Behaviors that hold you back from success

Behaviors that hold you back from success

behavior icebergThere is a behavior that I used to have, and have successfully beaten.

The behavior  is the “out of sight/out of mind”, “now that I am doing something else, I don’t remember the things I have been doing, promised, supposed to do…”

The behavior of a person who cannot keep 2-3-4-5 habits going concurrently.

If they are busy looking at something, they are so busy, that their water is not energized, their food list is not honored, they don’t practice their guitar, they don’t read, nothing. Just do that one thing.

With social media, smart phones, this is getting even worse… and I didn’t think it could get any worse than it was before.

What is the cause?

Continue reading “Behaviors that hold you back from success”

Why feeling your feelings is a good thing?

Why feeling your feelings is a good thing?
Almost all Source energies, almost all my energy products are co-creative

co-creative examples: in the ham and eggs dish the ham and the dish co-create. A male and a female co-create the offspring.. Continue reading “Why feeling your feelings is a good thing?”

How to get out of the cave of your mind to live in reality?

How to get out of the cave of your mind to live in reality?

I just had an email conversation with a client. She wanted my review on a marketed healing program, and I reviewed it for her. The person doing it: personal vibration 100, truth value of that program: 3%

The things you are attracted to cater to where you are in your evolution as a human… They talk to your ‘identity’, to your worldview, to who you are.

If you are attracted to a 3% truth value program it is because your worldviews truth value is about 3%. 97% not reality, not truth, 97% b.s. These programs sell like hotcakes… Because this is the level that most humans live on now. And it is getting lower. Continue reading “How to get out of the cave of your mind to live in reality?”

When life looks hopeless, too hard, unmanageable…

When life looks hopeless, too hard, unmanageable…

What do you do, where do you go, when life seems to tell you that you are not enough? When you feel you are pushed into overwhelm 1

When your precious I gets threatened?

When you get a glimpse that you are, in fact, not the knight in shining armor…

I think I am becoming more empathic. I think I am becoming more sensitive to your unhappiness. Maybe even more compassionate?

Compassion is seeing where you are at, seeing that I’ve been there before, and offering a helping hand to help you get through it. 2

This is not how you had it, am I right?

Anyway, back to topic… what do you do when you find that you are not enough, you are not a match to life? Continue reading “When life looks hopeless, too hard, unmanageable…”

What’s important to you? Do your actions mirror that?

What’s important to you? Do your actions mirror that?

Just look at your actions. Words are cheap. Only what you do counts, only what you do testifies about what is important to you.

It seems that being right, looking good, avoid domination of anyone or anything, including your own word, hoping, expecting the impossible… etc, etc, has been really important to you.

Where you are is where you are supposed to be, given all your actions.

Do all actions count? Talking, thinking, watching videos?

Only to a certain degree.

One of the people who have inspired me for many years is Werner Erhard, the founder of the est training.

What did he do? Continue reading “What’s important to you? Do your actions mirror that?”

Will measuring your vibration prove you are a butterfly?

Will measuring your vibration prove you are a butterfly?

First let me clarify the terminology: vibration is an invented logarithmic number… It indicates the level you are on the level of evolutionary scale in every area of life, including intellectually, spiritually, emotionally.

Butterfly life:

you can live life on the horizontal plane (caterpillar life) where everything feels personal, attacking, dangerous, offending, painful, dramatic, or the vertical plane, what we could call “heaven on earth” where you are not bothered by stuff… where you experience joy, enthusiasm, love, caring, etc… and get things done, so your life feels worth living.

One of the most frequent things people find my site with, is the question: what is the real difference between a butterfly and a caterpillar, and why you can’t talk butterfly language with caterpillar people. Continue reading “Will measuring your vibration prove you are a butterfly?”

Heaven or hell… same place, same people… the difference:

Heaven or hell… same place, same people… the difference is your self-talk

The opposite of Life is a conversation is you living in a world of objects, being an object. An object. Ugh. I don’t want to be an object. But if you look, you ARE treated as an object, by nearly everyone nearly all the time.

People don’t look at YOU, they look at your body, your clothes, your hair… but not YOU. Continue reading “Heaven or hell… same place, same people… the difference:”

Does any word added increase your vocabulary?

Does any word added increase your vocabulary?

I have written about increasing your vocabulary, I have said it in coaching calls, I have been asking people to do what it takes, and the answer is… nothing. 1

One possible reason is that you don’t know what I mean.

I have two students, one of them ex… 🙁 who, while reading books, wrote down words with their meanings, and learned them like a second language.

I, myself, look up every word on my kindle when I read, I don’t know, and then promptly forget the word. I have to look it up again the next time it comes up. And yet, I ‘sport’ an ever growing vocabulary, that has gone from 1000 in 2011 to 5000 nowadays. Continue reading “Does any word added increase your vocabulary?”

Correcting vs fixing or how illness is my racket

Correcting vs fixing or how illness is my racket

I don’t think I have ever really distinguished the difference between these two similar sounding activities… so it’s time.

As usual, I had to distinguish the difference for myself… the hard way.

I almost didn’t make it…

My strength deteriorated to the degree that I was having heart pain and exhaustion from just going from one end of the apartment to the other… So I started to mentally prepare myself to meet my maker, so to say.

The weird stuff was, that Source answered all my “diagnostic” questions with no… not my heart, not my lungs, not this and not that… yet it agreed that I was dying… Weird, right? Continue reading “Correcting vs fixing or how illness is my racket”

Everybody teaches you the shadow-work of Plato’s Cave

Everybody teaches you the shadow-work of Plato’s Cave

Confession: You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me

One of your most defining characteristics as a person is, whether you are an optimist or a pessimist.

But the common, and ordinary way to look at those attitudes is inane…  as in stupid and near-sighted. Continue reading “Everybody teaches you the shadow-work of Plato’s Cave”