Can you be sick and be well at the same time?

Can you be sick and be well at the same time?

what-i-wantSome days the DS energies are stronger than others. Today is one of those days.

The energies can effect the emotions (just like the ones in the Heaven on Earth! just the opposite way: make them stronger instead of weakening them), other days the energies are like physical pain… if you imagine someone using a voodoo doll to torture you, by proxy.

I have an appointment at 3 and I need to decide if I should cancel it.

I connect to Source, and I muscletest: “Am I going to be well at 3?” The answer is yes. I know that the question was “illegal”, I am not allowed to divinate, ask questions about the future. Hm… I ask another question: “Am I OK now?” and the answer is yes.

I laugh and laugh and laugh. It’s funny.
Continue reading “Can you be sick and be well at the same time?”

Will reversing aging make your life better?

Will reversing aging make your life better?

Balding, graying hair, thinning hair, brittle hair, lifeless hair… ugh, limp hair, limp d1ck…

All signs, supposedly, of aging, but what if aging is really a loss of something that is there in abundance, and then life, living, the way you eat, the way you spend your time, the way you think, feel, enjoy or not…

I remember, back in Hungary, a whole different world, at least when I was young, there was a lot of talk about psychosomatic illnesses…

That is to say: it is all in your head… The way you use your brain, the way your brain uses you.

I already know a whole lot about how we are making ourselves miserable, a loser, a never do well, a dumb sh*t… but it seems that I knew a lot less than there is to know. Continue reading “Will reversing aging make your life better?”

Your biological age. are you younger than your calendar age?

Your biological age. are you younger than your calendar age?

how old are you and your behaviors?I have been looking at biological age as an overall indicator of how a person is doing health-wise.

Including myself.

At this point, please forgive me, I am more interested in myself, my own health than in yours. Selfish? Yeah. Selfless? yeah.

How can it be both selfish and selfless?

I am interested in getting a second lease on life, so I can do more of what I’ve been doing: pump Source for solutions for you, for your health, for your peace of mind, for your fulfillment, for you becoming all you can become.

So if I didn’t have you as a “client”… I would not be interested in extending my life either. So thank you… very much.

I would not be interested in most of the things i am interested in… I can thank my life to you. Continue reading “Your biological age. are you younger than your calendar age?”

Do you have, do you create drama in your life?

Do you have, do you create drama in your life?

Do you have, do you create drama in your life? Excitement?… or how to become a producer instead

This article may bring some pointers how you can have a life of producing results instead of drama.

Why isn’t everyone breaking a path to my door to participate in the Playground, my groundbreaking program?

When I look at my new buyer list, and the products they buy, I get a clearer sense of who I am reaching. I make no effort to reach anyone specific, anyone particular… by the way. I don’t know how to reach the person who would be able and willing to even consider taking the long road to where they want to get to. People want instant of near-instant results. Titillating results.

Just like art house movies are deemed boring, because the cuts are longer than a few seconds long… paths are deemed boring, tedious, and undesirable, if they take longer than 2-3 days, or alternatively a short exciting class with magical stuff in it. Continue reading “Do you have, do you create drama in your life?”

Case study: Disappearing your racket? Is it possible?

Case study: Disappearing your racket? Is it possible?

I have been complaining that my bills are higher than my income.

Now, complaining is the tip of the iceberg, the visible part, that indicates an iceberg underneath, under the water level… the kind of iceberg that sunk the might Titanic.

For the most part we ignore our complaints… whining, we may call them. Sissy, we may call ourselves. Cruel, we call the world. But paying attention? No, that we don’t do.

Why? I am not sure. I have some guesses, but your guess is probably as good as mine… as far as guesses go.

So I have decided to observe myself… after all there must be a benefit in living with myself… right? lol. Continue reading “Case study: Disappearing your racket? Is it possible?”

How to find your real self… Stop honoring your false self

How to find your real self… Stop honoring your false self

As I have written before, the book I am reading now is the Metaskills.

The author is a designer, and looks at life through a designer’s glasses.

The article “You live in a world of your own design” is one of the favorite articles on my site. People want to design their lives.

The popularity of the program, Mind Movies builds on that desire to design… but the requirements for design are not there, not there for 99.99% of humanity… What is there is something else, something that doesn’t allow for design.

The basics of being a designer is what is most missing in life… if you really look, you can see it. Continue reading “How to find your real self… Stop honoring your false self”

A hoax perpetuated on people is muscletesting.

A hoax perpetuated on people is muscletesting.

Why would anyone believe that you can simply test your muscles about any topic, mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical: it boggles the mind.

I first noticed that simple muscletesting is totally and utterly unreliable, when I was trying to pick a hand position when I was doing The Healing Codes.

Eventually concluded that I make a better decision about that by flipping a coin, or just doing any odd hand position. This last one proved a winner: it turned out that the hand positions don’t matter… what matters is looking at the issue underneath the spiritual blockage.

If you think that this is a harmless hoax… you should have to talk to people who are no puffed up with pride how wonderful they are, how they have this archangel walk with them, or some other absolute untruth.

My second time to suspect that muscletesting is harmful unless it is truthful is at the chiropractor. Continue reading “A hoax perpetuated on people is muscletesting.”

Why are my articles so hard to understand?

Why are my articles so hard to understand?

I have been having a difficult time writing enough about any one topic to finish one article… Meaning I have six articles started, and can’t or won’t finish them.

What’s going on?

I am afraid.

That’s new FEARLESS Sophie, tell me more?

Some of the things that are being shown to me recently are polarizing. Dividing people. Will make some, maybe many people angry.

The truth hurts. And when something hurts, it is natural to go to victim mode, effect mode, and point a blaming finger at someone. At me.

So I have been cowardly, and have been sitting on the fence.

But today I think I’ll overcome the inertia, and say what there is to say.

OK, it’s about vibration, capacities, and what you can get or not get, what you can use, what is going to work for you or not, depending on your numbers. 1When I measure your Starting Point Measurements, I give you a recommendation. It is not cookie cutter… I actually look what would be a step that you can take. Occasionally I say: I don’t recommend anything. That is a bad sign… 🙁 Continue reading “Why are my articles so hard to understand?”

The two types of truth testing… are you asking the body or the soul?

Yesterday I accidentally was lead to a year and a half old article of mine. I was stunned. I didn’t remember writing that article. It was the best article I have ever published… 100% channeled.

It was about the difference between asking-your-body type of muscletesting, and the asking-Source type of muscletesting. 1

Every nutritionist, chiropractor, etc. ask your body. Continue reading “The two types of truth testing… are you asking the body or the soul?”

Half of the people on the autistic spectrum are also empaths

Half of the people on the autistic spectrum are also empaths

I wasn’t planning on it. It just happened. A whole new insight… 1

I somehow got onto a youtube page that features a number of autistic videos. And I am going crazy… I am shutting down, I want to run, I am crying…

WTF is going on?

Turns out that the videos, as videos go, record the emotions of the scenes.

I watch a lot of Netflix series. I also read a lot. And I abandon a lot of books and a lot of series… in the middle.

There are certain scenarios I cannot be with… lust is one of them.

Continue reading “Half of the people on the autistic spectrum are also empaths”