Because Of Great Love One Is Courageous (Lao Tzu)

I have an exploratory course. It’s called HeartConnection Meditation.

The goal was to get to a combination of methods to awaken courage.

What we, human beings, experience when courage is needed is fear. And we concentrate on the fear, either by talking about it, or by hiding it. But either way it occupies our entire field of (inner) vision.

When I ask a student what it is that they have the biggest issue with, they say fear.

So I asked the Creator what was the Seat of Courage, and I got the surprising answer: the heart. Continue reading “Want to Beat Fear? Here is your Secret: Because Of Great Love One Is Courageous”

Soul Correction: Take the peacock…

Soul Correction: Take the peacock…
soul correctionSoul Correction: Take the peacock, for example…

In this article, I create a new context for 2021: one that makes this year the REAL beginning of the thousand years of peace. How the peacock is like your soul correction

I have a few coaches and teachers. One of them has a group call every Saturday, and I went on that call.

I wasn’t in tune with this call. I’d just come off a connection call: peaceful and in reverie. This call was noisy, people talked over each other. I felt like getting off the call. I am sure you have been in a similar situation… haven’t you? Continue reading “Soul Correction: Take the peacock…”

How to get transformed into happy and fulfilled by simply reading articles?

How to get transformed into happy and fulfilled by simply reading articles?

transformed through reading articlesIf you could be transformed through reading articles, you’d be a unique and incredibly special human. this article is about how to become that special human

If you look through my site, I have more than 4000 articles. All meaty, full of information, 99.99% Tree of Life… my personal knowledge.

All free and all teaching you to have a life worth living, a life you live powerfully. Continue reading “How to get transformed into happy and fulfilled by simply reading articles?”

Skill? Talking about flying isn’t…

Skill? Talking about flying isn’t…

this is a skillet...Talking about flying isn’t. Everyone can talk about flying, but only flying is flying… and most people who talk about flying are giving lip service to flying. It takes real skill to fly… Bummer, eh?

Most every course, workshop, book, workbook, even one-on-one coaching, consulting, leave you with no skills. They teach you knowledge… about. Information. Having an idea about how to do something, maybe some even do it for you, but guess what? Next time you need to do something, or something changes, you are sh!t out of luck: you have to hire them again.

My goal has always been to leave you with all the power, and having the skill to do what you need to do is having all the power. Continue reading “Skill? Talking about flying isn’t…”

Are you tired or are you weak? Revealing the root cause…

Are you tired or are you weak? Revealing the root cause…

Are you tired or are you weak?

I am starting to see why my students loved me, rallied for me back in 2012-2013-2014…

It’d been puzzling me… what did I do differently then?

Today I saw it.

I had a private call with a brand new client from Australia, and it was a video call on zoom (don’t ask… first time zoom user myself!) so I could see her, and the changes the conversation was creating in her. Continue reading “Are you tired or are you weak? Revealing the root cause…”

What makes a good thing go to sh!t?

What makes a good thing go to sh!t?

disharmonyHarmony, joy can be destroyed by a consistently dissonant voice

I had been enjoying the New Tricks BBS TV show on Amazon Prime… until yesterday.

It’s an ensemble show, or better said: it used to be.

Ensemble means that every participant is there for both themselves and for the show. Desire to receive for the sake of sharing. Not a dissonant chord.

Then one person, for reason only they know, decided that he is more important then the show and the others, and the thing falls apart.

You can hear it before they even know it themselves… someone playing out of tune. Continue reading “What makes a good thing go to sh!t?”

You want to love yourself, but it is hard: you know you are full of crap

You want to love yourself, but it is hard: you know you are full of crap
love yourselfLove yourself: easier said than done.

Love yourself, self-love is your two selves loving each other. How does that come about? Simple: through integrity. Integrity is an inside job: between you and you. As your integrity grows, your self-love, self-appreciation grows, and your life starts blossoming. Continue reading “You want to love yourself, but it is hard: you know you are full of crap”

What is the difference between forcing and certainty?

What is the difference between forcing and certainty?
effortingNo Efforting **

Efforting describes times that you are not in the flow of either your  business or your personal life. It’s when you are slugging through the day and dreading tasks that you don’t feel connected with. It’s when you are pushing yourself to do things that you aren’t ‘feeling’. It’s the Have To list of life…

Yesterday in the core group meeting, that happened to be also our Getting Guidance from our Future Self, something magical and very educational thing happened. Continue reading “What is the difference between forcing and certainty?”

Depressed from oversleeping… and recovery

Depressed from oversleeping… and recovery

oversleeping depression side effectsSome days start out like this… I don’t know if you can relate… I oversleeping and suffer from the  resulting depression

Today I overslept. Some fascinating dream was more important for me to continue watching than getting up.

It’s now three hours later, and I am till groggy, unmotivated, and I have a fear that is playing hide and seek with me: I can’t really see what it is afraid of. Continue reading “Depressed from oversleeping… and recovery”