The secret why the 8 billion isn’t successful and can’t be

The secret why the 8 billion isn’t successful and can’t be
If the caterpillar planned to become a butterfly, there would be no more butterflies.

What does that mean?

Planning to become, having a goal is counter productive. It takes your eyes off the here and now, and fixates them on some future pie-in-the -sky idea… Continue reading “The secret why the 8 billion isn’t successful and can’t be”

In and out of duality… And how to bring Witness to it

In and out of duality… And how to bring Witness to it
Simon Baker in his role as Nick Fallin in television series “The Guardian”.

I wrote this article seven years ago.

Two things about it: I write better today… yay. The second: lots of water has flown down the river… and some nuts we’ve cracked… and yet, a lot of people are stuck in their misery covering it up.

In the story on Netflix, The Guardian, the lead character finally shows his true colors… Continue reading “In and out of duality… And how to bring Witness to it”

Why are no thinkers among the 8 billion, Warren Buffet too

Why are no thinkers among the 8 billion, Warren Buffet too

I am reading a thought provoking book… There it is again, the language distortion.

No, the book is triggering thinking about it, it triggered for me real thinking… not thoughts.

I stayed up three hours later than usual to have the time to think. Continue reading “Why are no thinkers among the 8 billion, Warren Buffet too”

What creates the warped worldview that keeps you the same?

What creates the warped worldview that keeps you the same?

How you look at today comes from a worldview that you created for yourself at or around 3 year old age.

You can go and learn anything, philosophy, theology, Marxism, and yet, at the root of your worldview, the way you look at everything was created by an upset 3-year old.

At age 3, with very rare exceptions, we are all, when I compare you to an adult, dumb.

Even geniuses, like the little boy who played chess… emotionally, even these young geniuses are little kids… no sign of mature sensibilities. Continue reading “What creates the warped worldview that keeps you the same?”

Watching Netflix, Plugged Up Toilet, Higher Vibration

Watching Netflix, Plugged Up Toilet, Higher Vibration

If you know me, you know that I love movies. There was a time in my life when I thought that meant that I should, somehow, work in or with movies.

Today I know better. Movies is Source’s way to talk to me, to open my mind, help make me an Expanding Human Being.

So, what about movies… are you going to talk about movies now? Continue reading “Watching Netflix, Plugged Up Toilet, Higher Vibration”

What I say can change nothing for you, only what you say can

What I say can change nothing for you, only what you say can
What I say changes nothing for you, only what you say will

Unless, of course, I am a judge and my word is law…

But most people aren’t judges, and even if they judge: nothing changes. It is just words… And words only have power if the person who speaks them has the power to say.

Imagine Bill Clinton turn to his bedmate at night and say ‘I think the Russians have oversteps their boundaries. I think I’ll start a war.Continue reading “What I say can change nothing for you, only what you say can”

The ignorant is easily mislead. And we are all ignorant

The ignorant is easily mislead. And we are all ignorant

The ignorant is easily mislead. And we are all ignorant and thus mislead to one degree or another. It is on the scale of 1 to 100 like most things in life.

Ignorance, ignorant simply means: lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about a particular thing… often most things to be precise.

Ignoring, the verb, interestingly, means: make room for it, pay it no heed, grant it no significance. Continue reading “The ignorant is easily mislead. And we are all ignorant”

Principle: Make your plane land on the landing strip

Principle: Make your plane land on the landing strip

make your plane go where you want it to goI have been ‘harping’ on this principle with my students: hear the principle first, and then hear the rest…

Imagine that you are Cinderella… on the night of the big ball.

If I asked you (Cinderella) to separate the wheat from the chaff… what would you do first? If you are like me, you first find out what is the difference… in looks, in weight, and then start separating them accordingly.

I even used to use this capacity (oops, forgot to say, it’s a capacity!) to hire or not hire someone to work with me. I would ask someone to separate a pile of things by their category…

For you Everything is the same as everything else … except not always

Universally missing capacity… I found out.  The underlying capacity can be said with these words: be able to tell the forest for the trees. Continue reading “Principle: Make your plane land on the landing strip”

How to change your view of life so you can change your life

How to change your view of life so you can change your life
What you see is what gives you your attitude and your actions in life.

So if we can change what you see, we can help you change your life.

I love the analogy of the winding mountain pass where an unsuspecting motorist happens onto a car wreck in the middle of the two-lane road.

His options are to

  1. drive into the solid rock on the left,
  2. into the abyss on the right,
  3. into the wreck in the middle… or to
  4. slow down and drive around the wreck. Slowly.

Continue reading “How to change your view of life so you can change your life”

What makes Sophie cry? Why is she crying?

What makes Sophie cry? Why is she crying?

What makes Sophie cry?

Some people like rants, others hate them. For many listening to rants is entertainment. For others ranting, yours or someone else’s is a release, like a good dump.

I hate rants, I hate ranting, and yet, occasionally getting what bugs you out to the open can be therapeutic. This article… I guess, is a rant.

Continue reading “What makes Sophie cry? Why is she crying?”