The fullness of love. the emptiness you try to fill

The fullness of love. the emptiness you try to fill

quote-loveIn this article I share what it takes to become a fulfilled human being… Not depending on the world for love, success, praise… being liked, being well thought of…

It is 9/11 today. 14 years ago this day I still thought that someone else can fill the gaping hole within me. That someone loving me can fill me with love.

That success will fill me with fulfillment.

It doesn’t, and it can’t.

Luckily I woke up from that induced societal slumber.
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Lack of confidence? Difficulty to trust yourself? This article is a must read if you want to become confident!

lack of confidence

Lacking confidence?

Summary: An enlightened being is confident. Confident in their ability to be a match to whatever life throws at them, and therefore they don’t fret, don’t sit around, they do what it takes to achieve what they set out to achieve.

A confident person can do almost anything. Confidence is not a belief, confidence is a certainty, a KNOWING, and it is a very high consciousness level… it is the capacity to see what isn’t there… because that is what it takes to KNOW that you are a match to anything, and if you fail, you’ll learn from it… just another way to be a match to life.

We could call the process of becoming confident the Path to Enlightenment…

Enlightenment is a process, that could be called becoming an Expanding Human Being… And the path to confidence… the process to become an Expanding Human Being, is finally ready.
And not surprisingly, this is the same path to a higher vibration, all the way from the puny vibration you have now, to the rarefied height of the 900’s, and anything in between.

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Why you are not as well as you’d like to be?

Why you are not as well as you’d like to be?

Diagnosis: what is it and why is it important for your emotional and physical well being? Or for your money, your relationship, your happiness?
Summary: In this article I prove that only by going back to the root of the discomfort, dis-ease, and misfortune, that you can “heal” the present and make the future more to your liking.
Whether it is in the area of your health, wealth, relationships, emotions, or your spiritual life.
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The attitude of high self-esteem, does it help you or hinder you? Here is your answer…

the price of high self-esteem is anxietyHigh self-esteem can be expressed in the picture of the cat looking in the mirror seeing herself as a lion. But is she? No. Therefore, any time she is just a cat, doing what cats do, she will feel bad about herself, because she isn’t living up to her own self-image of a roaring lion. She won’t be happy just being a cat, she won’t take correction, she’ll argue with you to death that she is OK, she doesn’t need to change, that she is a perfect lion.

That cat is you, my dear. Result: everything you try to change your life fails, because in order to change you need to allow yourself to not be perfect. In order to be trained, you need to empty your mind of everything that’s there, and declare yourself ignorant.
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Attitude Adjustment – is it easy? Can you do it?

Attitude Adjustment – is it easy? Can you do it?
How a simple attitude adjustment has made a big difference

I decided, a few weeks ago, to start to take the weekends off… if nothing else, in my mind. It makes a big difference. I still answer emails, and maybe even write an article on Saturday or Sunday.

But the attitude is: I do what I like… it’s my day off… Continue reading “Attitude Adjustment – is it easy? Can you do it?”

Growing, transformation, hitting a wall, getting stuck

Growing, transformation, hitting a wall, getting stuck

I am in a state that can be compared to the cocoon state. I intend to emerge on the other side as a butterfly.

Wasn’t I a butterfly before? Who knows. But humans don’t live a day or two, like butterflies, and they have more stages than butterflies.

When you grow (if you grow) spiritually your growth pattern is much like…
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3 Techniques to expand the limited view through which you experience life

transformAs I have said before, your experience of life is limited, narrow, and quite defined by your culture, family, upbringing, education, and early experiences.

As long as your view of life stays the same, life will stay the same, or worse: it is a downward spiral.

So it makes sense to explore and employ methods that can expand your view of life and thus allow for a life that can go in a different direction, instead of the downward spiral.
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The invisible context gives you the quality of your life

The invisible context gives you the quality of your life

I got the following story in an email. Great story to illustrate context. Another word for context is frame, because it is outside of the picture, it is not part of the picture, yet the picture changes when the frame changes, just like the stories of your life change when you manage to change the context, even if the new context has to be helped by a coach, like myself.

You see, what makes the stories and their meanings stuck is that the frame, that the context is invisible.

If it were readily visible, you would see to it that you change it. But as with everything that makes you miserable, it is the invisible that needs to be made visible, if you ever hope to get rid of the misery.
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Is the Law of Attraction true? Maybe… for some people… but definitely not for you

shameI just hung up with my friend… we talk every Sunday morning, and have been for seven years now.

He is one of my failure stories. 1

I have some of those. I have many quitter stories, I have even more testimonials, which are the stories of “flash in the pan” successes, and a few genuine success stories.

My results are not much better than others; the only difference, probably, is that I have a few genuine success stories of lasting alteration of being… lasting alteration of consciousness.

Most teachers encourage sharing of successes. ALL those successes are temporary, all those successes are “flash in the pan” successes… because the work that produces the success has stopped.

The definition of success, in a work of transformation, is PERMANENT alteration of the view of self, the view of the world, or consciousness. Alteration of personal reality.

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Happiness, Unhappiness… And the pretense of happiness

Happiness, Unhappiness… And the pretense of happiness

XmTF_460Osho’s article will resonate with a view that is closest to the Western view: look at the positive. I actually think that the approach has been damaging, because it quietly, silently, makes wrong the aspect of things, the aspect of people that you don’t like, don’t approve, don’t accept, don’t want.

Simply says: it perpetuates the cause of your unhappiness and then it masks it with a pretense of happiness… a lie. Continue reading “Happiness, Unhappiness… And the pretense of happiness”