Teaching by Proxy… want it? yours for the asking…

Teaching by Proxy… want it? yours for the asking…

avatar nickelodeon teaching by proxyBack in 2013 I was experimenting with teaching by proxy. In some way I still do it in my Sunday calls.

I just listened to one of my 2013 proxy teaching calls, and I sound a little preachy, a little controlling, but regardless: it was an excellent call.

It is about how live like an avatar. How to live life like an avatar, avatar as in the Nickelodeon series’ avatars, not some spiritual ballyhoo… that I can’t say anything about, because I know nothing about it.

A Nickelodeon avatar has all the vending reality power available to him or her in moments of dire strait… When either their life is in peril or humanity is in peril. Continue reading “Teaching by Proxy… want it? yours for the asking…”

How to NOT become a winner in life? Inversion…

How to NOT become a winner in life? Inversion…
Only one way to be a winner in life, the losers all have their own ways to lose

This is a rewording of the famous Anna Karenina Principle.

I decided back in 2003, no, I invented for myself the beingness of a winner, and then I started to collect evidence. And to change a ton of behaviors that were inconsistent with being a winner.

If the Anna Karenina Principle is really a principle, then I had a lot of things to drop or change… after all winners don’t need to invent themselves as a winner, neither do leaders have to invent themselves as a leader: they win and they lead.

I wasn’t winning and I wasn’t leading.

I just muscletested it and in 2003 I was a winner to a puny 7% degree… not really noticeable… neither by me, nor by people who observed me. I was more on the LOOOOOSER SIDE. Continue reading “How to NOT become a winner in life? Inversion…”

What is the best predictor of a life that is empty, hollow, and unfulfilled?

What is the best predictor of a life that is empty, hollow, and unfulfilled?

predictor of successIf we have a chance to talk for a few minutes, I’ll see the predictor of your success, or the lack of it in a minute or two. I will see what are your chance for success and fulfillment.

What am I looking at? What clues me in?

This is what this article is about, and also about how to change what’s predictable, so you can get successful and fulfilled. Keep on reading. Continue reading “What is the best predictor of a life that is empty, hollow, and unfulfilled?”

If you were a body of water, would you be a river, puddle?

If you were a body of water, would you be a river, puddle?

river? lake? swamp?If you were a body of water, what would you be? A river? A puddle?Maybe a stream? A pond, a swamp? Let’s look what would help you decide, shall we?

Life needs to be moved… so it moves like a river. Life can also be a lake, fed by a river or a stream. And, of course, it can be a swamp… and most lives are that.

Life could be a river… you grow, you gather strength.

But many of us, maybe most of us, at some point expect the river to grow, and flow, and it just stops. It becomes stagnant.

Most people who come to me have a life like that. Things may happen, mostly out of their control, but they make nothing happen.

Our life needs to be moved, but no one has taught us how to do it.

This thought is what I woke up with today. And the life experience is being heavy, not wanting to get up, not being alive. Continue reading “If you were a body of water, would you be a river, puddle?”

You cannot get the motivation to go from 0 to 1? Stuck?

What is dampening your motivation so you cannot get from zero to one?

Preamble: society, to confuse you, makes the words motivation, ambition, desire, greed mean different things… and that is how society controls your mind. By sawing confusion… get clear.

It takes energy to get anything done. Even to lose weight. Even to sleep… to sleep well. Getting that everything needs energy and that energy can get weakened, dampened, leaked is an important distinction.

When you get a distinction, when you really get it, it starts to show up everywhere. You start noticing. Ah, yeah… there it is again! Continue reading “You cannot get the motivation to go from 0 to 1? Stuck?”

Your motivation, the motive power that propels you forward

Your motivation, the motive power that propels you forward

I don’t feel motivated! I can’t get motivated enough to get this done! Motivation is missing… can you help?

This, motivation, motive power is the topic of this article… but first: how it came about… OK?

Yesterday I had one of my ‘historic’ Sunday calls… A call I have been having for 14 years.

I use the calls to get insights into myself and into the invisible. Motivation, motive power is in the invisible… all we can see what we feel, and what we do… but motivation… that, we can’t see. Continue reading “Your motivation, the motive power that propels you forward”

Caterpillar, what does it take to enter butterfly state? At least temporarily…

Caterpillar, what does it take to enter butterfly state? At least temporarily…

insight must precede application... caterpillar to butterflyYou can’t talk to a caterpillar in butterfly language: It won’t land.

I read my Rob Brezsny horoscope every Tuesday morning. I use it as guidance, I use it as a possible context for my week.

Last week my horoscope was:
Continue reading “Caterpillar, what does it take to enter butterfly state? At least temporarily…”

The fallacy that slow is better. Slow is not better…

The fallacy that slow is better. Slow is not better…

slow is not betterSlow is better,  slow is not better…

First off: what is a fallacy? A fallacy is a belief, a behavior, a theory that is based on a premise, an argument that is mistaken. The low truth value of most science, economic theories, spiritual teachings, or most non-fiction book is because of this: the premise, the foundation, the argument is mistaken. The fact that someone got a Nobel Prize only shows that this is hidden from plain view.

This article will deal with one unsound argument, one premise that is false but invisible.

When T. Harv Eker said: when something is not working, there is something you don’t know… The “something you don’t know” is always from the invisible. ALWAYS. And more often than not, it is a premise, undebated, unconscious, taken for a fact.

So, here you go: the title says it all: it is believed that slow is good. That slow is “mindful”. Continue reading “The fallacy that slow is better. Slow is not better…”

What programs contributed to my success?

What programs contributed to my success?

contributed to my successWhat programs contributed to my success? What will contribute to yours? This is what we are going to look at in this article.

I planned this article to be a Vibrational Review of T. Harv Eker and his programs. But something shifted as I was writing… so it is both more and less than that.

Recently T. Harv Eker came out of retirement. He is doing his work now online, on a site his son, Jesse manages. He also writes his emails, etc.

Jesse and Harv could not be more different people. Jesse has no fire, while Harv is fire galore. Continue reading “What programs contributed to my success?”

Internet Marketing Beginnings: Greatness as Potential

Internet Marketing Beginnings: Greatness as Potential

greatness as potentialEach great thing that was ever built started with something that had the greatness as potential only.

I had an inspiration this morning: I woke up early. I made myself a cup of tea, went back to bed, and read a little.

About an hour later I woke up from a dream of writing THIS article. Here it is, just the way it came to me in my dream:

Each great thing that was ever built started with something that had the greatness, as a potential only.

Most didn’t look like the start of something great. Many times it was a comedy of errors and their correction that took someone to something big. Continue reading “Internet Marketing Beginnings: Greatness as Potential”