What is all-of-it like? benevolent and disinterested? angry and frustrated?

angry antromorphic godI had the most peculiar experience today that forever changed my relationship to Source.

I have been muscletesting everything, and the results have been erratic, and even my name came out as no: Is my name Sophie? No.

That phenomenon is called “turned” when what means “no” become what normally means “yes”.

There is a way to turn oneself back… so no worries.

This “turning” has been becoming more and more frequent, so today I asked the question…
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Musings: muscletesting, mites, odds and ends

Musings: muscletesting, mites, odds and ends

I woke up this morning with despair in my heart. My life looked hopeless, not a ray of light. I started to plan what I needed to do to get my affairs in order… because living with no hope is worse than dying.

Although I was doing it, I was feeling it, I was doing that from my Observer position, so I wasn’t involved… and yet, I could see that it was hopeless…

I got lax and got re-infested with mites… and once you tasted freedom, slavery is intolerable… it effected me badly.
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Muscletesting course. The audio that instantly connects you

Muscletesting course. The audio that instantly connects you

Why you need muscletesting

One of the most useful things when you are working with the invisible, is the tool of accurate muscletesting.

    1. The first problem with muscletesting is that it’s not accurate unless you manage to connect to Source (i.e. be outside of your mind and outside of your ego, interest, vanity, looking good, and being right) while you are doing it.It’s not easy, and therefore you should not trust your muscletesting, unless you can connect to Source.Unfortunately, only a few of the people I have taught have actually been able to stay connected and muscletest… They can do one or the other, but not together.So, this morning, I asked Source if there was a way, like a tone, that would instantly disrupt the horizontal… i.e. the ego, etc. and put you into connection, whether you want to or not, though I guess you want to.

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Muscletesting: you are asking the wrong question?

Muscletesting: you are asking the wrong question?

muscletesting hand positionOne of the signs of human arrogance is that we think our questions are relevant.

That our questions will get answers that are usable, useful, and truthful.

Nothing is further from the truth.

When you ask your question you are already too deep in “knowing”… much like a detective who has already narrowed his search and investigation to one suspect: if the detective is off, the questions are off. And even if they get a yes answer every step of the way, that won’t make the suspect guilty… They asked the wrong question… and there are not enough yes answers to make it the right question.
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Do elephants paint themselves as their self-portrait?

Do elephants paint themselves as their self-portrait?

There is a video that is making the circles on youtube and facebook about elephants painting.

There is a lot of ooh and aaah, fascination, love of animals, and the paintings can sell for a lot of money…

So I first researched, then muscletested if in fact the elephants are

1. self aware
2. if they paint the pictures on their own accord… because it just didn’t feel right.
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If you are a healer, you want to read this…

healer healingI have students that are in the healing profession.

When they first start with me, they are confused, stunned, and ask me if they should quit doing what they are doing. Their whole attitude, in that moment, reveals to me what is not working about their healing.

Healing, much like the work I do, is restoring balance in a human being.

Because being out of balance can happen in so many different ways, and through so many years, even decades, and because you can be out of balance emotionally, intellectually, psychologically, chemically…. etc. etc. there is no healing modality that can restore anyone, there is no activator that can restore anyone, no coaching method…

Restoring balance is like picking a lock.

The most important quality a healer can bring to healing is being 100% present to what’s so, over time.

Imagine a tumble lock with 30-40 pins… the combination looks endless and it is near endless. Each pin’s position can be anywhere between on and off… Until you get it all right, the lock won’t turn, but yet, there are indicators that you are going in the right direction. You can feel it… But that doesn’t mean continuing doing the same thing, it only means, that the starting point now changed to the new starting point…
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The most significant accomplishment of the 20th Century

The most significant accomplishment of the 20th Century

I think the biggest and most significant accomplishment of the the 20th Century was distinguishing that you can muscletesting.

The original idea of that, which they called muscletesting, was that the body knows what’s true and what’s not. Unfortunately, the body what’s good for it, but not exactly the way muscletesting has been using and abusing it. Continue reading “The most significant accomplishment of the 20th Century”

MuscleTesting To Raise Your Vibration

bach flower remedies to raise your vibration Muscletesting To Raise Your Vibration

I have been trying to get the Muscletesting program ready for sale, but I have had a snag: the emotions list was too long, too cumbersome, and most people would not be able or willing to go through a list of 100 stages… including myself.

Even measuring the vibrational level of each feeling didn’t feel right. Now what?!

But I suddenly had an inspiration, a minute ago, and I think I have had the solution all along, just didn’t think of it that way.

The Bach Flower Emotions and the Bach Flower Energies are perfect. They are recognizable, they are real, they cover all the field of character defect and attitude errors.

So I am going to use those as a guidance system to attack your “garden pests” in the garden of your being.

How does it work?

You observe your symptoms. You find the matching Bach Flower Remedy. You either buy the remedy at your local health food store, or order it online. You practice observing the ego aspects of your personality, and with the help of the Flower you transform it.

You will use muscletesting to make sure that you are picking the right Flower. But even if you pick the wrong one, you are going to start the work of weed picking, and your vibration will rise.

You’ll get better, and you’ll fly higher.

Warning: you should do this for the purpose of identifying, and correcting your ego-self. To get instant gratification is nice, but will not raise your vibration permanently: you need to earn your vibration and you can only do it with conscious work.

The Flowers help but will only do transformation, which is impermanent. Transfiguration is the goal: that is permanent.

So, what is your next step?

Your best bet is to buy a book on Bach Flower Remedies: I like the books by Mechthild Scheffer and Stefan Ball. I, personally, nowadays, always refer to Mechthild Scheffer‘s book: it speaks the language I resonate with: I read it and feel the feeling associated with the flower… perfect for me. Which means, to me, that I find her the most “Tree of Life” and the others Tree of Knowledge… i.e. they got to their conclusions through thinking, not connecting.

Nevertheless, I think the workbook by Stefan Ball is useful for you. Buy them locally, or order them from Amazon. I buy them on Amazon.

I will quote each flower from Mechthild’s book and add my empath observations, maybe experience.
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Why would You Avoid The Truth Like A Plague?

Why would You Avoid The Truth Like A Plague?

case study: porcupine, cute but don't bark at it... you'll end up with quills in your mouth Why Muscletesting Is Your Enemy And Why You Avoid The Truth Like A Plague?

Muscletesting has been my main modality of getting answers from Source. I also get stomach lurch as a yes, nodding of my head as a yes when in a direct back and forth communication to Source, but the easiest and most straight forward way I get to decide if something is true or not, is muscletesting. Continue reading “Why would You Avoid The Truth Like A Plague?”

How To Muscletest Yourself: Getting To The Truth

How To Muscletest Yourself: Getting To The Truth

muscletesting yourselfMuscletesting Yourself accurately… the truth method of applied kinesiology

OK, I’ll tell the truth: muscletesting on yourself is easy, but muscletesting about yourself is not so much.

I teach the art and science of muscletesting in the muscletesting course, because this is the best tool ever to know things to do and not to do, to pick supplements, to do the right thing, for you.

But it is not easy, and I have never known anyone who does it right, or can teach it to others. Without the proper guidance you have a gun that fires all at the wrong time… misleading you. Continue reading “How To Muscletest Yourself: Getting To The Truth”